*Family Reunion*

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Charlie's POV

"Hello Charlotte." The all to familiar voice said.

The first thing I did was lift my hand and smacked the person that stood in front of me. His head instantly snapped to the side at the impact.

"Okay I deserve that." He said rubbing his jaw. Angry tears ran down my cheeks at the sight of him.

"Where the fuck have you been?" I yelled at him. He looked up at me with crossed arms.

"I don't think that is the way you are supposed to treat your brother now is it?" He said with a raised eyebrow. This made me beyond furious. More tears fell down my cheeks and I pushed him. He stumbled back slightly but not far.

"What makes you think that after these three fucking years of no contact I'd welcome you back with hugs and open arms. If you thought that then you really are fucking stupid." I spat at him walking closer to him. I could feel the stares of the rest watching the scene unfold. Cole's eyes narrowed slightly.

"I left for a reason." He basically growled out at me. I just shook my head and laughed darkly.

"There is no reason in the world that you could give that is valid as to why you ignored your sister, your own mother for fucks sake. She was dying and you knew it, yet you ran. You ran back to Florida like a little baby. Do you know how hard it was to tell mother that her own fucking son wasn't going to visit her all of those Christmases. Do you even know how long she had even waiting for a text from you. A fucking text! How hard is it to send a simple message saying that you are okay, that you are fucking safe!" I yelled at him. His face remained straight.

"You you know how fucking hard it was to get constantly told that no one loved me because everyone was leaving me. First dad, then Luke, then you. Even my own mother will be leaving me." I said sobbing. A pained expression etched onto his face.

As more tears streamed down from my cheeks I turned and face my friends. They all, besides Jacob, looked at me with sad expressions. The look on all their faces showed nothing but pity.

"Don't. I don't need your guys fucking pity." I said through clenched teeth. I broke past my friends and ran upstairs. I tried to shut the door but a foot stopped it from closing. I looked up to see Jacob. He pushed his way into my room. Almost instantly he opened his arms. As soon as my head hit his chest I started sobbing. I wasn't even sad, I was angry.

He just sat there comforting me but soon his soft coo's of comforting turned into silence. I drifted off into the darkness that has been calling my name ever so softly. I felt a kiss on my forehead and the softness of my bed before I completely let the darkness consume me.

Laura's POV

Shortly after Jacob followed Charlie up he came back down. His eyes set on Cole who sat on the chair looking at the ground. A look of anger was on Jacob's face.

"You better tell us why the fuck you are here before I shoot your brains out for hurting her." Jacob spat at him pulling out a gun from his waistband. I saw Cole visibly stiffen.

"I had realized the mistakes I made in the past I had come to make amends to all of the relationships I had ruined." He said looking down. This is when I spoke up.

"You don't deserve her forgiveness. You left her just after Luke left her empty and broken. You left her when she needed you most. You don't deserve to even be in her presence anymore." I said glaring. He nodded slowly.

"I can't explain it to you because I promised I wouldn't but I had my reason's to leave just like Luke had his." Cole snapped. I just shook my head.

"This is completely off topic but who the fuck is Luke?" Austin asked. I turned to Mike to see him stiffen.

"Luke is my cousin, Charlie's ex boyfriend." Mike gritted out.

"Never bring Luke up around Charlie. I beg you please don't." I said my voice cracking.

"What did he do to her?" Victoria asked quietly.

"He killed himself." Mike said looking out the window. The air in the room became thick. I saw everyone visibly stiffen.

"You better get what the fuck needs to be said to her out quick. I can't stand seeing your face after hearing what you did." Jacob snapped before leaving the room and going up towards Charlie's room again.

"Is that Jacob Sinclair?" Cole asked quietly.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Austin snapped, obviously protective over his friend.

"No." Cole said standing up.

"Call me when she is awake and ready to talk. It's the same number from all those years." He stated before walking out of the house. As soon as he left the thickness in the air lightened, not much but a little. The room was dead silent, you could probably hear a pin drop. With a sigh I stood up and walked into the kitchen.

Hey guys!!! Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you all are enjoying the story!!

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