*Vroom Vroom Bishes*

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Charlie's POV

     I walked down the hallway of the school, the buzzing of the chatter from the other students filled my ears. I kept my head down as I walked, hoping to not catch the attention of Justin and his goons. I had a break from them the few days I took off from school but now that i'm back I feel like they will attack.

   Jacob is back in school though today. I got here before he did since he had some business to take care of before he came in. At least I know he will be here today if something were to happen with Justin.

   "Hey loser!" I heard the voice of Justin call. Shit. I slowly lifted my head and locked eyes with the boy that stood about six feet tall.

   "What is it?" I asked quietly. He smirked and crossed his arms before speaking.

   "I saw you took some time off of school. Was there any particular reason?" He questioned with a smirk. I quickly shook my head and looked down again. It was silent for a moment but then I felt a tight grip on my arm that made me yelp quietly.

   "Look at me when you are being spoken to." He barked out. I nodded frantically and looked up.

   "I think you will want to let go of her." I instantly recognized the voice. In that moment I knew all hell was about to break loose. Justin's grip on my arm left making it so I could turn around. A beyond raged Jacob stood there glaring at Justin. Oh god.

    "Tell me why you think it was a good idea to ever lay a hand on her." Austin said coming out from behind Jacob. I looked back over to Justin to see him gulp. I've never seen him this nervous before.

    "I- uh. I'm sorry it wont happen again." He said frantically before sprinting down the hall. Watching him run scared oddly but a smile to my face.

   "So that is why you came home from school so bruised." Jacob said after a moment of silence. I looked up at him and nodded slowly.

   "That man is dead." He said before turning and walking back towards the entrance of the school, meaning he was leaving. My eyes widened and I began running after him. Once I finally caught up with him I stopped him.

    "Please don't kill him." I said quietly.

   "He hurt you." He said shortly. I shrugged.

   "And so have many others in this school. Just please don't kill him."

   "Stop sticking up for him. Scum like him doesn't deserve it." He snapped. My mouth flattened out into a straight line before I scowled at him.

"Just because he did something mean that doesn't mean you need to kill him!" I yelled at him. He grunted and glared at me.

"He did something mean to you. You Charlie. Everyone should know not to mess with you. If they do they die. It's simple so stop trying to change my mind." He snapped again.

     "You don't always need to protect me! I can protect myself sometimes!" I huffed.

     "Yeah well back there you weren't doing shit to protect yourself." He said pointing back to the school.

    "You didn't even give me the chance to even try to protect myself!" I was beyond mad at this point.

     "Why don't you just go cry and whine to someone who actually cares. You're wasting my fucking time." He snapped pulling at the ends of his hair. I froze at that sentence.

     "Fuck you Jacob." I said before turning around and started walking away from the school. Although I didn't get far because a black van pulled up in front of me blocking my exit.

    I froze in my spot confused. Three large men got out of the van and grabbed different parts of my body. I thrashed around and screamed but it was no use, they were just to strong.

     Just as they were about to shut the door I saw Jacob running as fast as he could towards the van but it was no use. As soon as he got in 20 feet of the van it sped off.

    "Holy shit. Did I just get kidnapped." Was the last thing that left my mouth before everything went black.

Sorry for the short chapter!!!

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