Chapter ten

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By the time we reached the two tributes, they are both standing, arms crossed on their chests, looking at us. I decide to try a different approach than with Anthos, only because it's clear that they're not receptive to what we're going to say. Back at home, I learned that the best way to get someone's attention and eventually trust is to ask for help for achieving something that the other person knows how to do.

"Hey! I'm Finnick, this is Viviana and this is Anthos. We saw you helping him make a fire and we were wondering if you could show us as well."

Again, I try to put on my most convincing smile. Of course, I already know how to start a fire from scratch, but it's the first thing that came to mind. The boy from seven looks at the other one who shakes his head slightly.

"I'm Cedar." says Seven while slowly uncrossing his arms, completely ignoring the other guy.

It worked. I can't believe it worked. Well, technically I still don't know if it did, he just told us his name and nothing more. But seeing him switch position from a defense, almost hostile one to a more open one is encouraging.

"Have you ever tried to start a fire?"

"No, neither did she." I answer while pointing at Viviana.

"I never did either." adds Anthos.

All three of us are lying and we know it, but we act as if we were ignorant. Cedar exhale loudly, visibly discouraged. He tells us to stay here while he gets some wood for us. The boy from three follows him and I can see them arguing while they walk. Judging by the body language from Three, he's not happy. They're probably talking about us and he's explaining how stupid it is from Cedar to help us.

"Every time you get close to make a fire, drop everything and act as if you're having a really hard time doing this."

My two allies nods and we stay silent until the two other tributes arrive. Three is definitely mad he's not having it his way.

"So, let's get started. There are many methods to start a fire, but we'll start with the hand drill. Fire needs three things: oxygen, fuel and heat. Here, the wood will act as fuel, oxygen is everywhere around you and the heat will be coming from the friction."

He then proceeds to show us how to build a tinder nest and prepare the piece of wood that we're going to spin. We all observe quietly, even Three who looks a little less unhappy. As he's spinning the piece of wood, a little bit of smoke start coming out. Just before it ignites, I look back and see that at least two game makers are looking at us.

"It's okay, we get it. Can we try now?" I say, in an attempt to stop him.

I immediately regret the tone of my voice. It sounded urgent, almost like pleading. Good news is, it worked. He's looking at me, confused by my sudden change of attitude, but at least he stopped producing friction and the smoke is starting to dissolve in the air.

"I guess so."

"We could team up in smaller groups, we'd learn faster this way. What about Cedar, Viviana and Anthos and I'm gonna team up with you." I say, pointing at Three.

I see that he is far from being happy with my request. In fact, I don't think I'm looking forward to it myself, but I don't have a choice. He's obviously going to be harder to convince than Cedar and we'd gain a lot of time if Viviana and Anthos took care of him while I was trying to convince the reticent one. My teammates understand my strategy quite fast and they both agree with my suggestion. To my surprise, even Cedar does. When Three looks at him like he's about to rip his throat, he simply explains that back in his district, they separate the kids in smaller groups to help them learn faster. My new teammate and I go a little further and build a second tinder nest. While we work, he seems to open up and relax a little. Even if he doesn't appreciate my company, it's clear he likes to work in a team and hates being alone. I offer that he starts the first fire and he immediately accepts. It takes way longer than when Cedar was doing it, but eventually, smoke rises in the air and then a flame appears. I put a little weed on it, just enough to kill the fire, but not too much so that it's not suspicious. The reaction is immediate.

"You spoiled it!"

"Well I'm sorry! I didn't know it would kill it. Here, let me try."

He angrily gives me the stick and step back, arms crossed on his chest. Since it's not the first time I had to start a fire, it takes me a little less time than him to get smoke, but way more than Cedar. Again, just before it ignites, I stop. He gets mad.

"Why do you keep spoiling it? What are you trying to achieve exactly? Die sooner in the arena because you don't want to learn how to make a fire?"

"I'm trying to do the exact opposite! Stop being so loud!"

He's about to add something, but he stops before any words come out of his mouth. He's analyzing my face, my posture, everything. He's trying to know if I'm serious or not. I guess it's working because his expression change from a confused, angry one to a scared one.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm going to try again and while I do, look at the game makers. Act normal."
He does as I said and after a moment, just when smoke is starting to appear, I mess it up again on purpose.
"What did you see?" I ask.
"Nothing, they're just looking at us and smiling at each other."

"What do you mean, exactly? It's literally their job."
"They're looking at us to find our weaknesses and our strengths. They want an amazing show, do you really think they're going to let us die the first day?"
"So what, they're going to change the arena based on their notes?"
"They're going to change it enough so that the careers have an advantage, but not too much so we don't notice. They always give the careers an advantage, only because they put on the best show."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because we want you and Cedar on our team."
He looks briefly at Seven, who's looking at us; I can feel his eyes on my back. Three nods, probably having a silent discussion with his ally. By now, Viviana and Anthos must have found a way to tell Cedar about the game makers, buying his trust just like I did with the teenager standing in front of me. Secrets really are a powerful weapon.
"I'm Adenias." he says, extending his arm, waiting for me to shake his hand.

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