Chapter sixteen

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After forcing me to say sorry to a sorrowed Ionel and havingme eat breakfast, Mags made me follow her into a room while Viviana wentsomewhere else with her mentor. I've always found it weird that even thoughthere is more than one victor in District four, they always choose only two ofthem every year, alternating between each one, to work with us instead ofhaving all of them to work as a team to help us better. Plus, they arecurrently all in the Capitol as they are forced to watch the Games every yearso it wouldn't be that hard to have them here with us. I guess it's to stayimpartial as it wouldn't be fair for the districts that don't have that manyvictors; districts like twelve that only has one, a drunk, carelessand irresponsible victor. As much as I want to believe that theory, I findpretty unlikely. The Capitol doesn't really care about fairness.

"Your performance during the parade was pretty good, people loved it and that's what we need. Thing is, during the interviews, you're going to talk and we can't say that your attitude towards the Capitol has been exemplary."

"Well we can't say that sending twenty four children into an arena so they can kill each other is an exemplary attitude either."

"I never said that Finnick. I don't agree with what they're doing, never have, never will. But there are things that can't be said whenever you want. Being arrogant during the interviews can literally kill you."

"So what am I supposed to do then?"

"Play their game."


I'm standing in line, waiting for my turn. In front of me, Viviana keep nervously shifting from one foot to another. I gently put my hand on her shoulder, which seems to make her relax a little bit. We both watch Adenias' interview. Just like us, he probably spent the day reviewing different strategies and it shows because his usual distrustful facial expression is replaced by a more threatening and confidant smile. Caesar keep asking questions about the strategy he'll adopt during the games, but every time, he finds a way to change the subject and stay very vague about what will happen which have an incredible effect on the crowd; they're all on the edge of their seat, clinging to each of his words. When the sound announcing the end of his three minutes goes off, the citizens all seem deceived to still be hanging for an answer. He gets up and waves to an ecstatic crowd, a big mysterious smile on his face. As he walks out, Viviana looks back at me, definitely anxious. When Caesar calls her on scene, she has no choice but to go. I step forward, now next in line. As soon as her foot touches the scene, her scared and shy attitude switches to an outgoing one. She waves energetically at the crowd. They start talking about her result during the training and just like Adenias, she stays vague about it, but find a way to let the crowd know that she has more than one trick up her sleeve and that she is way more dangerous than she appears. They seem to like her performance as they laugh at all of her jokes. Before I know it, Viviana walks out and it's my turn.

My turn.

I walk on stage, a smirk on my face and my hands behind my back, just like I practiced earlier with Mags. My disinterested and confident look make the audience start screaming like crazy and what I thought to be impossible happens: they go even wilder when I shake Caesar's hand and wave to them before sitting down.

"I'll tell you a little secret; you were actually the tribute I was the most excited to meet and so far, I'm not disappointed!"

"Don't worry, I won't tell the others" I answer after a laugh.

Play their games.

"Well thank you, I'm honored. Let's cut to the interesting stuff! Pulling an eleven is in itself an amazing thing, but doing it at fourteen is even more impressive!"

"You know what is even more impressive? That suit you're wearing, where did you get it? It is so elegant and splendid! Be careful, when I come back, I might just steal it!" I respond as we both start laughing.

It's supposed to look like an almost attractive laugh to the Capitol people; a full bellied, head thrown back, almost honest laugh. It seems to have the desired effect as the crowd laughs with me and Caesar.

"Well I'm really flattered that you like my suit, but now I'm a little scared that you might win! Speaking of winning, how concerned should I be about you coming back for my suit?"

"Oh, you should be really concerned!"

"You do look confident in your ability to win and honestly, this kind of scares me for the safety of my suit!"

Again, we start laughing and we continue until he asks me another question.

"A boy as handsome as you must have a special someone to come back to."

This is something Mags predicted he was going to ask as it's a question that comes back every year. Of course, she helped me prepare an answer.

"I currently do not have a special lady back at home, but I hope this is going to change when I get back." I say, adding a little wink at the camera which again, makes the crowd go wild.

They're still screaming when I finally hear the sound announcing the end of my interview. I get up quickly, excited for this to be over.

"Until next time." I say shaking Caesar's hand before waving to the audience one last time before finally going backstage where Viviana, Mags and Alder are greet me.

We decide to go back to our apartment to comfortably watch the rest of the interviews on the couch.

We all don't really pay attention until it's Cedar's turn. When his name is called out, we all sit straighter, as if it was going to make us hear better. Caesar welcomes him on stage and starts asking questions. Nothing interesting or abnormal goes on until he says something that catches everyone's attention.

"Cedar, your uncle was in the games almost twenty five years ago along with Adenias' uncle. I'm pretty sure the crowd remembers them; after all, they were probably everyone's favorite that year. It's pretty crazy that both their nephew are in the same Games."

Cedar's face stays blank of any emotions. He's just looking in the horizon, his jaw clenched.

"Their alliance was, let's say, entertaining and their friendship was very interesting. We were all saddened when they passed away trying to save one another."

"They didn't pass away; they were murdered!" he replies with an angry voice, almost shouting.

The look on Caesar's face makes me understand Mags' warnings. Cedar is not playing their Games, he's playing his own and he just signed his own death warrant.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 

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