Chapter fifty

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I'm looking out the window at the end of the train, comfortably seated on the couch. It must be around five forty; the sun is slowly rising up in the sky. It's a beautiful sight, definitely one of the many things I missed while I was in the arena. The orange and yellow makes the sky glow like gold. It's nothing compared to the beautiful sunsets I used to watch on the beach, but it's still comforting to know that the next sunrise I see will be from my new home in the victor's village. I don't doubt that my parents will want to move into something new, they always talk about it since my brother died. Everything reminds them of him: the empty chair at the table, the clothes that I now wear and especially the empty bed in the bedroom that we used to share. I think it will do them a lot of good. I spent the whole night worrying about them, imagining all the things Snow could do to them. I don't know what he wants me to do, but it's certainly not as simple as smiling in front of a camera or the crowd, otherwise he wouldn't have acted like this. Before the Games started, Mags clearly warned me about the things the Capitol can do if they are not pleased with you. I think I acted like he wanted me to, but he was certainly angry at the fact that I was going home earlier than he expected. What more did he even wanted me to do anyway? The door slides open, interrupting my course of thought.

"Good morning. Did you get any sleep? I went to your room, but it was empty so I thought I'd find you here."

"Yeah, I slept here." I answer to Mags with a forced smile.

She exhales loudly before sitting down beside me; she knows I'm lying but doesn't add anything. It's not my fault I can't sleep. I'm pretty sure no one sane could after having gone through the Games. I wonder if the Careers would have had nightmares. Probably not.

"We should arrive in district four at around midnight and we should reach the district center by eight. There is going to be a big celebration; a lot of people are going to be there to thank you."

"Thank me for what? Killing people?"

"They will be grateful for the year of food and other needed things. They will thank you for coming home."

"Viviana didn't get to come home. Neither did Cedar, Adenias, Anthos and all the others. They didn't come home because I did." I reply with a cold voice. "There's nothing special to celebrate."

"I know it's not easy. You only have to do it one more time and then it's over."

"It's never going to be over."

"One day, it's just going to come naturally. You won't even have to think about it."

"Is that what you do?"

"It's what we all do, Finnick."

"Well some people are bad at it." I say, thinking about how Haymitch Abernathy admitted on live television he only accepts to go to the Capitol every year because of the alcoholised beverages.

"Yes; yes, you're right."

She starts laughing, probably thinking about that guy too, and for the first time, I join her without having to fake it. Maybe all hopes aren't lost after all.


I have been watching the sea since we entered District four. I can't keep my eyes off the beautiful deep blue water. I can't wait to go swimming. I can almost imagine the sensation of the cold water running on my feet as I stand on the beach. In the distance, I can see the tall electrified fence that protects us from the outside world or, most likely, restrains us from escaping. We are a few minutes away from the district center; I'm about to see my parents and Cyprian again. I can feel my heart beating harder and faster as the train starts slowing down until it stops completely. The door of the living room slides open and Mags enter the room. Unlike yesterday, she has a big smile on her face.

"Welcome home, Finnick."

I jump out of the couch and walk as fast as I can to the main entrance of the train, followed by my mentor. Outside, people are cheering, screaming my name. I feel Mags' hand pressing on my shoulder.

"You can do this; I'll be right behind you."

I don't have time to answer anything. The main door slides open, revealing a huge crowd. I step off the train and walk towards the entrance of the justice building, escorted by five peace keepers. I try to keep smiling, but all that screaming is really starting to be overwhelming. I wave one last time to my district before finally entering the building. As soon as the door closes behind me, I lose the idiotic smile and allow myself to breathe again. Is this really what I'll have to do for the rest of my life?

"Finnick, I have a few things to do so I have to leave. I'll be back in thirty minutes."

Mags leave before I can even answer anything, escorted upstairs by peacekeepers. My heart skips a beat when I think back about Snow's reaction. Another peacekeeper pushes me into a room, preventing me from warning her.

"Mags! Wait!" I scream.

She turns back, but the peacekeepers aggressively push her away while another one closes the door behind me, making all form of contact impossible. I start tapping on the door with the palm of my head, screaming her name anxiously. This is it; they're going to kill her. I was wrong. Even a victor is not safe from the Capitol's anger.

"You don't have to worry. She's gonna be fine, she just has a meeting. Welcome home, Finnick."

I turn around slowly without making a sound. There, in the corner of the room, is standing a man. I hadn't seen him when I entered and I wish I could go back to when I didn't know he was there.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cerne." I mutter, looking at the ground to avoid seeing the mayor, Viviana's father. 

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