Chapter forty-six

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I keep looking at the image that the mirror is sending back. My prep team made sure I was as presentable as possible, but something still looks off. During the past few days, I had to go through four interviews, but none of those will be broadcasted before tomorrow, way after tonight's final event with Caesar. It's the first time the Capitol and the rest of Panem see me since I emerged from the arena. It's also the first time I'm going to see Caesar since the Games and I don't know how to feel about it. I never thought I'd have to talk to him ever again, yet here I am. I'm even wearing an outfit similar to the one he wore last time I saw him. Ateia, my stylist thought I'd be happy to have it.

I don't know what I resent the most, watching the Games and seeing myself kill or having to hear Caesar's enthusiastic comments about it. I have no doubt that this interview will be way harder than the other ones where it was mostly questions about me and my life before I came to the Capitol. Those ones were easy to answer because I could be honest. Tonight, I'll have to pretend and this will be far more intricate. Exasperated, I turn away and go back to my bed. While seating patiently, I start playing nervously with the bracelet on my right wrist. The tokens were one of the first things I asked for when I was finally able to get out of my room. Of course, only mine was returned, the other ones were put up for sale. The auction is supposed to happen during tonight's party, right after the interview. I wish I could have kept them to return them where they belong: with the families of the fallen tributes. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll find a way to buy them. It'll be expensive, but I don't have to worry about money anymore.

I run my fingers over the wave pattern engraved in the cold metal. This action that is so simple used to make me feel better instantly, but now it just reminds me of the emptiness that took over my emotions. I know that this is only temporary, or at least I hope so, but I feel so helpless and lost. It used to be the same way after I lost my brother and after a few years it finally passed. Of course, there are still some bad days and I still have nightmares quite often, but at least it's way better than it used to be. Maybe this type of grief and pain will pass too?

"Are you ready Finnick? It's time to leave."

"Yeah. Let's go." I answer with a disinterested voice before grabbing my things and leaving the room for the last time.


I can hear the crowd screaming in excitement from behind the large curtain where I once stood with Viviana. In front of me, my prep team, Ateia and Ionel, district's four escort, are as eager to show off to the crowd as the citizens of Panem are to see the victor. They make me want to run away to be alone. Unlike them, Mags is standing still, right beside me. She looks anxious and scared. I can't imagine what I look like. As we hear Caesar announcing that the moment everyone is waiting for is almost there, Mags turns in my direction.

"Finnick, I know this isn't easy, but try to smile. And don't forget: you are grateful for everything that the Capitol and its Citizens have given you. Play their Games."

I slowly nod to show her that I understood. The way she looks at me clearly indicates that she's worried, but I don't pay much attention to it. I won't screw up. My idiotic prep team is the first one to leave for the spotlight, followed by Ionel, then Ateia and finally, Mags. It's not until I'm all alone that I wished I wasn't. They each have a small interview that lasts a few minutes. Anxiety is building up inside of me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. Welcome to the stage the victor from the 65th annual Hunger Games: Finnick Odair!"

The crowd goes crazy as soon as my name is pronounced. As I step on the scene, I see Mags shaking her head in disagreement from the corner of my eyes; she probably isn't looking forward to this either. She's seating in the front row, as close as possible to the scene. As weird as her reaction looks, I don't have time to question it. Just as she instructed me to do, I smile and wave to the people like during the first interview. The weirdly dressed citizens stand up from their seats, screaming my name and cheering. I walk towards where I will be seating for the rest of the event: a white luxurious couch with shiny silver legs. It looks like it's covered with some kind of expensive leather and the back is decorated with small diamonds placed randomly. Before seating down, I shake Caesar's hand as firmly as confidently as I can in an attempt to hide my real feelings.

"Well, it's good to see you again Finnick." he says once the crowd has calmed down a bit. "I see that your stylist made you a suit similar to mine. I'm kind of happy about this. I was scared that you would come after me when they announced that you were the victor."

It's only then that I realize that he's wearing the suit I complimented during my first interview. I don't know what to answer, so I just laugh, hoping he won't continue on this topic. I made those comments because I wanted to live, not because I genuinely liked it. I'm pretty sure no one from the Capitol actually understood that. Only someone who has never had to fear for its life could believe something like that.

"I think that I wouldn't be wrong if I said that you have a lot of fans here were hoping that you would emerge from the Games as the Victor." he says, a wide smile on his lips. He has to wait for the crowd to settle-down. "Even if we all saw what you were capable of, especially after you pulled up the best score in training, I think that some people were still skeptical towards the odds of you being crowned victor due to your age. Tell me, Finnick, how does it feel to have proven them wrong by becoming the youngest victor in the history of the Hunger Games?"

"I'll have to admit that it feels really good. I'm really glad I'm here tonight to thank everyone for their continuous generosity and constant support during the Games."

Of course, none of this is true. Once again, I'm just pretending.

"Well I'm sure that everyone who donated doesn't regret it. We're really glad to have you here with us tonight, am I right?"

Once again, the crowd goes wild, screaming and clapping frantically their hands. Caesar waits for them to calm down before making a few more comments and asking me some more questions. Then, he becomes serious again.

"Well I think that it's time to start the highlights of the Games, what do you think, Finnick?" 

The 65th Hunger Games - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now