Chapter twenty-one

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"Don't you guys find it weird that it must be about one and the sun still hasn't shown up yet? It looks like its dawn and it has been like this since we arrived." asks Cedar, shivering because of the cold.

"I don't think the sun is ever going to show up at all. The only things we are going to have are nights and dusks." answers Adenias looking at the sky. "It's already freezing so my best guess is that it's going to be unbearable during the night. These clouds are all we're going to see."

"You're probably right. They want us to make fires because we had such a hard time doing it during training." I say almost whispering.

"We should stop and figure out something. We've been walking for like three hours and we still haven't found any water source."

We all gladly agree to take a little break. We put our things on the ground in an orderly manner to examine each item. We have four backpacks from the Cornucopia, one sword, two knives, one other backpack and a dagger, respectively picked out on the ground and on a dead tribute by Anthos. We all flinch a little when we learn where he found the dagger, but we all know something similar was going to happen soon enough. To change our minds, we decide to open the bags and take a look at what's inside. In each of the fours Cedar and I grabbed, there is one sleeping bag, a very thin body combination, a small container filled with water and three packs of dried jerky. At least we know we're going to be able to drink and eat today. In Anthos' bag, we find two bags of dried fruits, one water bottle and a small kit to start fires.

"They are definitely insulated. The fabric looks a lot like what we are wearing, except it keeps the heat better." declares Adenias, holding one of the combinations. "I'm starting to think that anyone who doesn't have combinations, sleeping bags or a fire is not going to make it through the night. Finnick, how many bags with the combinations were there in the Cornucopia?"

"Eight and we got four of them. The girl from your District grabbed one, which means that we have to consider the fact that each of the remaining Careers might have one combination in their possession."

"They will wait for people to start lighting fires and they will start the hunt."

"The bags don't contain anything to help see in the dark. Unless they find a solution, they'll probably be slowed down by this. It's our first day in the arena so we still don't know what kinds of danger we are facing. They might not be the best Careers tributes in the history of the Games, but they are definitely not stupid and might wait a little before starting exploring. Maybe we should do that too."

"Viviana is right. We've done everything except examining our surroundings."

Adenias and Viviana do have a point. Now that it's been said out loud, I think we all feel pretty stupid as this should have been one of the first things we do.

"Well, we are in a forest."

"Great observation, Anthos." says Adenias with a sarcastic tone.

"But seriously, have you seen something that you feel the need to share apart from the fact that there are trees all around us?"

Suddenly, we hear a high pitch scream that Adenias quickly recognize as Willow's, his District partner. Probably without even thinking about it, he starts running in the direction the sound came from. Cedar and I rush to follow him, running by his side while trying to reason him. Other tributes may have heard the scream and might be coming our way or worse, the Careers may be the reason behind her scream. We are definitely not ready to fight them.

"Guys! She's there!" screams Cedar, terror in his voice.

Adenias stops abruptly and I almost run into him. He turns around and starts walking towards a tree in silence, making me question the reason behind their grave face as I can't see her yet. Then, as I move around my allies to get a better view of the situation, I see it. At first, it's just an arm sticking out of a bunch of vines and then I notice her face. It's bluish and her eyes are reddened by the blood. The loud sound of a cannon echoes in the arena but none of us move. Slowly, the vines start retrieving, uncovering more parts of her dead body. They left some marks on her skin where they tightened. Adenias is looking at her, helpless. We all take a step back at the same time, putting some distance between the trees and us. The arena killed her.

When the hovercraft arrives to pick up the body, we don't move. We stay there until we hear a new scream, but this time, it's from someone on our team, it's Anthos'. Cedar grabs the bag lying at the end of the tree and we rush back to where we left him and Viviana, hoping that the vines haven't got the best of him yet. When we arrive, my District partner is trying to cut the dangerous plant as he struggles more and more to get out.

"Everyone, stop moving! Anthos, you need to calm down!" screams Adenias.

"Easy to say for you!" he answers, grunting as they slowly get around his neck while everyone except the tribute from three is trying to cut him free.

He starts looking around to finally seize a big branch, only to hit Anthos on the head as hard as he can, which knocks him out.

"What are you doing? You're going to kill him!" says Viviana, shocked by the situation.

He doesn't answer, his eyes locked on his victim's face, probably waiting to hear the blast of the canon. Just like him, I keep looking at Anthos, waiting for him to move. I only realize that Adenias and Cedar started fighting when I hear Viviana pleading them to stop. I quickly jump in, trying to separate them. I finally get between the two opponents and push the boy from three down on the ground. I then proceed to restrain Cedar with all my body weight.

"What are you doing? He killed Anthos and now he's going to kill us too! If you're not going to help me, at least move out of my way!"

"He didn't kill him! Did you hear a canon? Because I sure as hell didn't! Look at the vines! They're releasing him. They're triggered by movement."

At first, he doesn't seem to believe me since he doesn't look away from my eyes. I sustain his fierce and provocative glare until he finally glances at the tree where Anthos was held. His neck and a big part of his torso are now cleared of any plant.

"I'm so sorry Adenias. You saved him." He says, looking shamefully at the ground. 

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