Therapis Dark X Mental Wilford

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I was lock up in a white room nothing in it, just a white bed."what happened to my life,why won't the voice leave me along, I'm so along, they are right I'm a madman that deserves this, deserves to be along" I said, the door was opened revealing my therapist doctor walk in with medical kit and my pills. "h-hi" I said stuttering. The doctor didn't answer he just blankly stared at me. He undid my mental clothes to reveal my blooded up arms. I could hear him growled under his breath.when the doctor was cleaning my arms he finally spoke "so who hurt you this time" dark said. ".....I did it, t-the vo-ices t-to-ld me t-to". Dark sighed and carefully put my hands back into my clothes then tied my hands and told me to open my mouth. I did open my mouth and he put a blue and pink pills in my mouth. I swallowed and he left, locking the door...... Leaving me all on my own AGAIN! with just my voices to kill me inside. I felt really dizzy I don't know why. I passed out my hole body hit the bed.

It has been an hour and I opened my eyes to see darkness,just darkness. It reminded me of the asylum room I had been locked up in there for 3 months. It was killing me I didn't want this, I didn't want to be in darkness, the voices came back. I felt trap again, I don't want to be trapped I just want to be free.

I felt a hand rest on my thoulder, I turned around and so a man, he was in a black suit, his skin was gray, his eyes were black shaid, he had black misty hair one of his eyes were coverd. He also had a blue and red arau roam around his body. "hello wilford old friend" the dark glitchy voice man said. "h-hello who are you and how do you know my name"....... "*sign* my names darkiplier but you can call me dark and I know you because an old friend told me to... Protect you" dark said. " oh OK, anyways my names wilford warfstache but you can call me will"i said cheerfully.

" well I belive you want to be free" dark said. "more than anything, I had my time in that horrible place, and all that happened there is that I got worser and the pills never helped" I said, I saw dark gave a faint smile on his lips he soon took out his hand and I accepted it.

" your wish is my command" dark jokely said. I laughed for some time and spoke.

"i have a feeling we're gonna get along with each other so we'll".............................

"I'm finally gonna be free"

" guess life just needs a bit of madness"

Sorry if it's short

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