❤Chapter 1

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JISUNG's pov


I ruffled my hair as i sat down on the edge of the bed. This is my 3rd time getting fired.. My co-workers are fucking assholes. I sighed once again still not knowing what to do with my life.

My life is falling apart..

Maybe getting some fresh air would help calming me down..

I stood up and slowly walked out of my apartment. I walked on the side of the road, the breeze that brushing through my skin did actually calmed me down.

I admire the city with a slight smile on my face. While walking my phone buzzed interuppting me, I stopped to check who it was or what it is. It was a text from Felix.

Freckled boy

Where r u?

Im taking a walk

But i wanted to hangout:(

Sorry lix
I'll come home as fast as possible

Me and Seungmin will be waiting

After our chat i put my phone back to my pocket and saw the location i am in, i was in the 'Dangerous' part of Seoul. Before i could walk away a bitter smell caught my nose which made me curious.

Instead of walking away and ignore it, i walk further into the city. The city was dark, not just because its night time, they didn't even fucking turn the lights on. After getting further into the city i found a dark alleyway between one of the buildings.

Is this where the smell came from?

I came closer to investigate and the scence made me gasped. I just found a fucking corpse next to the trash can, I panicked and move a step back still in shock.

"Did no one noticed this?" I asked to myself while still staring at the corpse. I quickly took out my phone and dialed the police but before i could hear their voice everything went black.



I slowly opened my eyes and examine my sarroundings, i was in some type of warehouse. It was dark, the only lighting sources was the tiny lightbulb above me.

I was about to get up but was pulled back immidiately, my hands we're apprently cuffed to the wall. I groaned in frustration.

Then suddenly the sound of a metal door was opened, i got startled then the sound of footsteps getting closer fufilled the quiet room.

There stood a tall attractive man wearing dark clothes with a evil smirk plastered on his face. He looks hella hot but the smirk throws it all off.

"Well hello there."


Hello guys!
Sorry about the last 2 books, they weren't good enough to me😔. I wanted to say sorry for what happened to all of my books, i am a picky person honestly.

Anyway hope you guys like the new one, i feel like i've used High school AU to much in my stories, so here's a Mafia AU one uwu. Sorry if some of the words doesn't make sense i'm still learning english :).

Thank you so much for the support you all gave to me, i grately appreciate all of your kindness:).

•You make Stray Kids STAY•

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