❤️Chapter 7

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"Han Jisung."

After hearing his words, my hand clenched into a fist as the anger rise up inside of me. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE KIM HONGJOONG" I yelled then hissed at the pain. I could hear his deep chuckle, "Still has feelings for him I see?" Hongjoong said.

"You don't even know where he is.." I exclaimed.

"You thought our group was nothing? I know everything about you Minho, I was your bestfriend for 3 years. He is probably in your Mansion with your cousin and three of your members am I right?" I widened my eyes in fear. I could hear his maniac laughed which made my blood boiled, I suddenly stood up and ran into the darkness and punched him in the stomach, I pointed my gun on him.

He hissed in pain before looking up at me, "I can kill you right here right now, but since I still consider you as my best friend I'll let you off but on one condition.. Don't you fucking dare take a step near my family."


JISUNG's pov


"Sorry Felix but we haven't found him anywhere.." Woojin said with sadness in his voice. I saw the others we're saddened, worried, scared and all of that stuff mixed as one. On the other hand Felix and Chan was cuddling eachother as they tried to comfort eachother, while me? I don't know what to feel.

I know I shouldn't be caring that much since he fucking kidnapped me but I mostly feel.. Worried for him, even if he kidnapped me he didn't hurt me, yet he takes care of me like I was someone important to him... But I do hope he sees me as someone important to him. Wait what.

The front door flew opened which surprised me but the sight shocked me, It was Lee Know. His face we're dirty with some scars and his outfit was covered in blood especially his stomach which he wrapped an arm around. When he falls to the ground everyone panicked even me and starts to pick him up. "BRING HIM TO HIS BEDROOM NOW!" Chan demanded still tears in his eyes. Felix was crying in Changbin's arm as Changbin tried to comfort him while Chan tried to calmed Jeongin down and Woojin and Hyunjin was brining Lee Know upstair to his room. While me, I didn't do anything, I just stood there with a blank expression.

My feelings for him was complicated, he is nice, kind, good looking.. but he kidnapped me and threaten me(?) But he sometimes makes my heart flutters and made me blushed especially when he called me with that nickname. Wait.. Does he love me? Then I remembered the first time we met. I remembered he said something that made me think hard.

My eyes widened once again, "H-How did you know my name?!" I stuttered as i got rid of his hand under my chin. He chuckled, "Maybe you had forgotten." He said while standing up from his position, forgotten?!...

"Maybe you had forgotten.."

Oh yeah..

What does he mean?

"Jisung.. you alright there?" I saw Woojin who was surprisingly downstairs with me since I didn't saw the others, they probably went upstairs in Lee Know's room. "O-Oh yeah..." I shyly respond while awkwardly scratching the back of my head. Woojin sighed and put a hand on my shoulder for some reason, "Don't worry you are apart of our 'Family' now." Woojin said with his unfamiliar smile. Even tho I didn't feel left behind but it did made me feel better. "Thanks Woojin hyung.."

"But why are you downstairs?" I added.

"I came to see you, we already called a doctor and he is on his way so don't worry." He responded which I gave a nod to. "Let's go upstairs?" Woojin asked as he turns his back. I nodded and followed him upstairs.


"How is he doc?"

"It's all settled, he just needs a lot of rest. Oh, and change the bandages every 1 month since there are alot of blood because of the big wound." The doctor suggested.

"Ah okay doc, thank you." We all bowed at him, he bowed back and left the room. After bowing I found myself staring at Lee Know's figure on the bed unconscious, he still looked... Handsome..

"Guys, me, Changbin and Innie needs to go home to do some 'business'." Hyunjin said but he sounded weird when he said 'business' but I just shook those thoughts off. Chan and Woojin talked to them for a few minute but I wasn't bothered to listen to their conversation, I was so immersed in his face until I didn't noticed that I was also holding his hand.


I snapped out of my mind and was greeted by a smiling Chan at my left. I raised an eyebrow on him.

"Are you okay hyung?"

"Jisung.. Are you in love with Lee Know?"


Yes I did a double update since I feel bad for not updating the book for two days:').

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who put my books in your reading list, it makes me happy like very happy thank you guys💞.

And I love you❤️❤️❤️❤️

You make Stray Kids STAY

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