❤️Chapter 27

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"Having fun are we?"

My eyes widened and fall back to the ground in shock.

It was Hongjoong.

"Aw how poor." Hongjoong sassed making me glared at him. "Guards tie him." Hongjoong demanded. I cursed beneath my breath while glaring instensly at him.

"I didn't know how useless that bitchass Wooyoung is.." I heard Hongjoong muttered under his breath but this dumb bitch thought I didn't heard him. (A/N: omfg I'm so sorry Hongjoongie I love you boo ;-;)

"HE'S NOT USELESS, YOU ARE!" I screamed. Hongjoong stares at me his eyes widen in disbelief before chuckling, he walked closer to me.

"Gees you are something huh?" Hongjoong said with a chuckle while putting a finger under my chin which I Immidiately slapped away. "Get your nasty ass hands off me."

"Well.. I didn't want to do this but." Hongjoong pulled out his gun and pointed it at me making me shivers.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Felix screamed loudly. Hongjoong rolled his eyes irritated then deeply sighed.

"Hold him guards." Hongjoong demanded then looking back at me with his eyes that looked like it filled with flames and other demonic shit.

"The fun has just started."

I shut my eyes tightly.

No sounds.

But instead..

"What?!" Hongjoong screamed.

"There's someone ambushing us sir!" One of the guards shouted loudly. I smirked.


He came.

"Hello there old friend."

My eyes shined seeing Minho walking towards us with a smirk. "Thought we'll never see eachother again." Minho said cockily.

Hongjoong put his relvover back having this smirk on his face, "How fancy seeing you here." Hongjoong chuckled.

"I'm surprised you're able to find my location.. I envy your team for that but.."

Hongjoong chuckled as he face darkens, "Boys. Get him."



"How cute of you Minho." Hongjoong blurted out with a laughed.

"Do you really think your gang is better compare to mine? without Chan your group is nothing." Hongjoong laughed very loudly like a fucking maniac, which he is.

Jisung stared at Minho in sadness, his boyfriend seemed defeated and betrayed... Even Jisung.. both Jisung and Minho had a pass of their literal childhood best friend went behind their back without them noticing. And they didn't even suspect they would become the biggest rival of themselves.

"Ah how sweet of you still thought me as your best friend." Hongjoong smiled which disgust Jisung. "But.. you betray me first Minho.."

Minho greeted his teeth, "STOP SPREADING FAKE ASS RUMORS! YOU WENT BEHIND MY BACK AND TOLD MY BIGGEST SECRETS TO MY PARENTS UNTIL THEY ABONDED ME!" Minho screamed out loud until it echoed through the whole building.

Some of the members gasped even the Ateez members but Jisung is the one who was truly shocked, Minho never told him anything about it so who would send Minho money then?

"Stop chit chatting and went back to my actual work." Hongjoong then glance at Jisung with a smirk making Jisung stares at him in horror. Jisung already knew what's gonna happen and he was shaking as hell.

Hongjoong stares at how fragile the little one is and face his gun directly at him,

"Oh how pitiful. Say goodbye to your cruel world Jisung."

Gun shoots.


I could tell this book doens't make sense and doesn't even go with the story line I don't even know anymore-

And I feel bad about thinking to unpublish this book but realising this has 17k im-

I appreciate yall would vote and read this cringey ass book 🥺❤️ I will try to improve on future books and try to make my storylines make sense atleast ;-;.

Anyway it is Twice Chaeyoung and NCT Jeno's birthday, so happy birthday to both of my angelss❤️❤️

Anyway Thank you and love you❤️❤️❤️

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