❤️Chapter 16

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MINHO's pov

"Minho wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes and was met by Chan's face who has a bright smile. "Finally your awake." Chan said as I sat up on the couch while ruffling my hair. "What do you mean finally?"

"I basically tried to woke you up for 5 minutes, you we're also saying Jisung's name." I widened my eyes and started to blush. "Let's go down stairs. Jisung is still asleep so let's not disturb him." Chan invited. I stared at Jisung who was still sleeping peacefully on the bed for a moment before nodding at Chan.


I raised my eyebrows at the loud screaming, I recognize the voice, it was Hyunjin. "What are you kids being loud for?" Chan asked the kids who was laughing because of something we'll except for Felix, his face we're redder then tomato.

"C-Changbin hyung! You said it wasn't that bad." Felix whined.

"Sorry baby boy, I got out of control."

"What the fuck?! Baby boy?!" Me and Chan screamed at the same time. Woojin stood in and coughed to get our attention which he successfully did.

"Well basically Felix and Changbin is now dating am I correct?" Woojin looked at the 'Couple' for confirmation. "Yup." Changbin answered proudly while having his arm around Felix who was blushing madly and had his head lowered.

"You didn't tell me anything Bin!"

"You were to busy with your husband, and you wouldn't want to listen either." Changbin exclaimed which I only nodded to. "But what are you guys being loud for?" I asked again.

"FELIX AND CHANGBIN HIT IT TONIGHT HAHA" Hyunjin screamed making the new couple blushes. I widened my eyes I saw Chan did the same too. "YOU GUYS HAVE SEX–" I was cut off cause Chan put his hand on my mouth.


"Hyung! I'm not a child I'm fricking 19." Jeongin whined. "I'm even taller then this hyung." Jeongin pointed to Changbin who was about to burst but Felix hold him back before he could do something.

"Okay kids let's have breakfast the normal way please?"

"Nothing is normal in this house."

"Shut up Minhoe."


3rd person pov

"Chan please told the guards to train I'm too tired." Minho said with a quite deep town. Chan looked at the younger who was having his head hid in the table.

"What happened to you?" Chan asked slightly worried, yes even tho he is an asshole Chan still loves him. "Well I was taking care of Jisung since I can't find Felix." The younger respond having his head up to face the older.

"Also my bruises kinda hurts." Minho added making Chan sighed.

"Fine rest for now I'll tell them." Minho thanked Chan first before Chan could left.

Chan made an announcement for the guards to train in the courtyard. When Chan got out of the room something distracted him, somehow the bushes nearby made a sound he ignores it at first until the noises became more clearer as if it was coming closer and closer to Chan.

Chan panicked and went inside the building and hid behind one of the walls and let all of his breath out. It maybe was an animal or something but something suddenly popped into his head.

Watch over your loved one especially your Jisung cause they may feel unsafe ;)

Could it do?

Is it an actually warning?

Instead of thinking all of the things alone he ran to Minho to discuss about it. "Minho!" Chan slams the door open reveling Minho who was looking at the monitors then to Chan.

"Minho there was some weird sounds in the bushes it was probably something.." Chan informed in a little panic but Minho scoffs instead.

"Stop being weak Chan cause that's not gonna take you anywhere." Minho said cockily and went to type something on the keyboard.

"I'm dead serious Minho! What if the text that you received is actually a warning?"

"I doubt it." Minho said, suprisingly he took this very chill.

"Fine keep telling that the text is a prank but just keep an eye on Jisung and everyone else same with me." Chan suggested but Minho doesn't take it too seriously.

"Yeah yeah Fine."


Hello guys!
Your lazy author is back :). I feel like my book is fucking cringe and doesn't make sense:", I feel so sorry lmao.

Again thank you for 1K reads I'm too overwhelmed ngl:" and please continue to support this book including my other books in the future.

Also happy birthday to the biggest baby out there Jeong Yunho💙 hope you had the greatest birthday ever I love you💙💙

Thank you and Love youu❤️❤️❤️

•You make Stray Kids STAY•

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