❤️Chapter 23

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I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in me and Minho's bedroom. I got up from the bed while rubbing my eyes in the proses.


I got startled after finding Minho leaning against the wall with his arm crossed on his chest fully dressed which made me confused but I shrug those thoughts off.

"Sleep well?" He asked slowly as he walk closer to me. I grinned at him, I gave him a nod as a reply.

"How about we spend this whole day together? Like going on dates?" My eyes lit up after hearing his words.

"But what about being this whole mafia leader thing?" I asked slightly worried.

"No don't worry our gang name is well hidden, and Chan allowed us so why not? I also want to spend time with my squrriel." He said while ruffling my hair making me giggle.

"Go get ready I'll be waiting downstairs." As soon as he left I rushed to the bathroom to take a warm shower. After that I put on a white sweater with a blue jeans and lastly a blue beret to finish off the look.

 After that I put on a white sweater with a blue jeans and lastly a blue beret to finish off the look

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(Iconic Jisung look istg)

I went downstairs having mixed feeling. Panic, excited, happiness and much more. I jumped happily to the downstairs to find Minho.

I saw him sitting in the sofa with his back facing me. Maybe I could suprise him. I tip-toed over to him carefully trying not to ruin my plan.

"Jisung I know you're there." I stopped and pouted after he realises I was here.

"How did you know? I was being all quite." I whined with a pout, Minho chuckled and ruffled my blonde hair.

"I can hear you going downstairs." Minho stated making me pout even more.

"Now now how about you change that pout into a beautiful smile?" I blushed and giggled then also smiling widely at him. He kissed the top of my forehead.

"Come on let's go." Minho grabbed my hand interlocking them in the proses as we walk out the door to Minho's car, as we walked I couldn't help but to smile at our interlocked hands.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked feeling very curious since this is our first ever date. Minho smiled, "You'll see." I only hummed in respond not feeling really satisfied with his answer.

On the way to the place we we're joking and flirting around having fun and laughing just like what other couples would do right?

"Okay Baby we're here." I quickly got out the car feeling excited as ever. Once I saw the building my jaw dropped.

It was a cat cafe with pink walls as the main colour and there was fairy lights hanging on the wall with some cute decorations and some cute plants in the front of the building.

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