❤️Chapter 6

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One of the guard said.  I bolted up and looked at the others who had the same expression as me. Then gun shot could be hear close to our area which made Jeongin shivered.

"Okay so, I have a plan. Changbin, Hyunjin and Jeongin get the boy out of the underground basement and put him in my mansion for now while me, Chan and Woojin will cleared the base." I ordered. Changbin came up to me with a worried expression, "Don't you need our help? We can't leave you three behind." Changbin said, sadness in his voice. The other two nodded but I shook my head.

"You don't want to disappoint me right?"

Immidiately after hearing my words he became quiet out of words. "Then please save yourself and the other two aswell, I will be back as long as you are save." Changbin hesitate before nodding, then the three of them ran away. "Well Minho, I wanted to say how proud I am but this place isn't the best one right now." Chan said with a proud mom smile. I chuckled. "Thanks but we have some blood to spill." I said as I prepared my gun.

The two of them nodded and got out their weapon. We immidiately got out the room, the three of us split up and went to our own direction. I was already shooting everyone in our way, and blood already splattered across my outfit. I ran around the base as I shoot people after people, "Why are there so many of them." I mumured then pain came to my stomach. I looked at my shotted stomach in pain, I looked to my back and shot the person before he could do anything. "Motherfuckers." I muttered and ran somewhere is peaceful and quiet.

I dropped down to the floor as I tried to convey with the strong pain in my stomach.

"Hello there Minho" someone with a familiar voice said yet I couldn't see him since the room was dark like very dark. "Remember me?" He takes a few step forward until I can see his face.

"Hongjoong.." I tried to speak loudly and clearly but in my situation right now I can't do anything about it. He gave me a sly smirk which made pissed, "Long time no see. How are you?"

"Q-Quit p-playing.. g-games.." Even tho I was stuttering yet my glare said something else. Hongjoong chuckled which made me even more pissed off.

"Aww look at you suffering too bad I can't help my old bestfriend." Hongjoong said in an annoying girl voice.

"I s-still consider you.. as m-my l-long time b-bestfriend, yet you l-let me d-down.." I said truthfully but of course he wouldn't believe me. "Y-You motherfucker.. Do you think that bestfriend betrayed eachother?!" He said in a higher tone almost yelling at me. "No.. Of course not. Now I regret even meeting you." Hongjoong answered himself but his last words hitted me.

"I didn't f-fucking b-betray you.. and n-never will, Y-You we're just t-to stubborn to l-listen to me." Now I was having more of a problem talking since the pain have been hit my the cold air, which means i could pass out in like a minute. Hongjoong turned back and ran to the darkness again, "Whatever you think you asshole. At least I know your most prized possession...

"Han Jisung."


Hello Readers!
Long time no see ey? Sorry my school was being an ass (like they always are) but hey at least I'm back. I did some of the test and I really hope the results was great as I had hoped for, and hope that you are the same aswell.

Idk why but I always made Ateez the evil one in my books 😂 . For me they have that bad boy vibe to me, especially Mingi but we all know how much of a giant baby he is.

Anyway thanks for reading. I love you♥️♥️♥️

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