3. Mr and Mrs Smith

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Brad's pov.

My first day on the set was easy and yet now, 5 months into filming, and it's far from easy.
When I met angie I noticed straight away her lips... they were incredible. I caught myself staring a couple of times as she laughed. I knew it was just in my head but I felt like I was cheating or something. But then as filming went on and we had more intimate scenes together, not to mention all the stunt training we had to do, we became alot closer. I started wanting to spend more time with her, learn more about her... I was drawn to her.
She made me realise things about jen that I hadn't before... Like the way jen didn't really laugh at my jokes or physical things like how small jens lips were compared to angies. I became more attracted to a fellow actor than I was to my actual wife.
I felt awful that I was having more fun with angie and it made me want to spend less time with jen because I thought the less time I spend with her the less guilty it makes me... twisted I know.

"hey what are you thinking about?"
Her voice brings me out of my thoughts.
"oh.. Err nothing" I stutter, to which angie gives me a quizzical stare.
"shall we go over some lines then?" she asks opening her script.
Its almost half six and we're in her trailer after she'd asked if we could run over some scenes.
Pretty much everyone has left the set because it was just a morning shoot today.
We spend over two hours going through pretty much the whole script, occasionally having to go over a scene multiple times until we could do it without cracking up. I found myself distracted by her voice and having to re read what had just happened so I was caught up.

Me and angie both sat down on the sofa side by side, tired out from laughing so much and reading. I notice how she sits with one leg underneath her so she was turned more towards me, just how jen sits.
"this was really fun, thanks for going over some lines with me" angie smiled, placing her hand on my arm making me blush stupidly.
"of course... I really enjoyed it" I smile, staring into her sparkling eyes. Then it feels like the world slows as she slowly leans in, my eyes shifting down to her lips. I feel paralysed as our lips meet. We stay there, still, until she opens her lips slightly and starts kissing me more deeply and before I know it our tongues have snaked into each others mouths. I feel like little bursts of adrenaline are shooting through my veins, but as she wraps her arms around my neck and moves closer a woman's face pops into my head. Jens face. I realise how wrong it is what I'm doing and pull away instantly to see angies shocked and just as confused face.
And then I remember, "the show" I gasp jumping up.
"the what?" she asked.
"I promised jen I'd be there.... oh my god" I grab my jacket off the chair and fling the trailer door open. I turn and take one last look at angie still sat on the sofa still looking shocked, then mutter an apology and run.
As I'm running to the car I glance down at my watch and I feel my heart skip a beat. Its almost half nine. I just spent three hours with angie and I've definetly missed the taping.
I groan out loud at how stupid I've been and stand here in the middle of the parking lot just imaging jens face when she sees me, but then I remember that they were having a party tonight as a final send off to the show so I guess I could just make it to that and say I was busy again which technically was true but not the right sort of busy. God I'm a sick man.

I sit in my car for a couple of minutes thinking over the kiss. The kiss that should have felt wrong but instead has left me wanting more.
I feel my phone buzz and unlock it to see a message from one of jens best friends Andrea : jens really mad, don't bother coming to the after party it'll just cause a scene.
I sit still, re reading the message over and over. If her friends are messaging me instead of her she's really pissed off. I throw my phone onto the passenger seat next to me and place my head in my hands. The kiss shouldn't have felt so good, it's adultery I tell myself. And yet I find myself walking back to her trailer, my brain seems to have stopped working as my feet move of their own accord.
I stand at the door to the trailer, hesitate, then knock three times.
The door opens quicker than I was expecting and I look up to see the silhouette of angie. So far time seemed to have just stopped until now where it felt like the world all became a blur as she practically falls into my arms, kissing my roughly as I drag her into the trailer and shut the door.

Two hours later and jen is the last thing on my mind as I roll off angie, sweat making us cling to the leather sofa. We lay there, catching our breath in silence before she breaks it, hesitantly saying "brad, I like you... Like I really like you. But your married. I just slept with a married man"
"hey... I like you too" I say sitting up and facing her "but I can't do this to jen, she's...incredible" I feel the guilt wash over me as my eyes sting with tears.
"but something made you come back" said angie also sitting up.
"yes, I couldn't leave it like I did. You're literally all I think and talk about... this can't end" I say as I start kissing her neck.
"brad" she pulls my head away and looks into my eyes "you have to tell jen. I'm not going to contact you until you do. It's wrong not to tell her" angie gets up now, throwing an overside shirt on that was thrown over the back of a chair. "I think you should go and think about it" she says looking down at her feet.
Even though I really don't want to have to choose I know it's not right to be so unfaithful to jen.
I throw my clothes on quickly and walk to the door, stopping just before my hand touches the handle. I turn and move the two steps to where angies still stood and kiss her, before turning and leaving.

The next day all I can think about is choosing... Jen or angie. I sit on the sofa as I wait for jen to get back who was out at the party all night, probably trying to drink everything away. The argument that occurred when she did walk through the door stung. It was the kind of fight that makes you think 'if I leave now, there's no coming back'.
But that's exactly what jen did, she packed a bag and headed off to courteneys saying 'she needed time on her own away from me'.
It was in that moment that I realised I wanted angie. It was over for me and jen, we had no problems, it was all me really, but I'd been unfaithful and my heart had already started belonging to someone else and that someone else wasn't jen.

After jen left I drove to angies house, not even bothering to call, and when she opened that door and saw my face, the realisation hit her that I'd chosen her. She flung herself into my arms hugging me tightly before dragging me to the bedroom. But now the only thing bothering me was how I was going to tell jen I was in love with another woman and was leaving her for the other woman. I figured jen must have caught on to some things, she's not stupid she'll just be in denial knowing her.
But I had a feeling deep down that this had meant to happen and there was a reason for everything...

Hi so the next chapter will be back to jens pov until I say so just incase it gets a lil confusing. ❤️ Also I know this chapter couldve been better but I've been ill so I'm sorry bout that

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