16. Downtown Chicago

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"and I'm not spending one more second of this life with some inconsiderate prick... You're a prick!"
".... And cut!"
I take a deep breath turning back to where the cameras and crew are.
"wooo" vince shouts as he walks towards me.
"shut up" I laugh
"you've got quite a mouth on you Aniston" he smirks wrapping his arm around my side as we walk to the director who is stood at the far end of the room.
We're almost a whole week into filming, spending the first 4 days running around Chicago getting the pictures for the montage at the beggining of the film.
Its like a breath of fresh air being able to pretend to be someone else, even if it is someone who's in a very similar situation to me, and just be able to forget everything, losing myself in the character.

Once everything's wrapped and we've been given the green light to go home I grab my bag and jacket and head down to where the car is waiting to take me back to the hotel.
"jen!" I turn around to see vince jogging towards me, still putting his arm through the sleeve of his coat.
"I'll pick you up at 7" and with that he walks to the car waiting behind mine, letting it take him back to his house across town.
I smile to myself as I climb into my car, the driver immediately setting off.

"what am I even going to wear?" I say to myself, rifling through the half filled closet. "ugh why did I leave so much in the trailer?" I moan, stopping still to think of what I can wear.
I spoke to vince about not being a fan of staying overnight in the trailers so he persuaded the director to let me sleep in the hotel and just get ready for filming in the trailer which was very considerate of him.
I eventually decide to just wear my jeans and white flowing shirt which my bra is slightly visible through but not too much.
There's a quiet knock at the door just as I'm putting in my pair of earings.
"hi" I smile up at vince, towering above me as I shut the door behind me.
"so where are we going?" I ask as we step into the empty elavator.
"just a quiet place across town" he smirks.
"oh good, I was worried you were going to be vague" I smirk back, giving him a small wink.

The drive there, which only took 20 minutes, was fairly quiet. I sat looking out the window at all the buildings and parks. The lights just beggining to turn on illuminating the city.
"come on" vince says, taking my hand as he helps me out the car, shutting the door behind me.
We walk into a quiet resteraunt, a couple of paparazzi across the street making me roll my eyes, but instead of choosing a table he leads me up a wooden staircase at the back of the resteraunt and into a large empty room which I'm guessing is used for wedding parties. But then he surprises me again by leading me to a door which is connected to a balcony with a table already set up for us.
"wow..." I whisper taking in the view of downtown Chicago, miles and miles of lights as the sun sets.
"you like it?" he asks, pulling out the chair for me to sit.
I study him for a minute, his cheesy grin as he sits down across from me, he's clearly proud of himself.
"I thought you said this was for professional purposes" I say.
"it is. Why else would I invite you to dinner" he laughs.
"well it seems like you've tricked me into a dinner date and now you're very proud of yourself" I say, tucking the chair a little closer to the table.
I notice vince doesn't reply, but at the same time a waiter comes over with a bottle of wine.
"you look really nice" he says quietly as I take a sip of the rich red wine.
"thankyou" I smile, looking down again. Almost getting annoyed with myself I look up and change the topic.
"so do you like own this place or something?" I ask looking around the balcony at all the flowers.
"me? Nah but my friend does so he agreed to let us have this table, you know away from cameras and eavesdropping"
I nod, looking out towards the setting sun as I take a deep breath.

We spend the whole evening eating and laughing as we talk about the upcoming scenes we're filming, vince making many jokes, constantly keeping me laughing.

"well tonight was very nice thankyou" I smile as we slowly walk down the corridor towards my hotel room which is right at the end.
"of course, I think we learned alot about each other... Which was the sole reason for tonight" he mutters, trying to put the idea that it was a date out of my mind.
"again thankyou" I turn to look at him smiling. We move closer for a hug. Me standing on my tiptoes and vince stooping low so we're at a similar height. It's a tight hug, the kind you do when your saying goodbye to someone for a long time.
We pull away slowly, my hands slide down to his chest, his hands still on my waist.
Suddenly I feel like I'm trapped, like I'm unable to move. My heart rate quickens as I feel myself getting lost in his eyes. He leans closer.
Our lips brush softly before he pushes forwards, my hand goes up to his hair, my fingers running through it.
I moan slightly as I pull away.
"you said this was strictly professional" I pant slightly, trying to catch my breath.
"eh who we tryna kid. You're so pretty and talented and I know you've been struggling these past couple of months and it's ok if you don't think nows the right time to be with another man but I really like you an-" he abruptly stops as I reach up and kiss him again. This time with more passion.
His hands grip my waist, pulling me closer as our tongues snake together,he pushes me up against the door.
After a few moments we pull away both smiling.
"good night" I sigh as I open my hotel door.
The last thing I see is his big smile before I shut the door.

I have the biggest smile on my face as I walk towards the bed where Norman is laying watching me walk towards him.
"ugh what am I doing normy?" I ask as I lay next to him, my head resting on his stomach.
"I mean my divorce isn't final yet, I'm still heartbroken... But vince is so sweet and caring... And he handsome. It just felt like tonight was really what I needed, after so long of not having any passion or sexual comfort just in that kiss alone it feels like I've been revived in some way. I feel like I have proper energy for the first time in ages" it's silent in the room, apart from Norman snuffling in his sleep, as I realise I just poured my heart out to literally no one...

The next couple of weeks went by slow as filming continued. Every chance we could me and vince would steal looks at each other, smiling and winking at each other like silly teenagers.
Whenever no one was looking or we were in our trailers we would kiss and not the short, see you later kisses... They were long and passionate.

"right I'll pick you up again at 7"
"ok" I smirk as I open the door to my trailer. I watch him climb into the car waiting for him before walking into my trailer. After shutting the door behind me I turn and gasp. My heart stopping, my stomach lurching....

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