9. Official

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I only slept here for the first time two weeks ago but it already feels like it's been months. Its been so peaceful knowing I don't have to do anything, doing yoga next to the water with Norman, doing my now ritual of screaming at night whenever I feel the stress building up. Even courteney joined me one evening after an argument with David, but we ended up just laughing and then courteney fell face first into the water, which was even funnier.

I sit up, wrapped in the crisp white sheets, and look out of the bedroom window down at the sparkling water. I sigh contently knowing its April, four months since that holiday and I'm feeling calmer than I ever thought I would. After a while of just staring at the ocean me and Norman head downstairs.

The decorating didn't take as long as I thought it would seeing as I was doing it all by myself but everything except the extra room upstairs was almost fully decorated.
The kitchen was white marble, an island in the middle with black, velvet bar stools seeing as there wasn't enough room for a dining table and chairs. All the cupboards were filled with either new plates and cutlery I'd bought or food.
The living room had a gorgeous yellow and gray rug with a grey, plush, 3-seat sofa, a glass coffee table and another extra comfy yellow armchair that spun around. The corners of the room all had a large potted plant, and i did have some workers come in to put the TV up on the wall but I haven't really watched anything except old movies I haven't seen in a while. The TV was placed above a gorgeous fireplace where I'd placed some photo frames of my mom and dad and me with coco or friends.
I placed a shoe rack by the door and pegs for coats and bags, the wall along the right side of the house painted a light yellow and the rest painted white. The downstairs guest bedroom wasn't fully finished but there was a bed and some shelves up, the walls a light blueish gray which I thought was a nice contrast from the yellow in the living room.
Upstairs was all carpeted except the bathroom of course. I painted my room blue also but a slightly more brighter blue, the walls had shelves which held either tiny potted plants or picture frames. I'd also bought a comfy velvet chair for the vanity in the bathroom.
The white, blue and yellow reminds me of being in Greece which I think I find alot more comforting.

Once I'd finished my morning yoga and meditation I sat at one of the bar stools and went through the messages I'd been sent. They were all mainly spam but I noticed a few messages from the group chat me, courteney, kristin and Andrea are in. They all wanted to come over some time and see the house, seeing as only courteney had seen it. They also felt bad that they hadn't been able to visit me since new years, so I suggest they come over tonight for a little get together.
Within half an hour we have plans for them to be here by half six tonight.
"right we have eight hours normy, what are we gonna do?" I sigh putting my phone down and looking over at norman in his bed.
I sit there, staring into space, before realising I hadn't eaten yet so I make myself avocado on toast and a coffee, sitting on the back porch with the hot sun on my legs. I switch the laptop on and look through my emails before googling ideas for a spare room. Most ideas were offices or a mini gym but there was an art studio one that i liked.

I spent the day planning out what I wanted to do with the spare room upstairs, I looked up all the furniture I liked and even made a mood board in my mind of how I wanted it to look. I soon got bored though and decided to bake so I went to the grocery store, was obviously hounded by paparazzi asking invading questions about where brad was and why I wasn't staying at the house (they'd obviously seen me moving out), but the store was cool and quiet and I took my time looking for the ingredients for cookies. I remembered making cookies as a child with mom so I figured I'd try and recreate them.
I took my time making them, music on in the background, humming along as Norman pawed at my feet begging for some of the dough.

By the time I'd taken them out the oven it was already 5 o'clock.
"oh shit" I muttered realising I hadn't showered today, I was in old clothes that were now covered in flour and the kitchen was a mess.
I place the cookies on the cooling rack then quickly run upstairs, taking a quick shower and throwing on some clean, better looking, bright orange cargo pants with a chinese dragon up one leg and a black tank top. I put my wet hair in plaits and run downstairs laughing at Norman who's clearly getting excited and panicked by my mad rushing about. I scrub the surfaces, quickly wash the dirty dishes that have slowly started piling up and I had just flopped down on the couch when I heard the knock at the door. I let out a sigh before heaving myself up and walking to the front door, Norman of course beating me to it.
"jen!" I see a blur of blonde hair as Andrea engulfs me in a tight hug which I gladly return.
"how are you, are you ok? I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you sooner, I'm also sorry brads such a pig"
"woah woah woah slow down" I laugh "I'm fine you don't need to baby me I'm a grown woman and I'm also sorry brad is a pig but hey what you gonna do about it?" I laugh.
Drea smiles giving me another quick hug before looking down at Norman trying to get between my legs and make an escape.
"oh and you too normy, I missed you of course" Andrea laughs bending down to stroke his fur, letting him lick her face a couple of times.
"so are you gonna let me in or are we just gonna stand here all evening?"
"oh right yeah" I laugh, standing back so she can walk past.
"wow, nice casa"
"I know right" I smirk.

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