23. The End.

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I'm going to try and attach a YouTube video at the top, it's a song that I had stuck in my head when writing this and I think it goes pretty well with it.
If it does work id advise maybe listening to it as you read idk. Please let me know if it doesn't work.


Luckily, or maybe not so, vince was back in Chicago when everything went down.


"you look after yourself ok?"
"I will" I smile placing another kiss on his cheek
"call me when you land, and keep me updated with work"
"I will... I really wish I didn't have to go"
"me too" I whisper.
Vince pulls me in for a strong hug. We hug for several seconds before realising we're in a busy airport with paparazzi staged at every exit.
I watch him walk away and down the tunnel leading to his plane.

End flashback

I think I have full reason to absolutely hate new years from now on. Last year it was my husband telling me he didn't want kids with me and that he was in love with another woman.... And now this. Of course it didn't start bad...


"ten! Nine-"
"come on vince we're gonna miss the fireworks" I laugh as I drag him out onto the lawn where everyone is stood looking out over the pacific ocean, counting down.
"eight! Seven! Six-"
As he spins me around so we're facing each other, my hands in his, it seems the world goes silent, the counting down reduced to nothing but a muffled echo. I stare into his eyes as he looks down at me, his giant coat that he insisted I wear is wrapped around my shoulders but I don't feel the bitterness of the wind. The only thing I'm aware of is vince and the feeling of his hands holding mine.
"-two! One! Happy New year!" everyone shouts as fireworks explode over the skyline. The sounds of everyone cheering, champagne bottles being burst open, the bangs and whistles of the fireworks behind us, it all manages to bring me out of the daze I was in as we break out into even bigger smiles, he whispers
"happy new years baby" as he stoops down to kiss me.
Once again everything goes into slow motion, the lights from the sky illuminating us, making us mere silhouettes to everyone else. The contrast between us and the bright colourful sky behind us is magical.
The kiss ends after what seems eternity and as we hug I see courteney stood over by David and coco, taking a picture of me and vince.
I smile warmly at her and laugh at Cocos face seeing fireworks for the first time.

End flashback

"how could you not tell me?!?"
"wh- i- she-"
"hey don't blame this on me brad" I hear her muffled reply in the background.
I stay sat on the ground, remaining in the place I fell too when I saw the pictures and interview.
What a pig.


"has she seen?"
"yeah, she's not moved or spoken since"
"did you show her or-"
"no I don't know how she saw it but it's not exactly avoidable for her is it?"
I can hear them. Talking as if I'm not here. Whispering in the hope they won't wake me from the daze I've gone into. My body feels oddly light. I've stopped crying. I even laughed for a moment but that stopped. Now I'm just a body, slumped against the bed, my knees slightly grazed from the carpet.
I hear Andrea... Or maybe it's courteney... Or kristin... They're coming up the stairs. They're walking lightly... Too lightly to be kristin. But not light enough to be Andrea. Just as I make my assumption she enters the room. Courteney. I was right.
My brain is analysing every little thing.

End flashback

"did you not think it was ignorant or childish or fucking disgustingly inhumane to not tell your newly ex-wife that your new woman was having a baby?" I shout into the phone.
There's silence.
She was pregnant before our divorce was even final.
He tried to get me pregnant whilst banging another woman... Then decided not to tell me when the other woman got pregnant...


"I brought you some tea" courteney says softly.
I look up at her. She looks almost guilty. As if it's her fault this has happened.
She places the cup on the bedside table and sits down on the bed, her hand immediately going to my head, she threads her fingers through the hair, gently brushing through. No words are spoken. I can still hear whispering downstairs but I can't make out what they're saying. They've purposely moved so I can't hear.
"have you talked to him?" courteneys voice startled me slightly, I forgot she was here for a moment as I drifted away to the feeling of having my hair played with.
"no" I whisper.
"you should"
I don't reply. Would she? If David left and got another woman pregnant would she ring him and confront him? Of course she would, its courteney.
She'd have him by his neck if she could.
But I don't know if I have that strength yet.
After a couple more moments in silence she reminds me the cup of tea is on the side, and quietly leaves leaving the door slightly a-jar.
The sweet smell of the chamomile is drifting through the air towards me, telling me Andrea made the drink. She always knows the best home remedies when something like this happens.
I know i need to pull myself out of this funk. Get your shit together Aniston.
I drink as much of the tea as I can stand, I never liked herbal teas, then search for my phone.

End flashback

Which brings us back to the current moment.
I hear a lot of muffling and scuffling on the other end of the call.
"jen? This is angelina"
I hear the sympathy. I immediately know how this is going to go.
"i-" her voice breaks. My tears start prickling up again. It's silent downstairs telling me the girls are listening intently to what's happening up here.
"i told him to tell you I swear. I never meant for this to happen"
The power of women and the love and bond we share no matter how much we hate each other sometimes is something that can never and should never be broken.
"i believe you" I mutter.
"he told me... About when you guys tried" I roll my eyes, of course he did.
"I know this isn't easy, and the way you found out too..."

There wasn't much more to the call, she apologised profusely to which I stayed mostly quiet for. The anger was ebbing out of me, I could feel the crash from my adrenaline high kicking in. I still congratulated her and wished her all the best.

All I want to do is hide under the covers and sleep my life away.
I know vince, aswell as the rest of the world will be reading this news right now and I'll have to go through it all again. But it's what is necessary.

"is it terrifying?"
"no I don't think so. It's the way it is you know...everything must come to an end. The drip finally stops."
"see you on the other side"
"oh no... There is no other side... This is it"


Well I think this is the ending to this story. I do have other ideas but no motivation to write and I feel like this is a good place to leave it. I've written through the two or three years of that period in jens life. Not much of it has been happy but I've enjoyed writing it alot. I'm grateful so many of you have enjoyed it. You never know i may add more in the future but for now this is it 💓
I have a justifer story I wrote ages ago that I'm going to edit and improve and upload that soon so please be patient.
Ugh this feels so sad idk why I'm crying reading through this but yeah thanks for reading this i guess 💓 meant alot 💓

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