19. Vanity Fair And Oprah

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"ok I'll be back in about 2 hours" I quickly lean over the couch, kissing vince who is layed with Norman in his boxers.
It's September 2005, a whole nine months since me and brad split. I have a vanity fair photoshoot today, with the interview later in the evening before I need to fly over to Chicago for my interview with Oprah.
The photoshoot won't be coming out until next year but the interview with Oprah will be released later in the week. I'm nervous for what she's going to ask but Andrea and Kristin have both agreed to fly over with me for support and Oprahs even letting us stay in her guest house which is so nice of her.

"ok look towards the camera now" I tilt my head towards the lense.
This photoshoot is a little more risqué than my normal ones seeing as I'm wearing little to no clothing but I'm finding it very freeing which is maybe a little weird.
"and we need one last shot, errr eyes closed for this one jennifer..." the hot light flashes "great, pretty sure that's everything we need"
"thankyou" I smile, wrapping the dressing gown around my body.
The photographer walks over "the interviewer will be heading over to your house in about 3 hours" he smiles.
"thankyou" I say again, hugging him before heading to my dressing room to get changed.

"vince?" I call out as I close the front door behind me.
"up here"
I walk upstairs to see him laying on the bed reading a script.
"hi" I sigh, flopping down on the bed next to him as he wraps his arm around me.
"how was it?"
"ok I guess, kinda boring. Oh and they said the interviewer will be here in a while so I'll get you some food and you can just stay up here until they've gone, we don't need anymore rumors going around" I laugh, cuddling up closer to him.
"do you need to do the interview? Why can't you just stay here?" he asks, pouting slightly as he lifts me so I'm straddling his stomach.
"I know, it's going to be so hard for you to function without me" I laugh mocking him as I lean closer to his lips.
Just as he lifts his head up to kiss me I roll off him and head towards the stairs, I turn back to see him looking disappointed and laugh.

The home interview for vanity fair goes smoothly. Well... Up until she mentions the one thing I was dreading.
"how do you feel about the rumors? That Angelinas pregnant?"
I wasn't expecting anyone to be so upfront about it let alone an interviewer I don't know. I'd managed to avoid hearing most rumors however this wasn't one.
It honestly felt like an icy hand had reached into my chest and grabbed my heart, crushing it into pieces.
I could feel the tears welling up, knowing there was no way I could stop them this time.
I bow my head as my thoughts fill with images of brad and angelina pregnant and having the mini army of kids running around, just like that photoshoot they'd done months after we split. The sensitivity chip is still missing.
After several long moments I realize I'm doing an interview and need to act professional. I hear a distant shuffling coming from upstairs, knowing vince is sat at the top of the steps listening.
I raise myself up taller, wiping away the tears as I just shake my head, letting her know that I don't want to talk about it.
I bite my lip to stop from crying again throughout the rest of the interview but luckily it seems that was one of her last questions.
She says her goodbyes and wishes me good luck with the movie.
I thank her and watch from the door as she drives out and the gates shut behind her.

I close the door and see vince stood at the foot of the stairs. I let the tears fall again as I openly sob, he walks towards me wrapping me in his arms, stroking my hair. I know he doesn't say anything because he doesn't know what to say but I'm actually glad he doesn't say anything because no words right now could help.
This would've all been a little bit more smoother if my therapist of 10 years hadn't died right after brad left.
I'd built up a strong trust with her and when she went it truly felt like I had no one to even vent to.
I wanted kids so badly and it's just heartbreaking to think that they could already be starting the family that I wanted.

3 hours later after calming down and eating the dinner vince cooked I'm heading to Chicago with Andrea and Kristin. I tell them what the interviewer asked and they're appalled that anyone would bring it up so bluntly.
"yeah but I didn't list anything that they couldn't ask so-"
"that doesn't mean it's your fault" Andrea says, sipping a champagne
"and it doesn't mean it was fair" kristin adds.
I sigh, sitting back in my chair as my eyes grow heavy.

My interview with Oprah went smoothly, she's so sweet and thankfully doesn't push for answers to difficult topics. I do mention feeling calm and not wanting to be anywhere else or with anyone else but I change the story slightly to make it seem as if I realised it after yoga which I find a little less embarrassing than telling the world I realised it after having sex with the man I'm secretly dating. I don't think anyone knows I lied though.
Staying at her house was even nicer, we spent most of it in the garden just talking and drinking martinis. The evenings filled with small games of poker then me, kristin and Andrea all cuddling up into the same bed, talking over everything on our minds just like the days back in laurel canyon....

Brad's pov
"wait what.....?"
"I'm pregnant....."

I'm so so so sorry guys omg it's been way to long. This has been sitting in my drafts for literal months and I just forgot all about it and ino I said last time that I'd try and update more which I clearly haven't I am still gonna try. I just dunno what to write really. But yeah thought I'd leave this as a bit of a cliffhanger and please keep reading it means alot 🙏🏻❤️

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