17. Vince's House

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My heart stopped. It actually stopped. As my eyes scan the room I try to comprehend what I'm seeing right now.
My draws have been pulled out and are scattered across the room, clothes flung recklessly everywhere.
I run into the room, kneeling down and searching through the draws. As I realise what's happened I sob, my shoulders sinking as my eyes burn with fresh tears.
I dig in my pocket and pull out my phone calling the first person I can think of.
"vince?" I sob
"what's up why are you crying?"
I try to form a sentence through the tears and panic "trailer... Underwear... I don't know"
"Ok stay there I'm turning around... sir can you turn the car back around"
I hang up and shakily stand up, scanning the ransacked room.
I walk forward and use my foot to push some of the draws that have been torn out. I start picking up my shirts and pants throwing them onto the pile of clothes already on the couch.
Just then the door swings open and vince walks in.
"what the-?"
"vince" I sob, turning and throwing my arms around him, fresh tears starting to flow.
"hey it's ok" he whispers, hugging me back tighter as he places a kiss on my head. "Are you hurt? What happened?"
"no I just opened the door and walked in to see this but...all my underwears gone" I cry, cringing at the thought of where it could be. "everything, my underwear, my bras... Someone could sell them or do things with them" I shudder.

Vince tries to calm me down whilst on the phone to the police as I sit on the bed.
"they're gonna be here in 5 minutes, he said to not move anything" vince says as he sits on the couch next to me.
I nod, leaning my body into his as I take a shuddering breath.

We wait for the police to arrive and look around. They ask me a couple of questions before talking between each other. After reassuring me that they'll find whoever did this and get my underwear back, I leave the trailer and stand on the sidewalk trying to control my feelings.
"I'm really sorry this has happened"
"hey no it's not your fault" I say as vince walks towards me, wrapping his arms around me.
Over his shoulder I can see paparazzi snapping away and I can't even begin to imagine the headlines that are going to be in the news tomorrow.
As vince let's go, wrapping his arm around me and steering me around I realise he's taking me back to my hotel room.
"no." I say stopping still.
"I don't want to be alone right now" I whisper, looking down, blushing bright red.
"oh yeah...of course" vince pauses for a moment "stay with me tonight"
I look up into his eyes before nodding slightly, my eyes stinging a little as I walk the two steps towards him once again hugging him. For some reason I feel safe in his arms. I know he's not going to let anything like this happen to me again.

We enter his home which is white on the front with terraces making it look like the white house, and inside it's very homely. I kick me shoes off by the door and he leads me into the living room.
"just sit here I won't be a minute"
I sit on the plush grey couch, sinking back into the pillows as my shaking slightly subsides.
I gaze around the lavish living room that's littered with curled up scripts.
I turn my head to the noise and see vince walking towards me with a drink.
"I didn't know what you like so I just made a hot cocoa I'm sorry"
"thankyou" I smile slightly taking it from him, wrapping my hands around the warm mug.
Hi sits next to me putting his hand on my back and rubbing slightly as I sip the hot cocoa.

"what...er how do you feel?" he asks tentatively as he takes the now empty cup from me and places it on the coffee table.
I take a deep breath remembering everything all over again "I've felt better...but I've felt worse" I shrug it off not wanting to talk about the fact that I was just robbed and now someone is holding my underwear.
Vince gets the hint and pulls me into him. After a while of sitting on the couch in silence he gets up before saying "I'll go get a comfy blanket and some pyjamas and you can stay in the guest room down the hall" he begins to walk away before I realise what he said.
"vince wait..." I get up and walk slowly toward him "I don't feel safe to sleep on my own" my voice feels constricted as I fight tears. "of course I just..." he says quickly, clearly regretting what he said.
"no it's fine... I know we've never slept in the same bed but I can't be on my own right now" and with that my voice gave one more break and I look down, bottom lip trembling as I let the tears flow.
Vince doesn't say anything he just walks quickly to me and pulls me into a strong comforting hug. I cry openly into his chest.
"I just don't get why this happens to me... I'm chased by paps with cameras constantly, I have my husband leave me for another woman..." I try to talk through the sobs "and now I'm getting robbed and violated"

Vince waited until I'd cried myself out almost before taking me by the hand and gently leading me up the stairs to his room which was surprisingly tidy compared to the living room.
"I'll err try and find some pyjamas" he starts rummaging around the wardrobes.
"no... I'll just wear your shirt"
"oh err ok" before today I'd never noticed how shy and awkward vince could be. I like it.
He takes his shirt off and passes it to me before taking his pants off leaving him in just his boxers as I take off my shirt and jeans and pull his top, which is huge on me, over my head.
"you look cute in my shirt" he says quietly making me blush and look down at myself.
Even though it's only 8pm we climb into the King size bed and move closer to each other, vince wrapping his arm around me.
"can we watch a film or something?" I ask timidly.
"sure" he leans for the remote and let's me flick through before I find something to put on.
I curl up into his side and try to forget what happened today and soon enough, probably from all the crying, I feel my eyes growing heavy and I drift off into an uneasy sleep making me jolt awake frequently.

At around 3am I wake up for the what feels like millionth time, I'm tangled in the bedsheets, my fingers interlocked with vinces who's laying on his side facing me. I toss and turn for a while before giving up so I lay there staring at the ceiling. I think over everything that's happened in the last year or two. Before I can get too deep and throw myself a pity party however I gasp as I hear vinces voice mutter "what you thinking about?"
I turn to look at him, his sleepy eyes just starting to focus on me.
"nothing" I whisper back, secretly glad that he chose now to wake up.
I turn on my side and face him.
"hi" he whispers. I smile in return.
"I'm really sorry for what happened before"
"no no no it's not your fault." I can already sense the guilt he's feeling.
"but it is...this is my movie set, and it happened to someone who i hired and I'm dating"
"ohhh so we're dating now? You gonna go official on that?" I smirk teasing him.
"I-err I thought-" I let him stutter for a few seconds before moving forward, lightly pressing my lips against his.
I pull away after a couple of seconds.
"I'll get you higher security and you can stay here until you want to leave" he whispers, cupping my cheek with his warm hand.
I smile, gently kissing the inside of his palm before moving closer to him. Our lips reconnect again. This time there's more passion from both sides.
He moves on top of me, his tongue dipping into my mouth, fighting for dominance as I rake my hands through his hair. I moan as he stops kissing me but moan again louder as he reattaches his lips to my neck.
Our hands fight with our clothing as I push his shorts off and he tugs my shirt over my head.
We take a second, vince kneeling back as my chest heaves heavily, panting as I look into his eyes. I could feel the question coming, the one that wastes so much time...
"are you sure?"
"shut up" I laugh as I pull his head down to me and kiss him passionately again...

By the time we're finished and quite satisfied it's getting light. I sit up, my now naked body wrapped in the crisp white sheets as I watch vince get up, putting his shorts back on heading into his bathroom. I smile and fall back into the pillows.
Its been so long since I last had sex... My eyes widen as I realised it had been over a year.
I feel fresh and fun again.

I head downstairs with vince after having a shower, I'm once again wearing one of his shirts and my underwear. As we're sat at the kitchen island I hear my phone ringing from upstairs, jogging up the stairs I find the phone in my jeans pocket.
"jen where are you? When they told me what had happened and you weren't in your hotel room I didn't know what to think-"
"chris" I try to interrupt
"and then jason didn't know where you were and-"
"Chris!" he finally stops ranting, taking a deep breath. "I'm fine. I'm staying here with vince for a while"
"wait, your at vinces?"
".... I can't explain everything over the phone right now" I say as I can smell the pancakes wafting through the house, "can we meet up for lunch?"

Hi I'm sorry it's taken so long to get this chapter finished and published but I just couldn't find the motivation to write and I think my chapters in the future may be less frequent cos its hard to find the time to write them, but I hope you liked this one ❤️

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