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Mike W and the others had to go to school. "Do you think you'll be ok by yourself?" Jackie asked. Alex nodded. "If anything happens use Yajaira's phone to call me, okay?" Jackie said. Alex nodded. Yajaira showed Alex how to use the phone and they were off. Alex took off the glasses and set them on the nightstand. Alex played with her powers. Alex heard her wheelchair move. Alex stopped using her powers and looked at her wheelchair. It was far away from her and she was scared. She turned towards the window and saw someone hiding behind the curtains. It started walking towards her. Alex got the phone and called Jackie. Jackie answered. "Alex is everything okay?" Jackie asked. "There's someone here." Alex said. 'What?" Jackie asked. It stopped walking. Alex stopped talking. Jackie was calling her name. All of a sudden the person fell as if there was a hole in the ground. Alex screamed and dropped the phone. Jackie hung up. *Jackie* everyone was listening to the phone call. "Jackie do you know how to create a portal?" Jason asked. "Yes why?" Jackie asked. "I need you to open it again. There is someone who might be able to save Alex." Jason said.  jackie nodded. *Alex* Alex moved closer to the end of the bed and looked over to where the person fell to see it. She didn't see anything. All of a sudden something grabbed Alex's shoulder's and threw her off the bed. Alex broke her neck. She saw two feet on the other side of the bed. It walked to the curtains and closed them. It closed the door. Alex closed her eyes her hands were shaking and she couldn't use her powers. She heard the thing scream in her ear. Alex started crying and screaming. The door bursts open and the thing went away. Alex was crying. "Alex?" A voice said. The voice sounded like Mike W. "holy shit hot stuff what happened?" The voice said. Alex stopped crying. "Richie?" Alex asked. Richie kneeled down on one knee and helped her sit up. A tear fell from Alex's cheek when she saw Richie. Richie put his hand on her cheek and wiped the tear away. Alex held her neck. "You're not- you can't be real." Alex said. Richie smiled. He pulled Alex closer. "Is this real?" Richie asked leaning in. He kissed Alex. Alex wrapped her arms around Richie's neck. Alex started crying. They stopped kissing and Richie hugged her. "I missed you so much." Alex said crying. Richie kissed Alex's forehead. "I missed you more hot stuff." Richie said. Alex stopped crying. Alex fell asleep in Richie's arms. Richie picked her up and set her on the bed. "Is she okay?" El asked. "I don't really know. She was holding her neck but other than that she's fine." Richie said. "I'll go get the doctor to check her neck." Jackie said. Everyone nodded. "Did you see anyone?" Stanley asked. "It wasn't a person, it's skin was grey and it had a couple white strands of hair. It was wearing this hospital gown and it had a breathing mask." Richie said. Yajaira eyes widened. "You don't think Alex's dad is still here, do you?" Ben said. "Pennywise is dead." Eddie said. "It's not Pennywise." yajaira said. Everyone looked at her. "I think Alex is possessed by this man. We call him the man that can't breathe. Alex said she saw a man before she got hit by a car. At first she thought it was you but it wasn't. I think the reason Alex can't heal herself or be healed by Jason or Jackie is because the thing hurting her isn't a person, it's a spirit a bad one." Yajaira said. "Why did she think it was me?" Richie asked. Yajaira was about to answer but Mike W interrupted. "Because you were supposed to be dead. Should of done everyone a favor and stayed that way." Mike W said. He said the last part under his breath. "What did you say?!" Richie said mad. Mike W and Richie got closer. "Guys stop it. We have more important things to do than start a fight. Especially in front of Alex." Beverly said. Mike W and Richie glared at each other. "Can we just focus on Alex please?" El asked. "I'll stay here with her." Richie said still glaring at Mike W. "Okay then we will all leave." Mike H said. Mike W bumped Richie's shoulder. Richie got angry and put his foot in front of Mike W and tripped him. "That's it." Mike W said. He was about to do something but Jackie came into the room and pulled Mike W back. "I found someone who might be able to help. Lets go. The doctor will be here in a minute." Jackie said. Everyone but Richie left. Richie sat in a chair next to Alex. the doctor placed something around it. Alex slept for a couple more minutes. Richie fell asleep on the chair. Alex woke up and she didn't see Richie. She thought she had dreamt the whole thing. She was about to cry when she heard moving. She turned around and saw Richie with his glasses and hawaiian shirt. Alex smiled. Alex took Richie's glasses off and put them on. She got the glasses Jackie gave her. She saw better in Richie's glasses. She switched the glasses back and forth. Richie woke up and he couldn't see anything. "Fuck." Richie said under his breath. He used him hands to try and find his glasses. Alex didn't notice he was awake. Richie squinted and saw Alex had his glasses. He slowly got on the bed. "Alex i know you have my glasses." Richie said. Alex looked at him. She smiled and handed him his glasses. Richie wrapped his arms around her. "I love you." Alex said. Richie smiled and kissed her. "I love you too." Richie said. "Richie?" Alex asked. "Yes?" Richie asked. "How are you still alive?" Alex asked. "Jason. I guess before I was fully dead he healed me then ran me to Hopper's away from the mind flayer. He was supposed to get me after they were all dead but he said a portal opened and you and the others went in. he said you were in trouble and asked your twin sister to open another portal so he could get me." Richie said.  Alex nodded. Richie put his glasses on and saw Alex wearing glasses. "When did you get glasses?" Richie asked confused. "Yesterday before I got hit." Alex said. Richie nodded. "Ok we're back." Yajaira said. They came in with an old lady. "Hello, Alex. I'm Elise." The lady said.   

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