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They all left Richie's house not noticing Alex was gone. They were getting their bikes when a blast almost got El. They all screamed and turned around. Alex started laughing. "That was a warning shot. Next one won't miss." Alex said. Alex disappeared. "We have to get her back. Fast." Stanley said. Everyone nodded. They all headed to Neibolt. They went inside and went to the well. They rope they tied was still there. They all went down it and headed to the place with all the floating kids. When they arrived at the place they saw Pennywise smiling. "It's over." Beverly said. "I don't think so." Alex said. Alex closed her eyes and she started floating. Pennywise walked to them. "Bill you think I killed Georgie?" Pennywise asked. "I know y-y-you killed him." Bill said. All of a sudden a projection of Alex looking for Pennywise came on. They all watched. "Dad?" Alex asked. Alex was at the place. "Help!" Georgie said. Alex's eyes widened and she ran off. The projection stopped. "If Alex had stayed Georgie would still be alive." Pennywise said. Bill looked mad and started thinking. "Alex is recharging and once she's done all of you are gone forever." Pennywise said. He walked away. "Bill?" Ben asked. "She tricked us! S-s-she was never our f-friend!" Bill yelled. "How do you know if what he's showing us is real!" Jason yelled. "He's right. Once we get Alex back we'll let her tell us." Max said. All of a sudden Max flipped over. "Max!" Jason, Lucas, Dustin, El, Mike and Will said. They all checked on her. The losers club looked at Alex. she was starting to come down. *Alex* Alex closed her eyes scared to see that creature again. She started hearing people say Max. she opened her eyes and saw Max had been flipped over. Alex saw the losers club looking at someone. She followed their gaze and saw herself. She was about to blast the losers club. Alex ran to herself and grabbed her wrist. The Alex she was seeing looked confused. Alex flipped her over. *Losers club* They saw Alex was about to blast them and then she stopped looking confused. All of a sudden Alex was flipped over by nothing. The losers club looked confused. "You guys?" Mike H asked. Mike, El, Jason, Dustin, Will, Lucas and Max looked at Alex. "what happened?" Jason asked. "I don't know." Eddie said. "She just flipped over all of a sudden." Richie said. They looked at her. Alex got up and looked around. She was thrown to the wall. All their eyes widened. Alex fell unconscious. Alex started floating. After a few seconds her eyes opened and she was back on the floor. She got up and saw the losers club and smiled. Mike saw her eyes were normal and her hair was slowly starting to turn back to its original color. "She's back." Mike said. "What?" Everyone asked. Mike ran to Alex and hugged her. Alex hugged him back. "What happened? How did you turn back?" Mike asked. "I don't know I was hiding from something and I heard people say Max and when I opened my eyes you were all in front of me and I saw myself and everything I did to her happened here I guess. When she fell unconscious I just kinda walked back into my body."Alex said. Mike smiled. El ran and jumped on Alex. "your back!" El said. Everyone went to her and hugged her except for Bill. Alex heard her dad's laugh. "Well done Alex." Pennywise said. Alex was mad. "I have a surprise for you." Alex said. Pennywise looked confused. Alex closed her eyes and energy started making a circle around her. Her eyes turned blue and she started floating. She started screaming and pennywise slowly started disintegrating. The circle of energy started gaining more and more power. It started as blue bolts of energy then it gained water, wind, fire. The color turned purple and it formed a tornado around Alex. the ground started shaking and lighting started coming out of the tornado. Alex screamed louder and Pennywise started disintegrating faster. Alex fell to the ground and pennywise was gone. Everyone ran to Alex and started shaking her. Alex was turning pale. She stopped breathing. "This can't be happening." El said crying. Max hugged Lucas. Then all of a sudden lighting hit Alex. everyone jumped back. Alex started gaining her color. El gasped and everyone looked at Alex. Alex started breathing and slowly start waking up. Alex fully woke up. Everyone waited for her to say something. "Ow." Alex said. Everyone chuckled and hugged her. "We should get out of here." Ben said. Everyone nodded and started walking. Bill looked at a pile. Alex turned around and saw him. "Bill?" Alex asked. "D-d-did you kill Georgie?" Bill asked. "Bill-" Richie said. "Richie it's ok." Alex said. "I didn't kill him. I wasn't even here when my dad killed him." Alex said. "he showed Georgie screaming for help and you were there a-a-and you didn't help him. You ran off." Bill said. Alex was confused but realised. "Are you talking about the time I first found this place?" Alex asked. "I guess. Did you-" Bill said. "No, but when I first found this place I was looking for my dad and I found Betty Rimpson's other shoe. I got scared a ran but I never heard Georgie." Alex said. Bill looked down. "I wish I was there. I could of s-s-stopped IT from killing Georgie." Bill said. Alex hugged him. "Lets just go." Alex said. Bill nodded and everyone walked out of that place. When they were out Alex felt a pain in her stomach. "Ah." Alex said. Mike looked at her. "Alex? Are you ok?" Mike asked. Everyone else looked at her. Alex's stomach started hurting more. Alex screamed and fell to the floor. Everyone surrounded her. *back in the lab in Hawkins where Alex was kept* There was a boy strapped to a chair getting electrocuted. "Do you think it's working?" A scientist asked. "It has to be. We need the girl." Another scientist said. They look at the boy, tattooed on his wrist is the number 000.  

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