1996 Part 1

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There was snow everywhere and men working. It zooms into one of the men and it's hopper with a shaved head. Hopper looked over and saw a bunch of russian men walking 3 kids to a base. They had bags over their heads. They tied the kids to chairs and took off the bags. They were Mike, El and Jason. *Alex* "Where are they!?" Alex asked. "Look maybe we should call Eddie and the others." Will said. "No. They're in Derry for the winter. Lets give them a break from this." Lucas said. "He's right. We can find them ourselves." Dustin said. Alex grabbed a glass vase that was sitting in the counter and threw it at the wall. "Alex! Calm down. We'll find them." Max said. "What if it's my dad?" Alex asked. "Alex that's not possible. You and Mike found him dead on your roof." Will said. "But think about the people missing. Mike, El, Jason, Hopper." Alex said. "She has a point. I mean they are the closest to her. Mike is her boyfriend. El is her sister. Jason is her best friend. And Hopper adopted her so now he's like her dad." Lucas said. "Whoever it is we have to get them back." Dustin said. They all nodded. *days before* Mike and Alex were laying down on Alex's bed. Mike was hugging her from the back. They were sleeping. There was a knock on the door that woke Alex up. "Mike." Alex whispered. Mike was still asleep. Alex got a pillow and hit Mike with it. Mike woke up. "What the hell?" Mike said. "Is that Mike!?" Hopper asked. "Shit." Mike whispered. "No!" Alex said. "Alex open the door!" Hopper said. "What's going on?" Jason asked. El came out of Jason's room. "We'll talk later." Hopper said to Jason and El. "Alex!" Hopper said. "In a second!" Alex said. "Don't even try to hide him!" Hopper said. Alex opened the door a little just to show her face. "Hey, hopper." Alex said. "Open the door." Hopper said. Alex opened the door. Hopper went into the room and Mike was sitting on her bed. Alex was wearing a shirt Mike gave her. "Sit down." Hopper said. Alex sat down next to Mike. "what were you two doing?" Hopper asked. "Nothing." Mike said. "If you two are doing something you need to be safe." Hopper said. "Tell that to El and Jason." Alex said. "What!?" Hopper asked. "Run." Jason said. El and Jason went to his room. "Alex open their door for me please." Hopper said. Alex teleported to Jason's room and unlocked the door. "Alex I'll kill you." Jason said. "Not if Hopper kills you first." Alex said. Hopper went into Jason's room and Alex went back to hers. She closed the door. "How much do you think they hate us right now?" Mike asked. "I don't know." Alex said. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. They stopped and Mike looked at the clock. "Shit I have to go." Mike said. "Can't you just stay for a couple more minutes?" Alex asked. "No. my parents are coming back and there gonna want me to explain what happened to the house." Mike said. "Okay. just be careful." Alex said. "Alright, I'll call you." Mike said. Alex nodded. Mike left. Alex was laying on her bed when the door busted open. Jason ran in and pushed Alex off the bed. "Alex got up and threw Jason to the wall. "You sold me out!" Jason said. "Relax, you lived." Alex said. Jason slammed Alex to the wall with his powers. All of a sudden Alex's hand turned into a knife. "The hell?" Jason asked. Alex looked at her hand. "I thought you said you wouldn't use your powers. And that you told me all the powers you had." Jason said. "It's new I think." Alex said. "Is everything okay?" Hopper asked. Jason and Alex nodded. "I have to go to dustin's." Alex said. "Does Mike know your going to Dustin's everyday?" El asked. "Of course. We're just hanging out. He's been begging me to watch some of his favorite movies and read comics with him." Alex said. "Okay, just be home by 7." Hopper said. Alex nodded. She ran out the house and teleported to Dustin's. "Hey Alex." Dustin said. "We have a problem." Alex said. "What is it?" Dustin asked. "I got a new power. What if it's because we've been practicing my powers?" Alex said. "You've gotten new powers before. This isn't unnatural. And for practicing your powers... what you did a couple weeks ago was only part of what you can do. We need to control your powers that way they don't get out of hand. Trust me I've read enough comics and seen enough movies to be your mentor." Dustin said. "I know. I'm sorry, it's just- I don't like keeping this a secret from Mike and the others." Alex said. "I know. But we must. So we have to keep this secret between us. Not even our children can know." Dustin said. Alex laughed. "Okay, let's practice." Dustin said. Alex nodded. *El* "does Alex know that Hopper is making you move into her room or we're you two busy fighting?" El asked. "Too busy fighting." Jason said. "Are you really going to kill her?" El asked. "No. I love you as if she was my sister. And just like if she was my sister she can be annoying sometimes." Jason said. El and Jason kissed. Jason heard something. "Hold on." Jason said. "What's wrong?" El asked. All of a sudden the window broke and a tranquilizer hit Jason in the back and he fell to the floor. "Jason! Oh god. Hopper!" El said. Another tranquilizer hit El. Hopper came in the room and saw El and Jason on the floor. "El! Come on kid wake up. Jason!" Hopper said. All of a sudden a bag was put over his head and he was hit on the head. *Mike* Mike was on the phone. "Look, mom I know. I'll explain everything, alright? I'm only 5 minutes away from the house. Okay, bye." Mike said. Mike hung up and then was hit in the back of his neck with a tranquilizer. He fell then someone took him. *Alex* "you've had enough practice for today." Dustin said. Alex fell to the floor. "You alright?" Dustin asked. Alex nodded then sighed. "No. I feel like what happened a few weeks ago was something bad. Like I'm just waiting for something really bad to happen." Alex said. "It's been weeks. Maybe that blast was I don't know. Maybe when your dad turned you evil part of it was stuck inside you for years and it was just tired and left." Dustin said. "Yeah. maybe." Alex said. Dustin's phone started ringing. "Hello? Oh hey Mrs. Wheeler. Yeah Alex is with me. I haven't seen Mike. oh um actually he called earlier and said he was going to Lucas's place. Yeah I'll go and tell him to call you. Okay, bye." Dustin said. "What's wrong?" Alex asked. "I think Mike is missing. He hasn't come home and he told his mom he was 5 minutes away like an hour ago." Dustin said. "Get the others and Met me at my place. I'll get Jason to help me look around town." Alex said. Dustin nodded. Alex teleported to her house and the door was wide open. "Hopper!? El!? Jason!?" Alex asked. She searched the house. Nothing. She ran around the whole town but couldn't find them. She put her fingers through her hair. *Mike* Mike could feel he was moving. Like he was in a car. He heard pounding. "Hello?" Mike asked. "Mike?" El asked. "I will beat your asses!" Jason yelled. "What is going on?!" Hopper asked. Mike was tied up with a bag over his head. So were the others. "Finally." Jason said. "What? What happened? Are you free?" El asked. "No but I got the bag off." Jason said. "That's great can you take ours off now?" Mike said. Jason Moved closer to El and took the bag off her them Hopper then Mike. "where the hell are we?" Mike asked. "I don't know." El said. The car stopped. The truck opened and russian guards took them out of the car. One of them took Hopper away. "Get your hands off me!" Hopper said. They took him somewhere. They shaved his head and gave him clothes. They took out a translator. One of the guards said something in russian. "He said that if you don't do what they say they'll kill the girl." The translator said. "Eleven?" Hopper asked. The russian guard nodded. Hopper sighed. *Alex* "they're not here!" Alex yelled. "Alex, calm down, please." Max said. "Don't tell me to calm down!" Alex said. Her eyes turned red and behind her was fire. "Alex, breathe we'll find them. We promise." Lucas said. Alex's eyes went back to normal and the fire disappeared. Alex started crying. "What if we can't? O-or we find them and their death? It's been 2 days." Alex said. Will hugged her. "We'll keep looking." Will said. "They're not here. Maybe we should go back to your house to see if they're back?" Dustin said. Alex nodded. Max wrapped her arms around Alex. "I'm sorry I yelled." Alex said. "It's fine. You're on edge with all this." Max said. They started walking. *Mike* They put the bags back on and started walking them to a base. They tied them to chairs and took the bags off. "What do you want from us?!" El asked. The guard spoke. "Jason, do you know what he's saying?" Mike asked. "He said the girl." Jason said. "What girl?' Mike asked. Jason asked the guard. He took out a drawing of Alex. El and Jason's eyes widened. A boy came in. the guard left. "Mike, Jason and Eleven." The boy said. "Who do you know who we are?" Jason asked. "You really don't know who I am Jason?" oh well I guess Alex can explain when she comes to get you." The man said. "What the fuck do you want with her?" Mike asked. *Alex* "Try finding them. With your you know mind." Dustin said. "Yeah, yeah, Okay, um I need pictures of Mike, El, Hopper and Jason. There should be a picture of Hopper and Jason in a box in my closet. Mike's in a frame and El's in my drawer. "Alright." Dustin and Lucas said. They ran upstairs to Alex's room to get the pictures. *Mike* "Hey he asked you a fucking question! What do you want with Alex?" Jason asked. "She's dangerous Jason she needs to be killed." He said. "Your not laying a finger on her!" Mike yelled. "Who do you fucking know she's dangerous?!" Jason asked. "Because I've been keeping an eye on you ever since you got out of the lab." He said. "Are you serious?" Jason asked. He didn't say anything but just smiled. "You can rot in hell. And I'd die before I let you get your hands on Alex. I'd kill you." Jason said. "That's fine. Cuz I know she'll come for you 4. She always does." He said. He left. "Fuck!" Mike said. "We have to get out." El said. Jason nodded. *Alex* "I found them." Alex said. "Okay, where are we going?" Max asked. "Not we. me." Alex said. "Alex." Will started. "It's bad enough they took Mike, El, Jason and Hopper. I don't want I don't want them taking or hurting anyone else." Alex said. "Alex you haven't used your powers since your dad died it's not a good thing to use them." Max said. "I don't care. They have Mike and El and Jason and Hopper. I'm going." Alex said. "Alex just think about what your going to-" Lucas started. Alex teleported. "Shit." Dustin said. *Mike* Mike was trying to fall over to break the chair. The boy came back. "Don't bother. She's probably on her way." The boy said. "Fuck you!" Mike said. He left. All of a sudden the door opened and Alex walked in. "Alex." El said. Mike looked up. "You shouldn't be here." Mike said. "Right so I'm just going to let you sit her and rot to death." Alex said. She started untying Mike. "No Alex he's right there's this guy that wants to kill you." Jason said. Alex untied Jason. "Does it look like I give a fuck? I don't care whoever wants to kill me let them try. I've already killed a whole town I can kill one more person." Alex said. She untied El. "there she is." The boy said. Alex turned around and she looked scared. "Alex?" Jason asked. 

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