Stan By Me

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"Syd!" Stan said. Richie and Alex faced Stan. Syd gasped. "Fuck. How did- I mean, you... you just-" Stan started. "They were like this when I got there, I- I swear. They were." Syd said. "No, no. No, no, I... I saw it, Syd." Stan said. "Goddamn it Beverly." Alex whispered. "Well, you better keep this a secret, okay? Not a fucking word! Got it? Promise me, please!" Syd said. "Okay. Okay. I-- I promise, Syd." Stan said. Syd left. Once Stan left and Alex made sure no one was watching she used her powers to put all the trees back to place. They left to the motel. "Back there, why did you say goddamn it? I mean it was in the woods. And nobody else saw but you, me and Stan." Richie said. Alex turned around. "Why do you think I came here in the first place, Richie!" Alex said. "To find Beverly!" Richie said. "No! I know my dad! It's either him or the mind flayer looking for Beverly! That blast just told them exactly where she is and that she has her powers! My powers could kill her!" Alex said. "What do you mean kill her?" Richie asked. "They're not hers. Which means they won't protect her. If they don't go away from her using them then they will return to me the second they kill her." Alex said. "So what do we do now?" Richie asked. "It's only a matter of time before they find her. We just keep watching her like we're doing right now and we make sure that they don't do anything to her or Stan." Alex said. Richie nodded. It was quiet for a second. "So...." Richie started. Alex looked at him. "Wanna go to homecoming?" Richie asked. "Are you serious right now?" Alex asked. "Hey, Stan and Syd are going to be there, maybe. All I'm saying is if they work things out and do end up going we should go." Richie said. Alex looked at him taking out clothes that she could sleep in. "You said it yourself we have to keep an eye on them." Richie said holding his hands up in surrender. Alex sighed. "Fine." Alex said. She grabbed the clothes and went to change in the bathroom. Richie looked down and smiled a little. They both went to sleep. The next morning they woke up and went to school after changing. They saw Syd walk in. Stan ran up to her. "Syd! I know you don't really wanna talk since, you know, the..." Stan whispered. Syd went into the girl's bathroom. "Um... Cool. I'll, uh... I'll be..." Stan said. The bell rang and Alex and Richie headed to science. Alex and Richie sat next to each other. "Yeah, okay. Goggles up." The teacher said. Alex was about to put them on upside down but Richie took them from she and put them right side up. "Thanks." Alex said. Richie nodded. Syd moved her seat to their table. Stan followed her. Alex saw they were talking and she put her hair behind her ear and listened to what they were saying. "Okay, can you say something? Please." Stan said. "Yeah, I can. Why don't you just shut up?" Syd said. "Look, I- I've been doing some research, and I think... Syd, I think we should test your powers." Stan said. Alex nudged Richie. "What?" Richie asked. Alex was still listening and wrote down everything she was hearing on a piece of paper. "What are you even talking about?" Syd asked. "Just hear me out, okay? There's this thing in ancient Mayan culture where they would... they would build, like, a pyramid, for the sun god. Basically, they would use it for a whole multitude..." Stan said. Alex heard the ringing. Alex looked at the tubes and they were moving. Alex went to the teacher and asked to go to the bathroom. He said yes and she left. Alex turned invisible, While covering her ears. "Hey, where are you-" The teacher started. "Bathroom." Syd said running out of the class. Alex followed her still being invisible. Syd went to a stall and it started shaking. Alex whispered in the next stall. "Breathe." Alex whispered. All of a sudden The shaking stopped and so did the ringing. There was a knocking sound coming from Syd's stall. "Syd? You okay?" Dina asked. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Syd said. "You don't sound fine." Dina said. "I- I am. I- I'm great." Syd said. "Okay. Well, Brad and I talked, which is good. We figured that out." Dina said. "Oh, oh, oh... okay." Syd said. "But I- I- I also wanted to talk about the other night?" Dina said. "No, that's fine." Syd said. "I just feel like we left it in a weird-" Dina started. "No, no, not at all!" Syd said. "So, we're cool?" Dina asked. "Yes, yes, we are so cool. Uh, we can also, maybe, talk about this later? Bye!" Syd said. "Okay. Um..." Dina said. She put a tampon in Syd's stall. "Feel better?" Dina said. She left and Syd sighed. After a while she left and so did Alex. After school Richie followed Stan to the bowling alley and Alex followed Syd home. After having a talk with her brother Syd went to the bowling alley. Alex met up with Richie and they turned invisible and went inside. "Sorry, we're closed." Stan said. "Was hoping you might make an exception?" Syd asked. "That depends. Are you a good bowler?" Stan asked. "No." Syd said. "Then what are you doing here?" Stan asked. "Gotta... try to make the lasagne." Syd said. Richie was confused. "That sounds vaguely... sexual." Stan said. "No, it's not." Syd said. "Okay." Stan said. "I thought maybe... I could hear some of those dumb theories of yours." Syd said. "Okay!" Stan said. He brought out comic books. "When you said research, I thought you meant... research." Syd said. "Okay, so the people who wrote these things- Do you think they came up with these characters and their powers out of thin air?" Stan asked. "Yes." Syd, Alex, and Richie said. Only Alex and Richie whispered. "Or- or- or is it possible that they researched carefully and grounded these superhero abilities in modern science and parapsychology?" Stan said. "No, it's not possible. At all." Syd said. "Okay. You're right. The people who wrote these were probably eating acid like candy. But the point is, they know superpowers. Okay? So each of these comics features an unknown visitor. A professor, a wise old sage, some form of a mentor figure, you know, who visits the hero, explains their abilities, the mythology behind them, and how they can harness those powers for good." Stan said. "What's your point?" Syd asked. "Has anyone like this ever visited you?" Stan asked. Syd just shook her head. "Okay, totally fine. Maybe I'll just be your mentor figure. Or not! I mean, sometimes, it's a rite of passage thing. There's always an origin. Okay? So have you experienced any of the following... Uh... spider bite?" Stan said. "No." Syd said. "Okay. Radioactive goo?" Stan asked. "No." Syd said. "Alien gemstones?" Stan asked. "No." Syd said. "Okay. What about secret military experiment?" Stan said. "No." Syd said. "Bionic limb transplant?" Stan asked.  "What?" Syd asked. "Okay, what about your parents?" Stan asked. "What about 'em?" Syd asked. "Well, sometimes, a person inherits their abilities." Stan said. "The only thing I inherited was pasty skin and my bubbly personality." Syd said then faked smiled. "And the thigh zits." Stan said. Syd stopped smiling. "Oh, too soon. I thought those were fair game. Sorry." Stan said. "God, this is a waste of time." Syd said getting up and about to walk away. "Okay. Look, all right. All right. Okay, look. I'm the first to call out how shitty this town is. And my life, it ain't great, Syd." Stan said. "Yeah, I noticed." Syd said pointing at a cut on Stan's face. "Okay, but- but you have something special. And you're here right now because you wanna try to understand it. And that's a big first step, okay? And I know this because I am your mentor figure." Stan said. "Okay, Mr. Miyagi, then, tell me, what's the second step?" Syd asked. "We test your powers." Stan said. They tried to test them but since the powers weren't hers she can't use them on command, only when she's angry or embarrassed. They gave up and sat opposite of each other with their backs to the bowling ball rack. "Okay. So how does it normally happen? Like, after Ricky's party? Like, what- what was your mindset?" Stan said. "I didn't have a mindset." Syd said. "Okay, but were you just having fun, and then you just blew down some trees, or..." Stan asked. "I, um... kinda... kissed someone at the party." Syd said. "Oh. When? Like, be- before or after I asked you to homecoming?" Stan asked. "Uh- did you think we were... together?" Syd asked. "I mean, we did... you know, at my house, that one night. I've... never done that before." Stan said. "Me either." Syd said. "Right. So... this person you kissed, and I'm not gonna ask who, because I'm above it and I don't care. I'm not even the least bit jealous. But just tell me... does he dress cooler than me?" Stan said. Syd laughed a little. "No one can dress cooler than you, Stan." Syd said. Richie looked offended. "Excuse me?" Richie whispered. Alex rolled her eyes. "I actually... kissed someone who... didn't wanna be kissed. And I felt like an idiot. It almost always comes out when I'm angry. Or embarrassed. Or- or scared." Syd said. Stan stood up. "Okay. Come on. I think I know why they didn't kiss you back. Because you're incredibly ugly. Repulsive, actually. And I'm not even counting the zits." Stan said. "What is he doing?" Richie asked. "Making her angry." Alex said. "And you wanna know something that's even more embarrassing than being ugly? Flunking biology. Which you are most definitely gonna do. I mean, Martin Ganza passed biology. And he thinks cyborgs staged the moon landing." Stan said. "Okay, so I'm ugly. I'm dumb. Wait, is that all you got?" Syd said. "Do you wanna know the scary thing? You're never gonna figure this out. You'll never know what the hell's going on inside you." Stan said. Alex started hearing ringing. Her eyes widened. "Or what the hell's wrong with you. And that's gonna eat you up inside. You'll never have answers, and that's gonna haunt you for as long as you live. And that's gonna suck. Yeah, it will. But nothing will ever suck as much as your shitty family." Stan said. Two bowling balls started floating. "Shit. Stan shut up." Richie said. "For starters, let's talk about your dad. I hear he didn't even leave a note. And do you wanna know something?" Stan said. "One of the balls are going to hit Stan." Alex said. "What?" Richie asked. The bowling balls were thrown towards Stan. Alex used her telekinesis to move the balls and make sure they didn't hit Stan. the ringing stopped. Stan laughed. "Holy shit! That was awesome!" Stan said. "Fuck you!" Syd said. "S- What? Syd, I- I didn't mean any of that! I just- I was just trying- I mean, it worked." Stan said. "I could've killed you! We're through. I'm done." Syd said then walked out. Alex and Richie followed. They stopped at the door and saw Syd walking away. Richie looked to the side and saw a dark figure. "Alex." Richie said. Alex looked at him confused then looked at the figure. It was the shadow monster. It went away. "Shit. They found her." Alex said. "Well, Fuck." Richie said.

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