Monstrous Child

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*Alex* "where do you think he went?" Jason asked. "Maybe to find our kids." Stanley said. "Fuck." Dustin said. Alex was getting stronger but not strong enough to fully use all her powers. "Mike." Alex said. "What?" Mike asked. "One of you has to make me angry." Alex said. "Oh hell no. you'll kill me." Richie said. "In that case Richie, go ahead and piss her off." Max said. "I don't care who it is just do it." Alex said. "Fine." Richie said. Richie sighed. "Maybe if you had died the mind flayer would of been gone. And if you and El hadn't escaped better yet if you hadn't been born none of this would of happened. Will would of never gone missing. The demogorgon and mind flayer would still be in the upside down. Your dad wouldn't of had a reason to turn into Pennywise. But no you showed up and ruined all our lives. Just like you ruin everything else." Richie said. Alex's eyes started turning yellow. "Hell I'm surprised it wasn't you that cheated on Mike!" Richie said. Alex's body turned a light red and the ropes burned off her. "Don't kill me!" Richie said. Alex's body and her eyes went back to normal. She closed her eyes and the rope that was tied around everyone else fell off. "Great we're out. Now how do we get out of her?" Ben said. "Come on." Alex said. *Matthew* Matthew punched the mind flayer. "For the last goddamn time, where are they!?" Matthew asked. "I'm not tell you anything." The mind flayer said. Joanna and Jasmine started burning the mind flayer from the inside. The mind flayer screamed. Matthew went upstairs and Bella followed. "Matthew, I'm sorry." Bella said. "You should be." Matthew said. "What does that mean?" Bella asked. "It means that if it wasn't for you we might of found our parents by now!" Matthew yelled. "Are you seriously blaming me!? You could of let me die!" Bella yelled. "No, seriously Bella why the hell did you follow me!?" Matthew yelled. "Because you were hurting! Because the things they were saying were about your mom! But you know what sorry for giving a shit about you!" Bella said. She went upstairs to the bathroom and slammed the door. Matthew grabbed a glass cup and threw it at the wall. He went back to the basement. "Where's Bella?" Joanna asked. "Upstairs." Matthew said. Joanna went up and knocked on the bathroom door. "Bella?" Joanna asked. Bella looked up from the corner she was in. she was crying. "Who is it?" Bella asked. "It's me, Joanna." Joanna said. Bella got up and unlocked the door. "Why are you crying?" Joanna asked. "Matthew blames me for almost letting the guy escape. He yelled and I honestly can't remember why I ever fucking liked him. He's an asshole." Bella said. "I know. If you don't like him it's fine you can ignore him and once we find our parents you can get the hell away from him." Joanna said. Bella nodded. They went back down to the basement and Bella stayed away from Matthew. "Just like your mom your weak." the mind flayer said. Matthew's eyes turned red and a row of sharp teeth appeared in his mouth. "What the hell?" Mia asked. "Shit." millie said. Joanna hid behind Mason. "How can you do that?" The mind flayer asked. Matthew didn't answer. His hand turned into a knife and he cut off one of the mind flayer's fingers. Everyone screamed. The mind flayer screamed louder. "Where are they?!" Matthew asked. "We're gonna die." Richard said. Bella started shaking and George hugged her to calm her down. Matthew saw them hugging and his nails started growing sharp. He got even more mad and gripped the mind flayer's arms. His nails were digging into his skin. The mind flayer screamed . "fuck." Sammy said. Bella hid her face into George's chest not wanting to see. Matthew saw Bella and George and his veins started showing creating what looked like the lines Pennywise had in his eyes going down to his lips. "M-matty?" Joanna asked scared. Matthew's skin started turning pale. He reached his hand into the mind flayers chest. "Matthew stop!" Bella said. She was crying. Matthew took out his hand and he went back to normal. Everyone looked at him terrified. Matthew ran upstairs and out the front door. He used his speed and ran to Alex's house. He ran to Alex's room and looked around. His eyes were watery. He started sobbing. "Why am I like this? I'm a monster." Matthew said sobbing looking down at his hands. His fingernails had blood on them. *Joanna* "we have to go after him." Joanna said. "Did you not see-" Mason started. "I know what I saw and it wasn't my brother asshat! If you won't help me I'll go after him myself." Joanna said. "That's not what we're saying." Samantha said. "We're saying after what he did, we have to be careful." George said. "And we need to stay here with this guy to get answers of where our parents are." Sammy said. "I'll go." Bella said. "A-are you sure?" Mia asked still shocked for what happened. "Yeah. I'll be back." Bella said. "If he doesn't kill you." Richard said. Stanley slapped the back of his head. "Shut up." Stanley said. "Just be careful." Stella said. "Yeah, he might not be himself." Mille said. "Are you sure you want to go alone?" George asked. Bella nodded and left. *Matthew* Matthew was sitting with his back towards the door. *flashback* Jason looked at Richie and Mike W. Richie noticed. "What?" Richie asked. "One of you go talk to her." Jason said. "Idiots." Max said. "I'll go." Mike W said. Richie was about to say something. "You stayed with her last time it's my turn." Mike W said and left. Mike could hear Alex sobbing. He knocked on the door. Alex sniffled. "Go away." Alex said. "Alex." Mike said. Alex wiped her tears and put her back to the door. Mike slide down with his back to the door. "You okay?" Mike asked. "I'm a monster." Alex said. "No, Alex your not. You're not the one doing these things ok. It's something else." Mike said. "No, I almost killed Elise Mike. i'm a killer." Alex said. Mike put his head back on the door. "You're not a killer either Alex. the only things you've killed are the mind flayer and it's soldiers and your dad. They all deserved it." Mike said. "But Elise did nothing." Alex said. "She's okay Alex. you didn't hurt her." Mike said. "But I could have." Alex said. Mike looked at the door knob. He stood up. "This is going to hurt." Mike softly said to himself. He elbowed the knob and it fell to the floor. "Mike?" Alex asked. Mike slowly pushed the door open so he can show his face. Alex looked up at him and moved away from the door so he can come in. Mike sat next to her. Alex sniffled. Mike put his arm around her. Alex put her head on his shoulder. They stayed like that for a while. *Matthew* There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Matthew asked. "It's Bella." Bella said. "Get out of here." Matthew said. Bella sighed. "I'm not leaving until you open the door and tell me what happened back there." Bella said. "Then your not ever leaving." Matthew said. Bella slid down with her back to the door. "Matthew come on just open the door." Bella said. "What do you care? Just go back to your boyfriend." Matthew said. "Wait, are you... jealous of George?" Bella asked. "No I'm not, Okay? So just get the hell out of here." Matthew said. "I told you I'm not leav-" Bella started. "Bella I said get the hell out!" Matthew yelled as he punched the floor. His eyes turned red and his voice was demonic. Bella jumped. "I-I'm not scared of you Matty and I'm not leaving you." Bella said. All of a sudden Matthew's stomach started hurting. He screamed. "Matty?" Bella asked. Matthew moved from the door trying to get to the other side of the room. "Matthew?!" Bella asked. Matthew fell to the floor. Bella looked around and found a brick on the ground from part of the wall. She grabbed it and broke the door knob. She ran to Matthew. "Matty!" Bella said. She grabbed his face and saw his red eyes. "Get out of here." Matthew said. He screamed again holding his stomach. Bella lifted his shirt and there was a red glow it was moving. "Oh my god." Bella said. "Bella go! I don't want to hurt you." Matthew said. "No, you won't hurt me Matthew. I know your strong enough to fight it so fight it." Bella said. Matthew screamed. The pain was getting stronger and his nails started growing. He was grabbing Bella's arms and his nails were digging into her skin. Bella whimpered a little. "Bella leave please!" Matthew said. "No. I don't care if you hurt me, Matty. Fight it." Bella said. Matthew screamed louder. The veins started appearing on his face. "I can't!" Matthew said. Bella put her hand on his cheek. "Yes you can." Bella said. She intertwined her fingers with his. The red glow started cutting Matthew's stomach from the inside. Bella covered it. Matthew screamed more and more. His eyes were back to normal, the veins disappeared, and his nails went back to normal. Bella hugged him. Matthew pulled away and looked at her arms. They were bleeding. "I'm sorry." Matthew said. "It's fine." Bella said. Matthew tried to get up but Bella stopped him and pointed at his cut. Matthew healed it and got up. "Can you at least let me clean the blood?" Bella asked. Matthew sighed and sat down on the bed. "Fine." Matthew said. Bella went to the bathroom and got some stuff to clean the blood. She sat next the Matthew. It was quiet. "Why were you jealous?" Bella asked. "I told you I'm not." Matthew said. Bella looked at him. "What do you want me to say? That I'm jealous because I want to be the one that holds you? The one to make you feel safe instead of scared? That I've fucking liked you for so long?" Matthew asked. "W-why didn't you tell me?" Bella asked. "Because Bella everyone in my life gets hurt or dragged into something horrible. And I'll act like an ass to drive you away but it never works. And I don't- I can't see you get hurt." Matthew said. He looked into her eyes then her lips. Bella did the same thing with him. "Matty, you can hurt me all you want but.." Bella said. She leaned in closer. "You can never drive me away." Bella said. Matthew put his hand on her cheek and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his hair. 

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