1. Meeting *

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1. Meeting

Coy smelled him before she could see him. She wasn't the only one.  The scent intrigued her it but annoyed Yal and Dre the alpha male and female.

The pups were out in the open and a wolf that wasn't part of the pack was a threat. The den was close but it was too dangerous to move the pups. So Coy understood.

The pack was small, consisting of only eight wolves, not including the Alphas or the pups. The adults all moved in unison to block the pups from the intruder.

His scent was getting stronger as he drew closer. The scent was interesting. Strange. There was the scent of wolf, man, forest and something she had no words for.

He appeared above them on the small cliff. His nose twitched as he sniffed the air. Coy realized the wind had shifted. His scent vanished.

She took a step forward and the alpha female snarled at her. Immediately, she stopped and stepped back in the protective ring.

Hackles raised five members of the pack growled at the intruder. He watched them from his six foot advantage. The two smaller wolves, Ro and Che, seemed more concerned with the intruder's presence then the Alpha pair, but none of them were pleased. Coy looked to the alpha pair.


Bentley could smell them. They were clearly pissed he had invaded their territory. He couldn't help it. He had found a scent four miles away by a creak. That scent lead him here.

Most Lycan expect to find their mate. He wouldn't care if his mate was Lycan, vampire, human, werejaguar or even a Caster.

Looking down at these wolf borns he was having a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that his mate was a wolf born, a regular wolf, without even a trace of the shifter scent.

His uncle said the Creator didn't make mistakes. So what was this? He scented the air. Clearly his mate was there. But he couldn't smell any of the pheromone given off by the shifter species.

"We may not understand the Creator's choices but that doesn't mean they are a mistake. We each have a life to live, choices, actions, experiences. How we live is the choice me make. We have the potential to be great but it is ourselves that determine if we get there. The mate we are given is the mate we are meant to have."

Right then, Bentley wondered if that were true. He had seen many odd mate combinations but they had worked. Both parties had been stronger together then apart.

He wasn't sure how that effected this situation. Unfortunately, the only way to know was to stay and spend time with this female wolf. But from the look of the two smaller wolves they'd rather kill him.

With a mental sigh he looked around for a way down. He didn't trust them not to ambush him as soon as he was out of sight. A small ledge was a few feet down. That would have to do. The first jump would be easy. The second was at least five feet down but that wasn't the problem. It also about five feet in front of the alpha male.

Bentley knew it would be considered an invasion or possibly a challenge. An attack could follow either way.

This was becoming less desirable by the minute. Traz, Bentley's wolf, didn't care he wanted closer to his mate and if he had to fight a pack he'd do it.

Bentley, however, wasn't so gung ho. He made the first jump. Maybe he should challenge the alpha. He was larger than most wolf born. Although, if he were honest, this wolf alpha was actually larger than some of the Lycans he knew.

Three of the wolves in the pack were rather large. It could be a trick of perspective. He was at an angle above the pack.

The problem was he didn't know wolf born customs. Would the wolves allow the challenge or all attack him. Lycans begrudgingly stepped back and allowed the altercation when a challenge was properly made within the pack.

WOLF BORN LYCAN 2 (A LITTLE WILD) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now