Chapter 12. Shaken Confidence

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Chapter 12. Shaken Confidence

Laura Marks turned to Yar as they were preparing to start dinner. "The alpha asked that you and Coy join them in his office."

Yar wiped tomato juice off her hands with a white towel. "Of course. I'll go get Coy." She dropped the towel on the counter. Laura placed everything in the fridge until they returned from seeing the alpha. She hadn't been specifically invited but she was going with them. The alphas tone had been serious. She intended to stand for her family.

The three females stood outside the alphas office door. Yar looked at Laura questioningly. Laura smiled reassuringly and knocked on the door. It swung open. Alpha Martin smiled as he motioned them inside.

Coy stiffened as she noticed Dre's stiff posture. He looked irritated. And his gaze was directed at her. She didn't know what she had done. Certainly nothing she could recall, not for weeks and weeks.

The door was barely closed before his voice boomed in the small space. "The wolf that visited our territory weeks ago, did you spend time with him, the pack was unaware of?"

Oh, that's why he was irritated with her. She dropped her gaze. She nodded her head affirmative. Not voicing the admission out loud wouldn't lessen the punishment but it made her feel better.

"Why?" The alpha demanded. Of course it was her imagination or wishful thinking that made his tone a touch softer.

But explaining was beyond her. How could she put it into words? So she shrugged her shoulders.

"Use your words, Coy. This is no time to be timid, explain yourself." His anger was back. She flinched.

"Dredan, you're scaring the girl. I'm sure she meant no harm." Laura scolded him gently.

"Mother, don't." Dre felt like a jerk already. If it was true what the alphas believed, he had unknowingly damaged a growing mate bond. Still, he slightly softened his tone. "Tell me why, Coy."

She shrugged involuntarily but tried to answer. Softly, she cried. Tears rolled down her face but it wasn't just the alphas disappointment that pained her.

"I don't know. I liked him. It was like, I'm sorry." She whimpered. "I don't know the words. I couldn't not see him. Being with him was like... like..." But Coy couldn't find a word to explain how she had felt.

Laura's hand flew to cover her mouth. She was instantly horrified by her suspicion.

"Living." Laura whispered softly. Laura's eyes met Dredan's. They each shared a look, except Coy who continued to stare at the carpet.

A moment past as each person in the room thought about the situation.

Coy hadn't looked up from the grey carpet. Her chest hurt. And she knew a punishment was coming. She simply didn't care. Only banishment from her pack could compete with the hurt she already felt. She would probably never see that wolf again. And if she did Dre wouldn't let her sneak away with him again.

"Coy - Coy." It took a moment to realize her name had been repeated more than once. She looked up. Dre wasn't angry but Coy couldn't name the expression he wore. He had never worn it before. He nodded when he realized he had her attention. "You're not in trouble." His tone was solid.

She blinked. Dre was not one to play tricks. He didn't say anything he didn't mean.

"But it seems I have messed up, badly." He continued.

"We messed up, actually. Unintended but still..." Yar shook her head. "As remote as we usually live we thought we had plenty of time. You're only nineteen, no," she frowned, "twenty." Yar felt at a loss. How could she explain mates. She looked at the others searching for inspiration.

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