Chapter 16. A Little Wild And Untamed

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Chapter 16. A Little Wild And Untamed

Alpha Rition pulled up in front of a house that was by far too small to be the pack house. He pulled his vehicle up onto the grass leaving enough room for Alpha Martin to pull up behind him.

Bentley didn't want to do the same so he parked at the curb. As soon as his truck was in park his heart sped up. His hand shook as he put the keys in his pocket.

His wolf urged him to hurry but he wanted to at least look like he could control himself. He didn't touch the door handle until both alphas had exited their vehicles.

He had to force himself to slowly walk forward when he wanted to run right past them and straight to her.

He stopped beside them. His heart still pounding he took a calming breath.

"She's with Dredan in the kitchen." Alpha Rition informed him.

That was all the information he needed, he turned and headed towards the door but the Alpha grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop.

"Wait. You should be aware. Her family is here. Her alpha is protective. If you decide to reject her - be kind."

Bentley shook his head. He'd waited for this moment since the moment he'd smelled her scent by the stream. He had no plans to reject her, he just hoped she didn't reject him.

Alpha Rition's hand dropped.

The door opened and an older female Lycan stepped back to let him pass. "That way." She pointed to the left.

Bentley was already headed in the proper direction. The instant the door opened he'd smelled her. And there was no mistake it was her. He gave up on keeping control. Her sweet pea blossom, saw dust and honeysuckle scent drew him to her.

There were other people in the rooms he passed but he hardly noticed. The only thing he seemed able to focus on was her scent.

Her scent of sweet pea blooms, saw dust and honeysuckle was all he needed to find. He moved steadily through the unfamiliar home.

Coy knew the instant he entered the house. Dre had been reassuring her in his strange awkward way. He had completely disregarded her insistence that Bentley not be harmed even if he rejected her. Dre had assured her that she may feel that way now but if he did reject her she would not feel the same after. Coy had been shaking her head about to tell him she would not change her mind.

However, the air suddenly felt electric. Her skin tingled as it did seconds before a lightening struck. She stiffened, sucked in a breath and she smelled him. She was overwhelmed with all the emotion coursing through her body. She tried to breathe to calm herself but only managed to take in his scent again.

There was the scent of wolf, man, geosmin, forest and something she had no words for when they had first met. Now, she knew it was the pheromone that most shifters secreted naturally.

Suddenly, it was another reminder of their differences. She shifted forms but she lacked that pheromone. She turned wild terrified eyes to the only other person in the room. The world started to feel like a physical weight.

"It's okay, Coy. Just... Just concentrate on your heartbeat." In just a few words his tone went from calm, to skeptical, and back to calm. He gripped her shoulders, holding her up; supporting her. "Feel it. Tha-thump. Okay. Tha-thump. That's right. Tha-thump."

She could feel it in her chest and hear it in her ears. It was real. It was grounding and calming. His fingers relaxed. He was smiling. She almost smiled back. She would have if a voice hadn't spoken from the doorway.

WOLF BORN LYCAN 2 (A LITTLE WILD) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now