6. Revelations *

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6. Revelations

Coy's eyes stung. The wolf had made hardly any sound in the last thirty minutes. But Coy was aware of her struggle. She watched, unable to move or look away as the wolf gave her pup everything she had.

Finally, a tiny pup lay on the ground just inches from it's mother. It was wet and shiney in the bright moonlight. The mother was too tired to do more than lift her head and watch as Yar picked up the unmoving pup.

The mothers head dropped back to the ground. She grunted, her back leg twitched. Yar was rubbing the little wolf pup with a piece of Dre's shirt.

"Yar." Dre said suddenly. He moved forward and dropped to his knees beside the wolf and Yar. "Another one."

With out a word he removed the rest of his shirt. He held it ready for when the pup emerged.

The pup in Yar's hands gave a sudden sound of protest. It was the best sound Coy ever heard.

The mother suddenly became silent. Too silent, her heart and breathing ceased just seconds apart.


Yar shoved the pup into Dre's hands. She hastily crawled closer to the mother. Coy couldn't see what she was doing but after a long moment she moved back. Another small pup rested in her hands. She snatched the shirt from the ground where Dre had dropped it.

As before she rubbed the tiny infant pup.

"Come on, little one, come on." She rubbed, turned the pup, rubbed and muttered. "Oh, come on, please, come on." Her voice broke as she spoke the plea. The minutes dragged out.

"Yar, it's gone, love." Dre cradled the pup he held in one hand as he reached for Yar. She shrugged off his hand.

"No." She hissed. She continued to rub the pup. She bent her head and blew air over the pups face.

Dre bit his lip as he watched her. Coy had never seen any one look at someone like that. The swirl of emotion was just staggering. Coy hadn't a name for all the emotion she saw cover his face.

Coy blinked back tears.

Yar bent over the pup again. She blew air over its nose as she gently rubbed it's tiny ribs with her thumbs.

"Ya-" he sucked in a quick breath. The pup in Yar's hands opened it's mouth and gave a barely discernible squeak.

"Yes!" Yar breathed.

"Amazing, love, amazing," Dre said.

Yar turned her head. Her smile bright and beautiful despite the dirt covering her skin. "Let's go back home."

He nodded and stood. He passed her the first pup. She wrapped them both in the remains of the t-shirt. Dre turned to the others.

"Help me dig a resting place." He changed to his wolf form.

With all of them working together the task was quick. They made the hole deep to keep opportunistic predators out. Yar watched as they dug. She cuddled the little bundle, whispered softly and rubbed her cheek against the fabric.

Dre shifted, this time he walked to the wolves lifeless body. Gently, he picked her up. He muttered something but his voice was so low only he knew what he spoke to the wolf.

Twenty minutes later they were on their way back to their territory. Coy watched the others. Gya and Kar didn't seem fazed by what they had seen. Ro and Chi kept glancing at each other and the bundle in Yar's arms.

Dre had not shifted back to wolf form. He choose to walk beside Yar in his human form.

The distance they traveled was hampered by the now slower pace. But eventually Coy couldn't wait a minute longer. She shifted mid-step.

"Um..." she didn't know how to form the question. "What..."

"Yar, has dreams. Each dream we have followed has led us to a similar situation." Apparently  they had expected the question. "The first was a year after we met. We found Kar and his mother. She managed to deliver him by herself. But by the time we arrived she had passed over the veil. Kar barely clung to life."

Ro and Che kept pace with the others but both changed to human form. The boys were clearly the youngest of the group. In human form they were almost identical. Each had long dirty blonde hair with one blue eye and one green.

Next it was the alpha female who spoke. "At first I thought maybe it was a coincidence. A few years later we found another, but we weren't in time. The pups and the mother passed over the veil. We found Gya just sixteen months later. We found you and Ake three years later. We thought it was over. But then I dreamed of Che and Ro."

"We don't understand why it happens." The alpha male added. He rubbed a hand over Yar's back. "But we've learned to follow the dreams. Each of you are here because Yar found you."

"We have nothing but your interest in our hearts." Yar looked down at the bundle she had pressed to her chest. "And theirs too." She looked at the others as she walked. "They're part of us now. Family. Pack."

"We realize none of you asked to be with us." Dre said.

"But fate, God, the Creator, chance - something brought us to each of you, brought me, to each of you. I understand that you may not like our rules. You may want to explore the human world." Coy noticed that her glance lingered on her before she continued. "But our rules are to keep us all safe. When you risk yourself, you risk all of us."

Coy looked down at the ground and her feet as she walked. She felt guilty.

Dre spoke next. "We have lost too many members of this pack. We have too much to lose to do nothing when there is a threat."

"So we have decided to move on. We'll pack down farther from settlements then we have the last five years.

"But there is something we must do first. We are only five hundred miles from my old pack. They are not like us. They live like humans. They seldom use their fur. They smell more like the humans then we do."

"We can not take all of you with us into their territory. We'll take two of you. But we'll take you all as far as possible and the you can wait for us." Yar explained. "I had hoped..." She glanced down at the tiny pups. "Anyway, we'll give the pups a few days to settle. But we'll leave in three days. The five of you need to discuss this and decide who will go with us and who stays to protect the pack."

Coy stayed with the pack that night. She could have looked for the wolf but her mind was spinning. There was too much information to process. And she knew the alphas wouldn't be happy about her going so far alone. They certainly wouldn't be happy knowing she spent time with that wolf.

The next day Coy found out that Gya refused to go. She didn't like the idea of being around so many weird wolves. The thought that they seldom used their fur was abhorrent to her. 

Ro wanted to go but Che didn't. Ro tried to push him with taunting remarks about being scared. Che didn't budge. He just shook his head and said, "Think what you want."

Kar sat silently listening to the rest of them.

In the end Ro chose not to go with out his birth mate. Coy envied the option. Her birth mate, Ake, was gone.

"Well, I'm going." Coy said. "It's probably as close as I'll ever get to seeing humans."

"But their not humans, Coy." Che reminded her.

"Dre said they act like them. That's close enough for me." Coy countered.

WOLF BORN LYCAN 2 (A LITTLE WILD) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now