Chapter 3. Family *

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3. Family

Bentley didn't like it. It had been six days since he had seen his wolf mate. In his desperation he had pushed to close to the wolf born territory.

It had resulted in a fight with the alpha male. The fight didn't last long and he learned a few lessons.

One thousand feet from the pack border. That was the extent of the Alpha males tolerance.

The alpha still carried the scent of his pack, including Bentley's mate. So she was alive and still in the area.

The alpha was strong. He didn't hold back. But he avoided a kill strike, thought Bentley wasn't sure if it was unintended or intentional. Bentley was sure the altercation would have lasted longer if the combat hadn't taken them over the tolerance barrier.

Bentley had more respect for the wolf then he had that morning. He wasn't looking forward to another clash with the alpha. Unfortunately, he expected another one if he attempted to find his mate again.

He patrolled the boarder, careful now to stay far enough away not to irritate the alpha pair. But that didn't stop the wolves from watching him suspiciously.

He probably should have felt bad that keeping an eye on him left little time for hunting for the pack. His watchers change over time. But his mate was not one of the watchers.

He would not have minded her scrutiny. He would have welcomed it. 'Where is mate?' His wolf watched the other wolves on the other side of the boarder.

Bentley didn't have an answer. Frustrated, he left the wolves to walk their boarders alone. He was tired and admittedly sore. The alpha was not a novice at teeth and claw. Bentley just hoped the alpha was as sore as him.

Bentley made his way back to the small clump of pine trees and a fallen oak he had started to use as shelter. The limbs were tightly inter-grown in and around the fallen oak and the fallen needles cushioned the ground. It wasn't spacious but it served the purpose. He didn't bother to shift to human form. He hoped he wouldn't hurt badly tomorrow.

He woke to the sound of birds. The light of the sun barely made it through some of the shelter.

An hour later he caught the scent of the female alpha. He was not near the packs territory. He lifted his head from his meal, a rabbit.

He didn't see the female. Her scent wasn't strong but the scent was fresh. When he was sure she wouldn't ambush him he went back to eating the rabbit. He didn't drop his guard. He listened to the sounds of the forest. Hyper aware of the fact that she could decide to attack at any moment.

He wondered where the rest of the pack were. Where they here, hiding? Why was she really here?

He made his way to the field where he had last seen his mate. He was careful this time not to pass the tolerance barrier. He could smell other members of the pack.

The female alphas scent proved she had followed him to the area.

The next two days were unnerving. At every moment he could smell one of the pack. He'd catch a glimpse of a wolf, only to have the wolf fade into the bush when he turned to confront them. It wasn't until he decided to go to town that he really felt alone.

He shifted at the edge of town. In human form he walked to where he had left his truck. He retrieved the keys from the hidden space.

His first call was to his uncle.

"Bentley?" His uncle answered the call.

"Yeah, it's me, Uncle Mike."

"Where are you? Do you have any idea what your mother has done?"

"Mom? What are you talking about? Is she okay?"

"She's fine. But no one has heard from you in over a month. She hired a tracker to find you. Why the hell haven't you called? Where have you been?"

"A month?" Bentley was confused. It had been a while since he'd called but surely it hadn't been a month. "Wait... Tell mom I'm fine. But to be honest, I didn't call just to check in. I've, kind of, found myself in a situation."

"Are you hurt?"

Bentley thought about the stiffness in his left arm. The alpha had done a number on it. It was almost healed, just sore now. "I'm fine. I-"

"You call your mom and dad. Then you can call me back. Love you kid, but don't tell them you called me first. Got it?"

Bentley did as he was told. His mom was mad he'd taken so long to contact them. Again Bentley was confused about the length of time that had passed. According to his parents it had been thirty-nine days since he'd called. It didn't seem right to him.

He explained he'd been in wolf form and unable to call. To him, the time felt infinitely longer and shorter at the same time. Odd how that worked. He knew weeks had passed but only this last week, without even a glance at his mate, had felt like a slow motion movie.

His mom ordered him to call his Uncle Mike. He assured her he would. His parents weren't happy with his reason for not calling. They tried to press for more information but he stuck to the story of being in wolf from. He hadn't lied. He just hadn't told them everything.

He called his uncle back.

"So... Your dad texted me. You've been in wolf from- for a month?"

"Yeah. That's kind of why I called, actually." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, um, you know last year when we talked about mates?"

"Yeah. Jeremy just found his mate, a castor? Right?"

"Yeah." He shook his head. He didn't know how to broach the subject of a wolf-born as a mate. "There are pretty much infinite mate combinations, right?"

"I wouldn't say infinite, but I'm sure there are a lot. Why? Bentley, have you found your mate?"

Bentley ignored the question. "I know humans can have mates, soul mates. Do you think it's the same for animals, not shifters, just normal animals?"

Mike exhaled. "Animals. I don't know, Ben. Monogamy isn't really prevalent in the animal kingdom. But, sure, it may be possible. I know there are a few animals who are monogamous."

"Wolves, wolf-born?" Bentley pressed.

"I believe so, yes. But to tell you the truth I've never paid much attention to the wolf-born."

"But they're like us, I mean, they can't shift but they're like us."

There was a long pause. "Honestly, Ben, I can't tell you. But the Luna probably could. She has a fascination with wolf-born. I'm sure she'd love to talk about it with you."

"Okay, yeah, sure. I'll give her a call."

"What brought on this sudden interest in the wolf-born, anyway?"

"I'm outside a small town in Arkansas. It's on the edge of the Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas line. There aren't supposed to be wolves here. But I found a large pack, 13 or 14, I think."

"That's not really that big a pack."

"To us. But I remember from school that wolf packs are usually 2 to 30 but typically around 6 to 10."

I'm sorry for the delay. Real life has been one sucker punch after another. I've been sick, had vehicle issues, had Dr appointments, a pipe burst on our water heater and flooded our home, it caused additional electrical issues (if I ever find who designed this the was it is, I plan to punch them in the nose.) Plus our auto insurance doubled (without warning and we have no claims, no tickets and no accidents) and we don't have the money. Our phones service was cut because we didn't have the money this month. Our sons fiance broke off the relationship. There is more but some things are very private and I don't feel comfortable sharing them so publicly.

Still... I did my best to bring this to you as soon as possible.  You may notice mistakes, point them out I'll fix them ASAP.

But enjoy....

Happy Reading,

WOLF BORN LYCAN 2 (A LITTLE WILD) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now