10. The Alphas Meeting *

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10. The Alphas Meeting

A few days passed and Dre and Yar had started to worry about their pack. Dre left to spent the day with the pack. He fully expected them to be fine but felt the need to check with them. Yar also wanted an update on the pups.

Yar, Coy and Kar stayed at the Jimson Creek Pack. Laura had taken them to the packs garden center.

Coy recognized a few of the plants outside of the greenhouse. She was surprised how they grew in perfectly straight lines so evenly.

More plants grew in the green house, though she was unsure why it was called Green House. The building was actually made of wood, metal and glass, lots of glass. She learned to plant seeds in tiny blocks of soil. Smaller plants were moved to bigger soil blocks or pots.

Alpha Rition had accompanied Dre back from the territory boarders when he returned.

When Dre returned from the pack he assured Yar, Coy and Kar the pack were all well. They had settled in and we're having no trouble finding prey.

Alpha Rition invited Coy's pack to visit. Oddly enough he hadn't cared that a few of the pack were wolf-born.

Alpha Rition had remained silent, simply listening to Dre assure them of the packs safety.

"Maybe it's time we rejoin the pack. A week is a long time to be separated." Yar chewed her lip. Her thoughts clearly on the pack.

Before Dre could reply Alpha Rition spoke. "You could of course bring your pack here. They are welcome, just as you are." His tone was sincere.

Yar looked shocked. Her eyebrows lifted and head tilted. Dre shook his head.

"Thank you for the offer but our pack is different from your own."

"That may be, but the offer still stands. Laura," the alpha glanced at Laura and nodded, "has found your presence to be uplifting. As have I. I enjoy our discussions. It would be my pleasure to have you visit longer. And I'm sure having your pack here would ease your mates mind to their welfare."

"Thank you. But our pack includes wolf-born. Your pack has been welcoming but would that welcome extend to the wolf-born?"

"Yes." It was simply said but there was no doubt in the alpha's tone.

Dre shook his head but his expression was thoughtful. The foundlings needed at least a basic understanding of the Lycan world. They could learn here.

"The original homestead is on the edge of the east territory. It's run down, no electricity or water but the bones of the building are sound. Your pack could stay there or, if they choose, here in the community's center. Give it a thought." Alpha Rition nodded encouragingly.

"We'll think about it, Alpha Rition." Dre nodded.

Yar stroked Dre's arm but nodded to the alpha. "We are grateful for the offer, no matter what we choose."

Alpha Rition nodded. "Well, I hate to cut this short but Alpha Martin is at the boarder. I have to go meet him. Let me know tomorrow what you want to do. I hope you stay, for a while longer at least."

Dre nodded. Alpha Thomas Martin had been a childhood friend. Though at the time he hadn't been Alpha. "Tell him it was good to see him last week."

"I will." The Alpha assured him.

A few hours later, Dre pulled Coy aside into the living room.

"I've already asked Kar and Yar. But I what to know what do you think about extending our stay?" He walked along the bookshelves. When she didn't answer right away he looked at her with a lifted brow.

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