Chapter 2. Outskirts *

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2. Outskirts

Bentley decided to ignore the wolves. They too seemed content to pretend he didn't exist as long as he didn't cross the territory line.

However, the wolves moved their territory frequently. They changed dens, their scent markers shifted. They had no defined hunting schedule, day or night, meant nothing to them. Bentley followed the best he could at a distance.

He lost them twice but eventually caught up to the alpha pairs scent markers. Lycans shared the duty of marking their territory. These wolf borns did not.

Bentley wasn't able to pin point the exact location of the new dens. The dens were located in the boundaries of the territory.  He stayed close to the scent markings but didn't cross them.

After their first meeting he saw his mate twice in the following week. Each time she was with other members of the pack. Only once was he sure she saw him.

He watched her scent the air. He stepped out from under the shadows. She saw him. She looked over her shoulder. Her small companion was busy clumsily stalking a cricket. Coy turned back and watched Bentley. She didn't advance in his direction but she was clearly interested.

The next day the wolves were gone. It took him three days to find them.

Another week passed. This next time when he saw her, she was alone. She found him eating a rabbit a quarter of a mile from one of the alpha pair markings. The sun had just risen.

She sat and watched him. She was just a thousand feet away.  Food forgotten he slowly walked over. He made sure to give her plenty of time to retreat. He paused. He advanced. Then he paused again.

He wasn't on their territory. So she must have came searching for him. The thought pleased him.

He has left scent markings of his own. Yes, he had been warning the alpha pair. He wanted them to know he was there, on the outskirts of the boundaries, waiting, never crossing.

At one point the three of them laid markers in sight of each other. The male had been less than pleased. He sprayed extra urine in Bentley's direction. He hadn't been close enough to do more then make a show of dominance. Bentley suspected that had been his intent, assert his dominance. He was warning Bentley that that was his territory and Bentley wasn't welcome.

Bentley's mate sat patiently. Even when he paused she didn't move, she just kept a watch on Bentley. Bentley's heart sped up.

They seemed to expect him to violate their territory. They watched him suspiciously. It was almost like they we're waiting for him to do it.

It was odd. Mentally he didn't want a wolf born mate but in every other way he reacted to her as if he did. He didn't understand how some people rejected their mates. He felt he had reason to reject her. She was different. She didn't even smell right but he still felt unable to do it. Even the thought of rejecting this female felt devastating.

Alone now, he sat down to study her. Her fur was thick grey, white, black, and sprinkled with red. Her eyes were blue and Bentley felt like they held the mystery of the universe in their depths. She blinked slowly and he found himself mirroring the action.

When she stood he stiffened. He feared she was going to leave. Thankfully, she moved forward. Her nose twitched as she smelled the air around him. He didn't move when she shoved her nose in his ear and sniffed his scent. She switched spots to sniff his fur, eyes, neck, nose, back, and tail. He didn't move. He simply let her smell him. She circled around him, smelling as she paused here or there.

It was frustrating and delightful at the same time. He loved her interest but he wanted more.

When she was done she stepped back and watched him. She seemed to be waiting. It took him a moment to realize she expected him to inspect her in the same manner.

WOLF BORN LYCAN 2 (A LITTLE WILD) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now