7. Midnight Travel *

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7. Midnight Travel

It took the pack over three weeks to travel the distance needed. They had to care for the pups, hunt, avoid humans and hostile animals.  The pack needed to sleep as well. Unfortunately, finding a place that was safe wasn't always an easy task.

There were times they traveled extremely close to some of the human settlements as they got closer to their intended destination. The alpha pair decided to switched from day travel to night travel. There was less chance of being seen.

When they arrived close to their destination it took another two days to find a place for the pack to live temporarily. There were no caves and the pack had to settle for an abandoned log cabin. The structure was only still standing in the original room. But it was still better than the waterfall caves as far as Coy was concerned. It was dry. It was quite. There was no sound of falling water constantly drowning out the world around them. Another plus was it didn't stink of mildew and mud.

It was difficult for Yar to leave the new pups. She knew they'd be safe and well taken care of by the pack. Still she looked at the pups longingly. She gave the same look to the older pack members that were staying behind but thankfully they hadn't noticed.

It took an hour to get to the edge of Jinsen Creek territory. Dre shifted and warned them to respect the territory boundary and not to cross it. He needn't have bothered. They knew not to cross the border.

Within five minutes a sentry emerged from the trees. She shifted from wolf form. She inspected Dre then the wolves at his sides. Her nose twitched as she scented the air. There was another sentry just out of sight but Coy smelled him.

Their scents were strangely a mix of human, wolf and something else. The smell was familiar but Coy wasn't sure why.

"Who are you? What do you want?" She demanded.

"My name is Dredan Kemp. I want to speak to Laura Marks."

There was a long pause. "Follow us."

"Shift." Dre said. Coy did as she was told but felt odd in the presence of this female. This woman wore similar clothes but they were in much better condition. There was no dirt on her clothes or skin. There were no holes in her clothes. Her hair wasn't matted and dirty.

Coy felt a spark of triumph at the look of surprise on the woman's face.

"How- nevermind." The woman said. She shook her head dismissively.

The male wolf joined them as they followed the female. He shifted and walked behind them. Coy noticed his clothing was also in better condition then her packs.

Eventually he questioned them. "What do you use to cover your scent?"

Dre glanced over his shoulder. "It's a combination of natural things. We also spend more time as wolves then most." Dre said.

Coy couldn't help her interest. These people were like them yet so different. They seemed more secure on their human feet then Coy had ever felt. She wondered how similar to humans they were. How similar to her pack they really were was also a thought on her mind. 


Bentley was stuck in Williams Junction just two days after the full moon. Traveling on back roads had the advantage of scenery. However, you also had to contend with the disadvantages of small towns. Williams Junction had only one auto shop. It was small and could handle everyday auto maintenance but larger problems, especially for newer vehicles, could be an issue.

Jean, the owner of the shop, had to order a part. To his credit he had offered to help Bentley get it towed to a larger city. Bentley declined. He wasn't in a hurry.

WOLF BORN LYCAN 2 (A LITTLE WILD) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now