Chapter 4. Waiting On The Moon *

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4. Waiting On The Moon

The Luna was actually more help than Bentley had expected. However, he learned that wolf-born and Lycans social structure were as similar as they were different.

The wolf-born only had one breeding pair, the alpha pair. The other wolves in the pack were not allowed to breed, therefore they could not mate bond. This wasn't the case with Lycans.

There were other differences but Bentley was more concerned with the fact that the alpha pair would not allow other wolves in the pack to mate bond.

This seemed to suggest that he couldn't be this females mate. Even knowing this he couldn't just walk away.

He sat in his truck, key in the ignition. But he couldn't seem to start the truck and drive away.

This wolf may not be his mate but there was some kind of connection between them. He didn't have a name for it but it was there. He bit the inside of his cheek. He slammed a fist against the steering wheel.

"Fuck, fuck fuck!" He yelled. In frustration he growled. The inhuman sound vibrated in the cab. He shook his head, exited the vehicle and locked it before slamming the door closed. He hid the key and headed back towards the woods.

His frustration turned to rage when he realized the wolves were gone. Their scents were hours old. How they left without leaving a scent trail he had no idea.

He was able to find the caves they used as a den. From the scents left behind he could determined there were about fourteen wolves, including pups. Curiously, Bentley caught the scent of humans. It was faint but present. He dismissed it as leftovers from a previous camper or hiker.

He spent hours looking for their new territory. The sun set and he continued to search. He went back to their previous den when he started to grow tired.

He knew he must be a fool. Why was he still here? He'd spent a good ten hours looking, without a trace, but he lay in a cave in daytime. He could be traveling, searching for his real mate, as he should be doing.

But the females scent was here. He didn't mind the other wolf scents. There was one small area that smelled strongly of her. She must have slept here. He finally fell asleep, scared when he woke her scent would be gone. It was a ridiculous thought but there none the less.

Her scent was still present when he woke up. He resumed the search. Along the way he caught a squirrel. It wasn't much of a meal but it was better than nothing.

He searched the places she had shown him but didn't find a trace. He felt almost heartbroken as he remembered their day together. The memories were bittersweet.


Coy hated the waterfall cave. It was small, damp and smelled of rotting skunk. They had cleared out the carcass but the cave still stunk.

Most of the pups didn't seem to mind. Typ the only pup that could change form was the exception. She stayed in human form and that forced Coy to remain in human form. She hated nurse duty. But the alphas didn't seem to want her out of the cave.

She wondered how long her punishment was going to last. They said she couldn't leave till they moved dens or the full moon. They had moved. But she still felt she was being punished.

Yes, it was her turn to mind the pups but she'd been stuck by the waterfall cave for two days.

Kar said the male had went towards the city. Kar hadn't followed as the area was forbidden. He had raced back to the den with the news. The alpha pair had ordered them to leave. He demanded they not leave a trace, no trail, no scent, no way to follow.

WOLF BORN LYCAN 2 (A LITTLE WILD) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now