11. A Hunt and Exchange *

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11. A Hunt and Exchange *

Dre entered the kitchen. He was in need a calming cup of coffee. He did miss coffee when the pack was in the wild. He intended on telling Alpha Rition that the pack would stay. He hadn't decided how long. He knew if Yar had another Foundling Dream they would leave. Saving the infant pups they could was more important than drinking a cup of coffee, reading a book or catching up with old friends.

He sat the cup beside the brewing pot of coffee. He cleaned up the splash of water and sat at the table to wait.

As he waited he enjoyed the scent of the coffee brewing. A bird woke up out side and tweeted. The sun had yet to come up but the song was followed by another. The coffee machine finally gave a shuddering breath, sputtered and went silent. Seconds after Dre took his first sip the phone rang.

"Hello." He answered.

"Dre, just the man I wanted to speak with. I didn't wake you did I?"

Dre recognized the voice as Beta Theodore Mallory. "No. I woke before."

"Good. You probably don't remember me. Theodore Mallory. – Alpha Martin and I are cousins."

Dre tried to recall the name. He didn't. He knew Thomas had cousins in the pack but didn't know who they all were. His aunt was the Jimson Creek betas wife when he was a kid.

"I don't remember. But you're the Beta, we met earlier this week."

"Yeah. Yeah. I was probably still in diapers when you left the pack. Anyway, I actually called to see if you wanted to go for a run. Are you interested?"

Dre instantly said yes. "Yes. And I'd like to have the others join us."

"Sure. Alpha Rition said your pack spends more time in wolf form then we do. I'm sure you're pack would enjoy the shift."

Dre knew they would. They normally shifted everyday, or simply remained in wolf form while in the wild, but here a sanctioned run in wolf form with the beta couldn't be turned down.

"I'll be at Laura's in twenty minutes. Will that give you enough time to get the others together?"

True to his word Theodore Mallory was at the door twenty minutes later. However, he wasn't alone. The packs gamma, Shelly, stood at his side. Dre vaguely remembered they were mates. He should have assumed she would be joining them.

"Are you ready?" Theodore waited for his nod as the others followed him outside. "Good. Is there anywhere you'd like to go? A place you liked as a kid?"

"No. Anywhere you want to run is fine with us." Dre informed him.

"It's not really impressive, but there's a waterfall-" Shelly began to explain.

"No, please." Coy flinched as she spoke. "I'm sorry." The memory of the last waterfall was still too clear in her mind.

Shelly smiled. "It's okay."

The group walked towards the main pack house. The Jimson Creek betas and gamma leading the way. They entered the kids park and crossed the playground.

Moments later they were in the woods and Theodore told them it was okay to shift.

Dre noticed the scents had changed very little over time. The trees were larger but he still recognized the areas they traveled through.

'There's a herd of deer if you're interested. You could take the meat to the other members of your pack.' Beta Theodore commented over the pack link.

If Dre had been less disciplined he would have stumbled over the shock. It was sometimes hard to remember he was still a true member of this pack. He agreed over the link. 'I am."

WOLF BORN LYCAN 2 (A LITTLE WILD) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now