9. Guests *

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9. Guests

Bentley was greeted by Gamma Michael Finkenstein at the address he had sent him via text.

Bentley stepped out of the car. The man on the porch waved and started making his way down the steps.

"Bentley Harbron, I presume." They shook hands. "I apologise that the alpha isn't here too meet you. He's visiting Jimson Creek pack. An old friend is visiting the pack and he couldn't pass up the opportunity."

"No worries. I'm not here for anything important. I think I honestly just needed some time around other shifters for a while."

"Well, you're more than welcome. Come in, come in. I'll show you the cabin and let you get settled in."

They discussed the pack and what was expected of him while exploring the small cabin. It was two bedroom, a connected kitchen and windowed breakfast room, a bathroom separated the two bedrooms. The predominant colors in the cabin were grey, black and red. The living room had a fireplace facing the black sofa and chair. Red and grey pillows lended an extra touch of comfort.

The visitor rules were simple and pretty standard. Although this pack was one of the few who had less restrictions on visitors shifting. There was a path, clearly marked with an XZ symbol, that he could shift on even when alone. He was warned the whole territory was patrolled.

"Although, if you do just want someone to run with you simply need ask. Most of us love any excuse for a wolf run." He added with a smile. His smile dropped suddenly. "If you'll excuse me, I have something to deal with. As I said, the address book by the landline has any number you may need." They were already walking towards the door. "You'll even find food delivery."

Moments later Bentley was alone. His backpack lay in the floor under the entrance table of the foyer. A landline phone, address book, and large empty bowl sat on top of the table.

He looked at the numbers in the address book. He made a quick call to the only delivery food service listed.


Coy stood in the pink bedroom. Dre and Yar were in the room next door. It felt weird being inside a building. It was more weird that she could barely smell the outside. She could clearly see it out the window. All she could smell was fabric, natural and synthetic, wax that smelled heavily of lemon, and air that didn't smell as if it had moved in weeks.

Coy jumped at the knock on the door. The door opened and Laura entered, smiling, with a small bundle in her arms. "Here are you some clothes. If you like you can take a shower, or bath, down the hall. Dinner's in three hours, nothing fancy, just pot roast and veggies." She had gently placed the clothes on the end of the pink and white bed.

Coy didn't know what to say. She just watched the woman as she spoke. The lady walked over to the tall dresser, touched the spine of a book and turned back to her.

"I'm sorry. I was going to offer you a few books to read but I don't even know if you can read. Can you?"

Coy slowly nodded. "Dre and Yar teach us. They draw the symbols in the dirt. Once we had some books. But a flood came." The books had been An Amazing Alphabet book, Green eggs and Ham, and One Fish - Two Fish. They were old but Coy had been sad to loose them.

Yar had gotten other books but Coy loved the ones lost in the flood.

"In that case," Laura smiled, "you're welcome to read anything you wish."

Coy remembered seeing the wall of books in the living room. To her, it seemed to be too much. There were too many choices and the books smelled. It wasn't an unpleasant smell, simply something she wasn't used too. But still, she nodded, feeling that was the response the woman wanted.

WOLF BORN LYCAN 2 (A LITTLE WILD) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now