Chapter 15. A Long Drive, A Short Talk

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Chapter 15. A Long Drive, A Short Talk 

Alpha Rition had offered to drive Bentley the distance back to his pack. Alpha Martin had also made the same offer to drive him to the Jimson Creek Pack. Bentley declined both offers. He told the alphas he preferred to drive his truck in case it was needed. It was true but he also needed to be alone. There was a lot to think about. His mind was spinning with possibilities. Not all of his thoughts were pleasant.

The wolf was not what he had thought. She was something straight out of legends. Her existence was secret and guarded, by not one but, by two packs.

In the office he had finally pulled himself together and started asking questions.

Her name was Coya, Coy as a nickname. She was twenty years old. She had a twin, Ake or Akena, who hadn't been seen in three years. Her pack lived exclusively in the wild and moved frequently although both alphas refused to say why. She had no formal education due to her pack's frequent relocation and she preferred wolf form almost exclusively.

Her pack didn't have a name. In fact it didn't legally exist. It's alpha was actually a member of Jimson Creek pack. Tau was his official pack rank thought he was strong enough to be a delta or gamma according to Alpha Rition.

Bentley remembered the wolf he had encountered in the forest. Alpha seemed fitting to him.

Alpha Martin and Alpha Rition refused to answer some of his questions. They did tell him a few things he hadn't thought to ask about.

The small unofficial pack shunned others, human and Lycan, for good reason. Alpha Rition explained the treatment the pack had received in the wild. Bentley's hands shook in anger. Bentley knew there were good people as well as bad people in the world. But taunting a pack of wolf born for sport was contemptible. Prey was treated better than these wolves had been. It was deplorable.

Alpha Dredan, as alpha Rition called him, expected Bentley to be another Lycan out to amuse himself at the expense of supposed wolf-born.

Another bit of information that Alpha Rition shared was Coy's temperament. He thought her shy and meek. Bentley looked at the man as if he was senile.

"You disagree?"

"The wolf I met sought me out. She nipped my nose when I wanted to take lead on a hunt. Our time together she set the pace, the route, and to be honest I didn't care. I just wanted to spend time with her."

"I haven't been around her much in wolf form. Our gamma, Shelly Mallory, hunted with her in wolf form. She did make a comment about Coy's cool headedness in the hunt." Alpha Rition appeared thoughtful. "Their pack doesn't use their human forms much, maybe it's just that."

They continued talking for a while. But Bentley grew impatient although he tried to hide it. He needed to know for sure if this was real. Was his mate really the person these alphas thought or was he hoping for something that wasn't attainable.

"Are you satisfied with the information we have given you?" Rition asked.

Bentley nodded.

"You realize that you can't repeat any of this." Martin added. "If you do you won't live much longer. And that's not a threat, just a statement of fact. I don't particularly care for some vampires but I've contacted a local who can place a compulsion on you to keep the pack safe. Stay and accept her and her family, leave with a compulsion that wipes her from your mind, or..." He left the statement unfinished but no one in the misunderstood the meaning of the unsaid words.

"I wouldn't do anything to put her in danger. And even if I would, who would believe me? Hmm? They'd think I sniffed paint as a kid. Or that I was mentally ill. Hell, I want her. Even when I thought she was a wolf-born I wanted her. To find out she may not be a wolf born and that she's so close... You have no idea."

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