Chapter 5. Excited Trepidation *

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5. Excited Trepidation

Bentley was restless and irritable. He attributed it to the coming full moon. Most Lycans felt more aware of the world surrounding them the closer to the full moon cycle. Some were irritable, some hyper, some melancholy. He was usually hyper aware of everything but his emotional state usually remained stable. Not the last few days, however.

He found himself yelling at other drivers on the road. Their car was too close, they were too slow, they didn't use proper signals, they weren't paying attention, their music was annoying. Nothing major but he still yelled at them. He didn't care if they couldn't hear him.

The crying of a human child gave him such a headache he didn't even finish a meal. He tossed money on the table and left. The child wasn't loud, the mother tried to comfort it, and the whimpers dimmed to a soft sniffle. He still left because he couldn't handle the sound.

He stopped at Walmart for a new pillow, blanket and some food. He almost beat up a man who told the female he was with to shut up. He had already turned in their direction, pushed up his sleeves before his mind registered her laughing reply. They had just been teasing each other.

With out completing his shopping he bought the pillow in the buggy and left.


Coy woke knowing it would be her last day cooped up around the den. Her mood improved. She was still brooding. But she had the wolf run under the full moon tonight and she'd possibly see the wolf.

Her thoughts returned to the stray wolf. No one had mentioned him after the second day in the new den.

She hoped he was okay. Did he come back to the old territory? Was he still sleeping under the fallen tree? Did he really go to the human settlement or was he simply hunting near it? Did he know it was dangerous? Would he be happy to see her tonight?

The day seemed to drag slowly. The pack managed to take down a small elk. It was small but the entire pack got their fill. It was better than the rabbits, squirrels, racoons and rats, that barely fed half of the pack even when the pack hunted in small groups.

Kar and Ro both had minor injuries caused by the buck trying to protect his herd. Kar had used a needle and thread to sew up Ro's side. Kar refused Ro's offer to return the favor. He got Gya to do it. Oddly, he didn't make a sound as she stitch up the skin on his back. Ro had hissed and grunted in pain.

Coy was fascinated as she watched the process. Stomach full she lay on the ground watching the whole thing. She didn't even mind that they were all just feet from the deafening waterfall. Gya looked so serious about her task. But when Coy looked at the results, she didn't find it as impressive as Kar's work on Ro's wound.

Still the day went slowly. Coy watched the alpha female put the needle and thread back in its little tin box. She wondered where the stuff came from. It was human made. But, Coy wasn't curious enough to turn human so she could voice the question.

Unbelievably, Coy fell asleep. She had slept poorly recently and the sun was warm outside, her stomach was full, and her pack content. She wasn't the only one to sleep. When she woke Dre turned to look at her.

His eyes were quick to move on but Coy noticed how relaxed his body appeared. He was normally uptight and overly cautious. Yar sleep just inches from him. If she stretched her nose would touch his paw. But Coy felt their was more to his relaxed composure. Maybe it was the moon, the moon affected them strangely sometimes. If agitation could be an effect then so, possibly, could composure.

Coy yawned. With the full moon tonight she wanted to get some more sleep. She didn't want to waste a moment of the full moon sleeping.


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