Chapter 13. Pink and Purple Unicorn *

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Chapter 13. Pink and Purple Unicorn

Alpha Martin arrived at the pack house only to be told that Bentley had left an hour before Thomas arrived back in the territory. Bentley wasn't expected back till late morning the next day. Thomas called Jimson Creek pack and explained there was a delay.

Alpha Rition passed the message on to Dre.

Dre was irritated by the news. He wanted his mistake fixed, and he wanted it fixed now. He could feel her, Coy, in his mind, he may not be an acknowledged alpha but his pack accepted him and the creator granted the pack link although the link didn't work with Jimson Creek Pack. Coy didn't deserve this and he had forced it upon her. In all honesty, she was much stronger than he had ever given her credit of having. She was somewhere in the house and her worry shook her hands, tensed up her muscles and he felt the tears she barely managed to hold at bay.

His fault, all of it.

He slammed his coffee mug to the bedside table. Lukewarm coffee splashed from the cup, a crack opened on the side of ceramic surface spilling the liquid over the table.

Startled, Yar yelped and exited the walk-in closet, cautiously.

"Sorry, love, Coy's — friend," he found it hard to label the Lycan as Coy's mate, "left."

"We have to go after him. We-"

"Wait. It's just a delay. He'll be back tomorrow. Thomas will talk to him then."

Oddly, he felt better about the delay. Yar's assumption the male was gone proved the situation could have been worse. Had it been he wouldn't hesitate to track the Lycan down and get to the truth of the matter.

"I'll go explain to Coy." She looked pointedly at the spilled coffee.

"I'll clean it up." He assured her with a smile.

He had finished cleaning up the spill and placed the broken cup in the trash bin by the bed when he felt the change in Coy's emotions.

The delay both calmed her and worried her. As far as she was concerned it was a reprieve from learning if her mate would reject her. But there was another part that simply wanted to see the Lycan again. That part feared the rejection but was overwhelmed with the need to see him.

Dre understood that need all too much. There was little doubt in his mind they were mates and he had stupidly kept them apart. He hoped he had not been so stupid before. He certainly intended to never be that stupid again.


Bentley had promised Natalie he'd be at her party. He didn't break promises if it could be avoided. He called around and found the perfect gift. It would add an hour to his trip but he didn't mind. He left word with Gamma Michael Frankenstein that he would be returning in the morning. The gamma assured him his belongings would be fine left in the cabin and they wouldn't need the cabin for another guest. 

Walmart. It was a place reminiscent of hell. The toys were all the way in the back of the building.

And of course, the customer service associate he had spoken to over the phone had assured him they had the bike that was listed on the website. However it turned out this had not been exactly true.

Why is it exactly, when you need a specific tool, or bike in this case, it was nowhere in stock? However a week later you could go back to the same store and the specific thing would be right there on the shelf in exactly the place it should have been before?

Unfortunately, for him, he needed a bike now and it also had to be a girl bike. There were eight boys bikes in stock. They had three in stock for girls. Only two were the appropriate size for a 5 to 7 year old. The first was a shiny green bike with pretty roses painted all over the bars and the frame. The second was similar to the one on the website however it was not the same. Still it would have to do.

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