Book II
"Sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster."
Hana Fumetsu isn't your typical Mary Sue. In fact, she isn't even human. A combination of cruel insanity, dark humor, and provocative thinking mixed wi...
The demons eye snapped open, shifting the lone dingy lightbulb above that swung violently from the ceiling. Cracks appeared from the ceiling above. reduced to crawling as they fled outdoors. The ground shakes every few seconds and the noise is like extended thunder throughout the hideout.
Intruders. The demon thought before shutting her orbs once more in indifference. As far as she was concerned, Overhaul hadn't given her any orders so she had no obligation to do anything about the dozens of humans outside. If anything then breaking in meant she no longer had to deal with Overhauls bullshit. The demon would rather fight an army of heroes in hopes of not being locked away again than waste another second in the blasted cell she had been confined to. Besides, Shigaraki's last order was for her to listen to Overhaul and Overhauls last orders were for her to stay put. So that's what she would do, stay put. Though a part of the demon was concerned for the little uni-horned human she had no doubt that Eri would be fine. That is unless, her orders changed and Overhaul wished for her to join the fight and keep Eri from the heroes. However, it seemed Shigaraki had other plans.
The demons ear twitched at the sound of footsteps approaching her cell and looked to see one of Overhauls men open the peep hole of her door. "She-Devil the heroes are invading the base, Overhaul wants you to rendezvous with him and Eri—" but the man's words were cut off by a blade plunging straight into skull. The man's body collapsed to side with a loud thump and a scarlet pool of blood began sleeping underneath the door.
The demons blinked silently from the darkness and watched as the door to her cell flung open and there stood a familiar bubbly blonde, her messy buns bobbing up and down as she shifted on the pads of her feet in excitement. "Senpai!" The girl grinned whilst twice saluted the demon in the background.
"I came to set ya free!"
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"We're bustin ya out of here!" Twice posed.
Toga blinked in slight confusion as the demon merely stared at the pair, rooted to her spot in the darkness. "Oh yeah, the recording Hime!" Twice reminded the teen causing Toga to gasp and dig her pockets for a small device and tossed it into the darkness.
"You no longer listen to Overhaul, you're back under my command now."
Shigaraki's voice bounced off the cell walls from the small recorder.
"He hurt you, now it's time for you to return the favor, make that Yakuza and his pathetic underlings pay; kill anyone who stands in your way. Find your way back home after, I'll be waiting."
It was as if a switch flipped internally in the demons mind and the horned female slowly pushed herself up. Though the demon hated being bossed around she had to admit being free from Overhauls clutches was a relief; but it only meant she was back in Shigarakis clutches and nothing good was gonna come out of that. Besides, the demon had been itching for some cruel payback.