Book II
"Sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster."
Hana Fumetsu isn't your typical Mary Sue. In fact, she isn't even human. A combination of cruel insanity, dark humor, and provocative thinking mixed wi...
Bakugou silently stared out into the city as his classmates did their usual weekend routine. Typically, he would've skipped out on it because all it ever did was remind him of how shitty he felt inside about the girl they did it for. Besides, they probably seemed like a bunch of idiots, yelling out into sky as if she could hear them. Don't they get it...she's gone...and it's my fault.
"Come home!"
The same sorrowful expression overcame his features and he looked around at all of his classmates who participated in the crowing. Even half ass isn't calling out anymore. Some people like Oijiro, Tokoyami, Momo, Jirou, and even Ochaco were visibly beginning to lose faith in their classmate ever returning, their tones weren't as strong as before and were more soft and bittersweet. Other voices were loud and proud like a certain broccoli haired male and pink skinned girl along with some others who wanted to show their support.
"Bakugou come on, why don't you try it?" Kaminari nudged the silent male.
"What's the point anymore, she's not coming back. Your stupid 10 minute crying won't bring her back." Bakugou grumbled pessimistically making Kaminari frown. Before Kaminari could even say anything, Todoroki did instead.
"And your silence won't either."
Bakugou's jaw clenched as his head snapped to the side with a scowl. As much as he wanted to blow up on the dual haired male, he had a point.
"Come on man, he's got a point. There's no harm in at least saying it. Just one time." Sero smiled in encouragement.
"Maybe with your loudness, she might actually hear us." Mina laughed.
Bakugou was silent for a moment, his hair shadowing his eyes.
"Look, you don't have to do it if you don't want—" Kaminari's eyes widened as the blond walked past them, approaching the edge of the rooftop.
"I love you—"
The loud sound of his explosive hands slapping on the concrete balcony, made his classmates still in shock as they looked at the ash blonde.
"Let me go."
Gathering a large amount of breath, he felt moisture line the lids of his eyes, emotion swelling in his heart.
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"Ne ne, could you guys be any louder?"
Paralyzed. That was the only way to describe the class as it took them a moment to register the familiar voice, their heads slowly turning to see their spikey red haired class mate standing next to the girl they had been calling out for all this time. The color of her skin alarmed a few of them for a moment, but her familiar cyan orbs that they knew all to well was there.