Sweat stained Kirishima's brows as he sat in a metal chair. The trial has already been concluded and mostly everyone was dismissed from the building except from him, Aizawa, All Might, Nezu and the board members from the administration. There was only one task at hand, a fast that if he failed would seal his friends date.
"Omniscient here is a investigative hero can read memories and display them by one touch. Unfortunately, Fumetsus counterpart is blocking her attempts to get in. Because of your success in the past, we will use you as a key for us to slip past her mental barriers and gather the evidence we need to secure Miss Fumetsu's case."
"W-what, why can't I just bring her back like i did before?"
"The psyche is a big and vulnerable space that Omniscient here can navigate. If you run off trying to find Fumetsu, again there's no telling what will happen and you might not get lucky a second time. You will only serve a key to opening the door into her mind, after that Omniscient will handle the rest and you stick close to her. Remember, you may be indestructible on the outside but on the inside, you're sitting ducks. You're on her territory, tread lightly and do not engage in any contact with thr She-devil."
Kirishima was pulled out of thought back into reality as the Omniscient hero placed a weird helmet like device on his head.
Like him, The same device was on horned girls head. She was kept in a room across from him, strapped and chained to a metal chair in an impenetrable glass wall separating the two. The cyan of her hues had now become a familiar eery red; it wouldn't be long till she was back to her true form.
"Alright kid, I'm gonna be behind that mirror there with the others. Once I activate my quirk, you will go unconscious and we'll both be transported into her mind. Stay close, it will take a minute for me to track down the memories we need. My quirk gives us an invisible cloak so her true form can't hunt us down. If you get lost, It will take me some time to find you, so don't leave my side. Do you understand? I'm the only one who can bring us back."
Kirishima modded silently causing he older woman to give him a small reassuring smile.
"Don't worry kid, Just stay close." She repeated.And with that, the hero left the room leaving Kirishima and the horned girl alone. Kirishima let his gaze drift to the emotionless girl in the separate room. Her orbs were hooded and dull, different from the devilish cyan he had been allured by.
"I know you're in there..." The boy uttered silently, not sure if she could hear him.
The She-Devil merely stared at him, which made Kirishima swallow a lump that had been building in his throat. He couldn't help but wonder who was in the light, was it her true form or Fumetsu. Kirishima couldn't tell but for a second, he wasn't sure if he had imagined it but the smallest flash of relief had crossed her eyes."Mind link jump in 3...2...1!"
Everything went black and before he knew it, they were standing on top of one of many tall broken down buildings in the psyche plane. Omniscient stood next to the red head, taking a second to analyze the mental realm.
"This look like Musutafu." The older hero assessed. Kirishimas eyes widened slightly upon realization as he never noticed how the environment was Musutafu city.
Except an apocalyptic version."That skyscraper..." Kirishima uttered as he could see a familiar sky scraper in the distance. It towered over all the other buildings with dark clouds surrounding it.
"You best steer clear of there. I'm sensing a lot of energy coming from that point, that's probably where her True Form lurks. We should keep a low profile, she probably knows we're here..." Omniscient stated. She suddenly turned around and ushered him to follow.
"This way, I found the memories."

|BNHA| Hiraeth II
FanfictionBook II "Sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster." || Hana Fumetsu isn't your typical Mary Sue. In fact, she isn't even human. A combination of cruel insanity, dark humor, and provocative thinking mixed wi...