The sound of blood splatter echoed throughout the vicinity. The only thing was, it wasn't her blood.
Hawks and Mirko's eyes both widened to see familiar flowing platinum pink hair standing that belonged to the very girl whom had used her body as a shield. "F-fumetsu, what are you doing here?! I told you to stay back."
The twice clone slowly morphed and melted away to reveal a familiar female villain. Her honey golden eyes sparked in delight upon seeing the She-Devil, a wild grin on her features. "Long time no see, Senpai!"
"Why am I not surprised to see you here." I retorted, matching her grin. During my time with Overhaul, me and Toga had a love-hate relationship where she was obsessed with my true form while I wanted nothing more than to kill her. Toga was the only one who understood my true form. She didn't fear me like majority of the others. It was annoying to say the least but as much as she annoyed me, I would never admit that she grew on me.
She suddenly held up a key hard, with that taunting smirk of hers before spinning in the pads of her feet and turning tail. "Shit, the card! We can't let her reach him!" Hawks growled.
Mirko's jaw clenched in panic. How the hell did she snatch the damn key card from my jaws without noticing...ugh. It doesn't matter! "Fumetsu, I'll go after her, you take Hawks and—" Her eyes widened comically as beelines were now blinking in the spot she had been in which was now empty.
Ignoring Mirko's call, I was dead in pursuit of Toga, slipping, sliding and maneuvering past a few inmates. Reaching down, I plucked out my blade as I gained speed on her like a cheetah hunting a gazelle. As if I were running towards home plate, I dropped down abruptly sliding harshly on the ground catching one of her ankles with my legs. With the other leg, I slammed it against the front of her leg causing her to trip harshly and crash to the ground. Quickly crawling on top of her, I go to stab down on her head but she turns her head last second, strands of her hair being sliced instead. Bucking me off, she scrambled to her feet and took off once more, "G-Geez, what are you trying to kill me?" Bolting around a corner, the blonde passed the Hero killers cell to see it wide open along with Overhauls cell on the other side. Who freed them?! This isn't good. All for One was meant to get rid of them during the break. Shaking her head, the blonde focused on her task at hand, quickly going to swipe the card that opened All for One's cell.
A pained shriek escaped her lips, her legs nearly buckling underneath her as she collapsed against the door.
Snapping her head to the side, there at the other end of the hall stood her horned crimson enemy, her cyan orbs glowing faintly. Shifting her gaze down right in her thigh was a knife. A brief flash of their encounter earlier made her eyes widen slightly as she reached up her hand to graze her cheek where a fresh thin cut was.
I ripped the knife out of my thigh causing Toga to cry out in pain but that didn't stop her as she
weakly raised the card. My eyes widened in horror as a flash of my fathers image appeared in mind. Raising my knife to my throat, my jaw clenched in inner turmoil, "Don't make me do this human!""Do it!" She hissed back, glaring over her shoulder which made me stiffen in shock. Her eyes were lined with unshed tears as she was inches away freeing one of the most dangerous villains. "Ya know I really looked up to you!"
"If ya don't kill me I'd really like to make em pay with ya senpai!"
"Why are you helping them?! They tried to kill you! Shigaraki freed you!"
"You and I both know that's not what happened." I hissed, making her face contort to one of distress. "He didn't free me. He enslaved me. And he'll do the same to you if he wins. You'll be nothing but a damn puppet doing his bidding in the end or worse, you'll end up dead once he's done with you."

|BNHA| Hiraeth II
FanfictionBook II "Sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster." || Hana Fumetsu isn't your typical Mary Sue. In fact, she isn't even human. A combination of cruel insanity, dark humor, and provocative thinking mixed wi...