On Trial [16]

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The room was eerily silent, only those who had participated in the Yakuza raid present.
A black shaggy haired teacher stood at the stand in front of the small trial room. Behind him at his defense were Midoriya, Kirishima and Fatgum. Ochaco, Tsuyu, Nejire, Tamaki, and Mirio stood at the front of the crowd behind them for support.

Principal Nezu stood from his seat with the other few members of the administration and approached the lead podium as a representative for his fellow administration members.

In the center of the room at the front was a small glass box with holes for ventilation. In that box was the She-Devil herself, heavily chained up and constrained. Majority of her body was back to its natural red skin tone, her hair starting to turn a deathly pale white, and the pupils of her cyan hues were already both a bright red. No one could tell if it was the demon of it Fumetsu was still there. She remained silent, her gaze staring blankly ahead awaiting her deserved punishment.

"Let us begin." Nezu started causing everyone except for the defense to sit down. "Aizawa Shota against the hero administration court."

Nezu took a deep breath upon analyzing the files in front of him and offered the pro hero an apologetic look. Aizawa nodded, urging for the animal to continue. This trial was inevitable as long as Fumetsu existed, Aizawa had evaded the courts long enough.

"Nearly ten years ago, you were tasked with the mission to scout and track down suspicious activity. You found an abandoned facility where illegal quirk experimentation was being conducted and in result came into the possession of Hana Fumetsu."

Aizawa mentally thanked himself for not disclosing Fumetsus real name but he did regret letting the administration do blood work on her back then.

"Hana Fumetsu, was brought in which the deceased hero Night eye gave an alarming prophecy. After, It was decided that Hana Fumetsu was not human and therefore was not obligated to human rights..." Nezu's eyes faltered remember the decision the administration had ruled long ago. Of course he was one of the few who disagreed but he was overruled. "Because of her legal age of 115 years, Fumetsu was not exempt from the death penalty and in order to protect society her immediate extermination was requested. However, you Eraser pleaded to the courts to let you take her back from which you found her."

"I can't kill a kid."

Aizawa stiffened at the animals words, hearing the small gasps laced with confusion from his students and fellow pro-heroes. Not only, were they shocked by her age but also the administrations cruel judgement. Ms. Joke had frowned, anger building in her stomach remembering the day she had first met Fumetsu. She was nothing but skin and bones, a broken child who deserved so much more than what she got.

They ordered him to kill her...h-he never told me...Shota...

Those who already knew about that part of Fumetsus past were still shocked to finally have clarification. In the beginning, they didn't wanna believe the administration would be so merciless but they were wrong.

"Instead, you took pity on the child and took her home and then raised her as your own, unaware of the consequences your actions would cause in the future." Nezu stated. By all means, the animal was team Fumetsu but his colleagues didn't feel the same. The words he was speaking were nothing but a summary of the feeling majority of the administration harbored toward the unfortunate girl.

"The administration decided to show mercy to the creature and let you become its caretaker only under the obligation that her true nature be suppressed and restrained. However it has come to the administrations attention that the She-Devil has taken control on more than one occasion, threatening the lives of her fellow comrades and society. Not only, was she a beacon for the league to enact their evil deeds and put your students at risk but she also aided the villain Overhaul and played a part in an innocent girls abduction. Hana Fumetsu is also charged with attempted murder  upon Izuku Midoriya and Eijiro Kirishima. Shota Aizawa, What do you have to say In your defense?"

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