You did die... [13]

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Kirishima's mind was a buzz, nothing but a slow hum as he tried his best to mentally comprehend what was going on around him. The villain Overhaul had been defeated and the little girl Eri had been saved. Nighteye was apparently dead and the league of villains was once again in the wind. Despite the casualties, Kirishima was content knowing that Fatgum, Tamaki, Midoriya or any of the other UA students that came were safe. Kirishima was kind of bummed he didn't get to see his parents but since the raid was under the radar, UA couldn't have any more heat raining down on them. Especially since it was during their internship, the students knew the circumstances before hand. why he was still being kept at the hospital.

Though Kirishima wasn't personally devastated by the loss, Nighteye demise made the concept of death and the risk of being a hero more frightening.

It was terrifying how things could go south in just a mere second. Truthfully, Kirishima actually couldn't remember the Yakuza raid. The last thing he remembered was taking the blow for Fatgum and the rest was a blur. But amidst the fog, Kirishima couldn't stop thinking about before he woke.

"Wake up."

It felt so real...was it really a dream...

Kirishima remembered the voices that had haunted him in that nightmare, the bodies, the blood...

He didn't know why he'd dream something so cruel but he guessed the stress and insecurities that had been piling up had gotten to him. Still, he wouldn't let a mere nightmare cloud his morals and judgement. He was still the same  manly man he had worked hard to become and some silly reflection and a bunch of zombified illusions wouldn't make him think differently.

"Glad to see you're awake." Fat Gums voice brought him back to reality.

"Everyone!" Kirishima gasped as a bandaged Fatgum and Tamaki hobbled in, followed by Tsuyu and Ochaco.

"You're ok!" Tsuyu chirped from his bedside with wide eyes as if  he'd disappear any second.

"We thought you'd never wake up!" Ochaco appeared beside her, animated tears streaming from her eyes

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"We thought you'd never wake up!" Ochaco appeared beside her, animated tears streaming from her eyes.

Kirishima flushed slightly at the females attention and scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Gomen, I hope I didn't worry you."

Kirishima jolted as Tamaki appeared on his other side and crouched down beside his bed, "I thought you were done for good." Tamaki muttered with a depressed aura around him, before pressing his forehead against the side of the bed.

Kirishima sweatdropped at the males pessimistic nature, "Geez thanks for the faith man."

Fatgum placed a comforting hand on his Emo apprentices black locks before offering the red head a wide grin. "Of course we had faith in you, we knew you'd come around eventually. It's just these past few hours have been rather...daunting." Fatgum exclaimed causing Kirishima to cast his gaze down in slight sadness.

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