|Civil War Arc|
"Alright, now we're moving on to the second and final part of your training. With the rabbit, you learned patience. Being a hero isn't always about fighting, if you're gonna fight like a wild animal, you need to correctly fight like one. That being said," I stayed rooted in my spot, blinking calmly as her large foot came barreling toward my face with a side kick. A small tiny grin etched itself into my face, waiting for the powerful kick to connect but I frowned as it stopped centimeters from my face. Shame... I thought with slightly puffed cheeks as she lowered her foot.
"You fight like a wild animal, but you sure as hell don't value your life like one." She states, causing me to raise a brow as she crossed her arms. "Like humans, animals value their own life and do not want to be injured or killed. Even a rabbit may bite if it's cornered. Animals don't have an my antibodies or medicine in the wild and will die if their wound is to severe."
"I have regeneration though, I can't die from a wound?" I uttered confidently causing her to shake her head.
"That maybe so, but every person has their weakness, even you, don't you?" She inquired without a knowing look causing me to narrow my eyes. While my quirk and regeneration did make me technically immortal, there was still a a flaw behind my abilities that no one had yet to figure out. "While you may not reveal your weaknesses, you clearly have no problem in revealing your strengths. You reveal your trump cards to soon: your regeneration. Instead of using your regeneration all the time, you should be saving it and keeping it a secret. If an opponent fights you whilst knowing about your regeneration, it's because they have an idea as to how to bypass it and defeat you. You need to eliminate that idea. Make the opponent think you're just as vulnerable, that you can lose your life just as easily as they can. You can use your regeneration to your advantage, make the opponent think you're dead, especially if you can no longer fight. Stop letting other people hurt you and use the power you were given to do the hurting . Fight like an animal all you want, but you need to start valuing your life like a human if you want to outsmart them."
"And how you you suggest I do that?" I raised a brow.
"You need to starting actually using your power, all of it." She responded causing me to tense. Using my Voo Doo doll quirk, I had no quarrel with but Musculars quirk was a different ball game. In order to tap into musculars quirk, I needed to tap into the Nomu side. The side that I had neglected ever since Suicide forest...When I had found out that Kiri wasn't able to return to the human he once was, I had felt completely terrible for it. Not only that, but now that I was whole with my Nomu side, anytime I tried to use Musculars quirk, all I could see is the bastards face haunting me. Literally.
He was haunting me.
"Let's start by you activating Musculars quirk." She demanded with a nod.
"I can't." I answered making the brown skinned woman raise a brow in confusion.
"Why don't you want to use it." She asked causing me to cast my gaze down. "Because then I'll have to use my Nomu side."
"You had no problem using it before?"
"I know but that was before—"
Memories of Suicide forest plagues my memory as I remembered what I had turned Kirishima into. "Nothing but bad has ever came from using that side of my self..." and I was now scared that If I allowed myself to continue indulging in that power...I'd end up just like I was before. "And at this point, dying would be the only way to make it up to anyone I've ever hurt, that's why I'm not afraid to die, nor do I value my life." If we're being honest here, death was what I deserved, and this wasn't me trying to be suicidal, it was just me being realistic. Not like I could kill my self anyways if I tried.

|BNHA| Hiraeth II
FanfictionBook II "Sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster." || Hana Fumetsu isn't your typical Mary Sue. In fact, she isn't even human. A combination of cruel insanity, dark humor, and provocative thinking mixed wi...