Chapter 1

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"Alright Thomas, let's go!" shouted Vince.

Thomas turned around and whistled, signaling Newt, Charlotte, Mark, and Jamie to appear from behind a bunch of rocks. Newt and Jamie looked at each other and nodded.

"Come on guys, let's go!" said Newt

Everyone moved in toward the train cars. When they reached the train, everyone began to pound on the sides of the two cars to see which one Minho was in.

Jamie banged on the side of the car, shouting "Minho! Minho, are you in there." She could here the sound of confused voices and shouting. People from inside began to yell, even though Jamie knew they weren't Minho.

Until she heard his voice.

"Jamie? Jamie, is that you?"

Jamie's heart leaped. It was him.

"This one guys! This one!" shouted Jamie.

Newt ran over and pulled out a blow torch and lowered his welding mask over his face. Jamie ran over to the coupler and began to pry it open with a crowbar.

Thomas stood on the roof, trying to shoot the WCKD guards. He was missing most of his shots, but he took some down.

"Hey babe, you almost done?" said Jamie to Newt.

"Don't rush me, love!" he said. Jamie nodded.

Jamie climbed up to the roof and helped Thomas shoot at the guards. Jamie was pretty good at this kind of element. All the guys said that she had flawless aim. As she shot the guards, more and more seemed to come.

Newt climbed up the ladder and laid on his stomach next to Jamie and began to shoot.

"Where the hell are they." He said, dodging the bullets.

"Neighboring I hope." said Jamie

Just as Jamie's said that, a berg flew over head. It was Jorge

"Where here guys!" shouted Brenda.

Brenda opened the hatch and let down the chain. Thomas tied it to the car and signaled for her to go.

"Come on Vince, Now!" shouted Thomas.

Vince ran to the side of the car and climbed up the ladder as they began to fly away.

Everyone cheered victoriously.

Newt put his arm around Jamie's hip, pulled her close and yelled "Woohoo!"

Jamie laughed. So did Thomas.

Ever since Thomas found out they were together, He has been surprisingly cool about it. He was a little mad at first that they didn't tell him sooner. But what could they do. Love has no time limit.

"We're goin' home baby!" shouted Vince.


When they landed, Newt pulled out his blow torch again and burned off the lock.

Thomas kicked the door down and walked inside. Dozens of kids sat cold and afraid.

"It's ok guy." said Jamie. "Your safe now."

Thomas walked down the aisle. He found Aris and Sonya. Aris seemed to have a black eye. It looked pretty bad.

"Hey, You ok?" asked Thomas

Aris nodded.

"I need bolt cutters!" shouted someone from the entrance.

Thomas walked all the way to the back of the car and stopped. He turned slowly towards Newt and Jamie.

"He's not here."

A look of disappointment spread across all of their faces.

"But how?" said Jamie. "I heard him in here! I know I did."

Newt walked over to her. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's alright. We'll find him."

"But what if we don't? What if were too late?" said Jamie, her voice filled with panic.

"Don't say that, I'm sure we'll find him." said Newt, trying to calm her down.

Jamie pushed his hand off her shoulder and walked out of the car in frustration.

"Jamie wait." said Newt, but she didn't listen to him.

Newt looked back at Thomas. Thomas nodded his head. Newt turned and walked out of the car after Jamie. When Newt walked out, He saw Jamie asking Mark for a pair of bolt cutters. Newt walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. Jamie sighed.

"Can I speak to Jamie please?" asked Newt. Mark nodded and walked into the car. Jamie turned around, but kept her eyes glued to the ground.

"Hey." said Newt. "Can you look at me please?"

Jamie slowly lifted up her head. Her eyes were glassy. On the verge of tears.

Newts heart felt like it was going to break in two. He hated seeing Jamie like this. She was usually a very emotionally strong person. She never let things get her down, but this was much worse.

"I miss him too." said Newt.

That's when it happened. Jamie broke.

Jamie began to cry, but it was silent. She lifted her hands up to her faces and covered it. Newt pulled her into his arms.

"I just really miss him." said Jamie.

"I know, love. I know." said Newt, petting her hair.

As he stroked her hair, her breathing slowed back down to a normal pace. She sighed and wrapped her arms around him. Newt placed a soft kiss on her head.

"I love you." said Newt. "I'll always be here."

Jamie looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you too."

Newt leaned down and kissed her lips softly. Jamie moved her hands from around his waist to around his neck.

"Come on love birds, we've got work to do!" shouted Charlotte.

The two broke their kiss and walked back into the car. Jamie grabbed her bolt cutters and started working.


I'm back!!

did y'all miss me! I know I missed this series!

I was rewatching the movies and I suddenly got inspired.

I will always come back to Maze Runner.

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