Chapter 5

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"This place has really gone through bloody hell." said Newt. The group walked side by side. Trying to stay united through the city.

"We just gotta stay together." said Thomas

The city was well worn down. Everyone their was probably already infected. Days away from going past the Gone. As they walked through the crowded streets, they could hear the voice of a man, shouting in the distance. The booming voice seemed to get louder and louder.

"We are the voice of the voiceless! They hide behind their walls, thinking they can keep the cure for themselves, while they watch the rest of us wither and rot!"

A van plowed through the streets as the man on top continued to shout. His voice roaring through the mega phone. As the car passed through the cleared streets, Jamie noticed a man sitting on the back of the truck. His hair was buzzed off, but you couldn't tell who he was because of his gas mask. The man seemed to stare directly at Thomas and Jamie. Even as the vehicle drove away, the man kept his gaze set on two siblings.

"But there are more of us than there are of them. And I say, we rise up and take back what is ours! Let's bring back a victory!"

Jamie felt a slight tingle at the back of her neck. She reach back and itched it. She then looked up to find a berg fly above them The warping of the propellers dampening the shouts of the crowd.

'Something's not right about this.' thought Jamie

"That's it." said Thomas, pointing towards the entrance through the walls.  "That's our way in."

"Thomas!" shouted Jorge. "This is not what you're looking for. All these people trying to find their way in, you think you're gonna find something they can't?"

"Came this far. I'm not turning back now." yelled Thomas, sounding so certain.

"What the hell did we get ourselves into?" said Jamie to herself.

"Quite the predicament I'd assume." said Newt, walking up next to her.

Newt then looked around in suspicion. He looked to his right to find one of the guys from the van, following them, but Newt was suddenly distracted by Jamie's breathing getting heavier.

"Hey, are you alright?" asked Newt. Jamie shook her head. Ever since the fields, Jamie has been afraid of tight spaces. She began to hyperventilate.

"Hey, hey Jamie. Look at me! It's gonna be ok, alright." said Newt putting an arm around her as they walked. "Everythings gonna be..."

Newt was cut off. His gaze fell to another man to his left.

"Oh shit." he said

"Thomas, this doesn't feel right." said Brenda from the front of the crowd.

Newt and Jamie finally reached them. Newt grabbed Thomas' shoulder.

"Hey, guys, we gotta go now. Look!" He said, directing his gaze to the masked men closing in towards them.

A look of terror fell across Thomas' face. Suddenly, the air was filled with the sound of moaning coming from the walls. Everyone fell silent. Seconds passed as they waited for something, anything, to happen. Then, the worst thing possible.

The guns on the top of the wall began to boot up. The crowd began to run in the opposite direction, screaming. The group stood there in confusion.

"We gotta get out of here!" said Jamie, whos breathing had returned to normal.

Suddenly, the guns started firing. Everyone ducked and began to run away as fast as they could. Jamie kept the front with Thomas and Brenda. They ducked into an alley way as the gun fired in their direction. They continued running down the passage until they came to an open space. They continued to run, but were stopped when they were tackled by the men from the van. One man grabbed Jamie and lifted her feet off the ground. Jamie screamed and kicked, trying to break loose, but was soon thrown into the back of one of the vans, along with Frypan. Before one of the masked goons closed the door, Jamie caught a glimpse of Newt being thrown into a van with Jorge.

"NEWT!" she shouted.

Newt head snapped in the direction of his name. He made eye contact with Jamie.

"JAMIE!" he shouted back, before having the door slammed in Jamie's face, and they began to drive away.

The ride was rather long and awkward. Jamie tried to break the ice.

"Who the hell are you guys?" she said.

No answer.

"What do you want with us?"

Still nothing.

"Come on, just give me something!" said Jamie.

One of the guards kicked her in the shin.

"Ouch!" Jamie winced. "What was that for?"

"You said to give you something." said the man. "So I gave you a limp."

The guy next to him chuckled. He joined in. Frypan looked at Jamie with concern.

"You alright?" he asked.

Jamie pulled up her pant leg to see the damage. A fresh and livid bruise had already started to form on her calf. Jamie pressed it. She recoiled with pain.

"No, I don't think so." she said.

The car came to a stop. The men opened up the doors and grabbed the two by the shoulders and shoved them out of the car. Jamie fell to the ground and tried to stand up. She wobbled as she desperately tried to stand. Frypan came to her aid and helped her up.

As they stood there, another car pulled up. But this one slammed on the brakes as it stopped. The van shook and the doors swung open. One of the guards was flung out onto the ground. Jorge jumped out on to the man and began to punch him in the face. Everyone arose with shouts.

"Where is she, you son of a bitch?" said Jorge, continuing to punch the man.

"Hey hey!! I'm right here! I'm right here!" said Brenda. Jorge stopped punching the man at the sight of Brenda.

"Oh Brenda!" he said with relief.

"Jamie!" said Newt, walking over to her. Jamie smiled and tried to walk up to him, but her leg gave out and she almost fell, but Newt ran up and caught her.

"What the bloody hell happened to you?!" he said, his eyes wide with worry.

"It's nothing." said Jamie, trying to stand up on her own, but falling back down again. Jamie knew that if Newt really knew what happened, he would probably beat up the man just like Jorge did.

"Sure doesn't look like nothing." he said, helping her back up.

The two men snorted as they watched their interaction. Newt turned to them. His eyes flaring. He stood up and walked to the morons.

"It was one of you buggers, now wasn't it?" said Newt. His face full of hatred.

The one guy looked at the other. Even with their masks on, Jamie could tell that they weren't threatened by him.

"Ya, I did it. The bastard was asking for it with all the talking she was doin'."

Newts hand squeezed into a fist. The veins in his arm stuck out from his skin.

'Oh no.'

"Why I outta..." said Newt, lunging forward as his fist made impact with the man's gut. The man clenched his stomach and fell to the ground. The other guy beside him tried to hit Newt, but he dodged the blow and swept his leg under the man, causing the chap to fall flat on his back. Before Newt was able to hit anyone else, Frypan came and held Newts arms back. 

"Everybody relax. We're all on the same side here." said one of the other guys.

"What do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?" said Thomas, breaking free from one of the guards grasp.

The man sighed and looked down. He reached up and removed his mask. When he turned back around, Jamie couldn't believe her eyes.

"Gally?" said Thomas and Jamie in unison.

He looked over at Jamie, then to Thomas.

"Hey greenie."


Ahh I love this so much!!

Newtie saves the day yay!

hope you guys liked it.

ill post more tomorrow

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