Chapter 14

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Thomas stood up immediately. His face showed disbelief.

"What?!" he asked. "You can't be serious?"

"I am Thomas! I had a dream! I saw him! He's alive!" said Jamie

Thomas' excitement suddenly disappeared. "Oh my god." He rolled his eyes. He began to walk out of his tent.

"No Thomas!" shouted Jamie, "You don't understand! Me and Newt a connected! We went through the dream trials and now our intellects are basically merged!"

Thomas ignored he and kept walking.

"Thomas listen to me!" said Jamie.

"No, you listen to me!" said Thomas, turning around to face her. "Newt's dead. Ok? I stabbed him in the chest. There's no way he could have survived that. Your just going crazy."

Jamie's eyes began to fill with tears. Thomas turned around to keep walking, then Jamie said,

"What is wrong with you? What ever happened to the Thomas I met in the Glade? The Thomas that would do anything to save his friends at the smallest sight of hope?"

Thomas turned back around and looked at her. Tears streamed down her face now. "He's gone...I'm sorry."

"So am I." Jamie turned around and ran away. Thomas stood there, watching her run. He turned his head to see Emma and Charlotte.

"Thomas...what the fuck!" said Charlotte before running after Jamie.

Thomas looked at Emma for help, but she just shook her head.

"What?" asked Thomas.

Emma sighed. "Look Thomas, I know you probably don't even understand what that fight was about, but I do. She lost someone she loves dearly, and now that she's found some hope to carry on, you just shoot her down like a bad idea."

Thomas didn't reply.

"Yeah know, I think she was right." said Emma. "You have changed."

Emma ran after Charlotte towards the fields. Thomas stood there. As if his feet were glued to the ground.

When Emma reached the fields, she saw Jamie crying in the grass while Charlotte rubbed her back.

"Jamie," said Emma. "What's going on?"

Jamie sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "I saw Newt. He's alive, I know it! Every since we were put into the lucid trials, we've been connected to each other. Whenever Newt would dream about something, I usually did too, but this was different. I saw him, it wasn't a dream. It was real."

"Well, where is he?" asked Charlotte.

"I don't know. The base he was at was around some mountains and a lake."

"Hmm, I'm not sure where that is. Look, maybe it really was just a dream." said Emma.

Jamie frowned at her. "Great, now your siding with Thomas."

Charlotte shot a glare towards Emma. Emma put her hands up in defense. "That's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that you may just miss him so much that your brain is thinking up different plot lines to fill the hole in your heart."

"But that's not what's happening. I saw him!" shouted Jamie.

Emma sighed. "Well, even if it is real, there's not much we can do about it. We don't even know where he is."

"Yeah, so let's put this idea to rest for a bit and get some relax. Ok?" said Charlotte.

Jamie sniffled and nodded.


"What's going on? Where the bloody hell am I?" shouted Newt.

"Just calm down, Ok?" said one of the doctors.

"No, not until I know what is going on!" shouted Newt, he breathed heavily. "All I remember is being taken over by the flare and being...stabbed."

"My name is doctor Murphy." said a doctor with a brown beard. "And these are my associates. Technically, yes. You were killed, but we revived you with this serum." 

Dr. Murphy held up a vial of green liquid.

"What is that?" asked Newt.

"Well, it's basically a mixture of the flares cure mixed with several doses of adrenaline. It's a serum that can restart the heart." Dr. Murphy set the bottle down on a table. "But, it is known to cause some side effects."

"What side effects?" said Newt with a worried tone.

"Nothing to harmful. Most of the time it usually brings about heart failure if used too close to your organs, and considering where your wound was, you may experience that from time to time."

Suddenly, Newt began to spaz uncontrollably. He shook the bed as he groaned in pain. The doctors ran to his aid and tried to hold him down to the bed. Newt's head jerked from side to side. Dr. Murphy ran up to him and stuck a needle into his shoulder. Newt stopped spazzing and the world around him began to fade.

"Don't worry," he said. "This will all be fixed.


Blackness. Nothing to be seen for miles.

Newt walked through his cold dark mind. His thoughts swirling through his head.

'I should be dead.' he thought.

Newt looked to his right as saw a bright light shining in the distance.

'What the hell?' he thought. He began to run towards the light. As he did, the spot got bigger and bigger until he was in the light. He shielded his eyes from the blinding light. He looked around him and saw that he was in a meadow on the edge of a cliff. He then looked ahead and saw a woman, standing near the edge. Her back was facing Newt so all he could see was her gorgeous, flowing brown hair. As he walked closer to her, he heard singing. At first he could only hear the tune, but as he got closer, he could finally hear the words she sang.

You'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart

Newt would recognize that voice anywhere.

"Jamie!" he shouted, running up to her. When he reached her, he walked in front of her to see her face, but she couldn't see him. She just stared out at the ocean, singing her song. Silent tears streamed down her face as she did. Newt felt his heart drop.

"I will find you." he said, admiring her.

"No matter what the cost."


AHHHH I love Newt!

Sry that these are a little short.

Before, I had a storyline to follow, Now I'm just writing from scratch.

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