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I'm so sorry that i haven't been writing. Its been really crazy for me lately.

I got a new job, I'm dealing with my sexuality. Its complicated.

but yeah, here's what you asked for


Chapter 1

1. Thomas and Sky (The actor for Jamie) looked at the camera and smiled.

"He's my boyfriend..." said Sky quickly.

"She's my girlfriend..." responded Thomas.

"He's my boyfriend..." said Sky a little faster this time.

"She's my..." said Thomas even faster.



They both continued to spit the same words at each other until they both broke down laughing.

2. When Thomas and Sky have to kiss for the first scene, Sky can't stop laughing.

Chapter 2

1. When Thomas kisses Sky's head, she tries her best to hold in her laughter, but can't help but smile.

Chapter 3

1. Dylan; "Yeah, well maybe I identify with him better because I can spread my legs without being stared at."

Sky; *forgets her line* "Well...I'm not so sure about that." she says while looking over at Thomas

Dylan; *realizes what she means* *bites his lip at Thomas*

Thomas; *Begins laughing nervously*

(Dylmas is real ;) )

2. Everyone; *running around to turn off all the lights before WICKED sees them*

Sky; *Runs up to the camera* "IT'S THE PURGE!"

3. Sky; *is supposed to be sleeping* *keeps smiling by accident*

Connected to the videos

1. Sky bursts out laughing when Wes says "Take 26 mama!"

2. When Thomas opens the car door to reveal Dexter and Sky, it falls back and closes. Everyone laughs.

3. Wes takes the camera and points it at Sky and Thomas, who are waiting together for their next scene. Sky is resting her head on his shoulder.

Wes; "Aww, love!" 

Sky and Thomas finally notice him and smile.

4. Sky randomly shacking her head at the camera. Her hair is flying everywhere.

5. Dylan; *singing* "I'm like a bird I wanna fly away."

Sky and Dylan; *Sky snapping* "I don't know where my soul is."

6. Will is trying to take off his mask and then makes a weird face at the camera

Sky; "Here to save your asses!"

Will; *Begins laughing*

7. Dylan; "Then what happened?"

Thomas; "We didn't tell anyone what happened that night..."

Dylan; "The fuck happened?!"

Thomas and Sky; *Burst out laughing*

8. Dylan; "Will! What are you improvising?"

Will; "I'm sorry sorry, I killed Chuck."

Sky: "That's not funny..." *Locks eyes with Will* *Both begin laughing*

9. Sky getting ready to shoot Janson

Sky; "Hasta la vista baby!"

10. Kaya and Sky having trouble carrying Dylan.

11. Sky has to read the letter from Newt, but is just sitting there.

Sky; "The fuck am I supposed to do?"

*Thomas' laughter in the distance*

12. Sky looks up at the horizon and says "I'm hanging in there...*starts singing* KEEEEPPP HOOOOLLDIIINN OOOOONNNN!"

Kendall (Actor for Amber); *Begins laughing*

13. Thomas has his shirt off in the dream scene. 


Thomas; *Rolls his eyes*

14. Sky; "Newts alive!"

Dylan; *High pitched voice* "REALLY?"

15. Will; "What does it mean when your stomach gets all...fluttery?"

Sky; *Shimmying her shoulders* "Your in looooooovvveeee!"

16. In the scene where Newt and Sky are reunited, Thomas breaks the hug and kneels down.

Sky; "Wait? is this scripted?"

Thomas; *shacks his head with a smile*

Sky says yes to his proposal. They have been dating since the scorch trials movie. 

17. Sky kneeling by Thomas when he's supposed to be dead.

Sky; "Miss Kesha? Miss Kesha? Oh my fucking god she fucking dead."

Thomas; *breaks character and starts laughing*

18. Sky; *In the kitchen with Dexter* "You gotta grade the cheese, not your finger." *Looks up at the camera* "Ah shit, were we recording?"

19. Thomas playing "The scientist" on his guitar while Sky sings.

20. *During the bedroom scene*

Sky; *Singing* "Hit me baby one more time!"

Thomas; *Bursts out laughing*



I hope this satisfied you.

I was really confused about how I would write this, but I tried.

I hope you enjoyed this book

I love you guys so much!

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